28 April 2019

Tajikistan Troubles and Evangelical Reporting

Caught between East and West, and embroiled in the New Great Game, Tajikistan continues to exist as an authoritarian state which while mostly secular, panders to Islam in an attempt to counter the narratives of extremist groups like al Qaeda, ISIS, and even the Taliban.

Unfortunately this means that Christians are caught in the middle. I wrote about this in the 2017 linked article below.
Tajikistan is both part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and a Partnership for Peace (PFP) participant with NATO. The nation has hosted both Russian and NATO member troops.
And yet clearly the growing tensions between the West and Russia, and certainly the United States with Iran and China, not to mention the instability of Afghanistan and the angst regarding Pakistan and India have forced Dushanbe to tighten the reins a bit. This clampdown is affecting all of society but Christians in particular are feeling the brunt of it.
The country is a battleground due to its strategic location and its mineral wealth. Additionally the economy survives on remittances which means the door is wide open to outside influence. This can flow from countries like Russia where large numbers of expatriate Tajiks reside but in terms of the Churches, you can be certain that the Tajik leadership fears the political and financial influence wielded by Western Evangelicals and their political allies.
That's the unfortunate aspect of the story that the Western media and certainly the Christian media will not cover. This does not exonerate the actions taken by the Tajik government but rather than view them as arbitrary, capricious or somehow motivated by an alliance with Radical Islam or Communism, they need to be understood in light of the post-Cold War setting... and the nascent Cold War that confronts us.
There is a great deal of confusion at present. I was all but heartbroken to hear the son of Harlan Popov on the radio the other day. Some will know his name and his famous story documented in the 1980 book Tortured For His Faith. While the stories of Christians suffering under Communism are inspiring, unfortunately there have also been some cases of disinformation and deceit. And now I am sorry to report that Popov's son has distorted his legacy by turning to blatant misinformation. On the radio he painted Putin and the contemporary Russian government as being communist... when in reality they represent the oligarchical degenerate stage of hyper-capitalism. But the 'communist' label fits his ongoing narrative tied to his father's book and his ministry and thus he either is willing deceiving his audience or is patently unqualified to offer commentary.
Additionally he felt the need to pour additional opprobrium on the legacy of Marx by insisting that he wasn't really an atheist but instead was a practicing Satanist. This is in part a reiteration of Richard Wurmbrand's ideas. While Wurmbrand is to be appreciated on many levels and he undoubtedly suffered genuine Christian persecution and was certainly braver than you or I, nevertheless his credibility is at times wanting. Like another man to be admired Simon Wiesenthal, Wurmbrand is not always truthful and certainly manipulates the facts to suit him. Marx was certainly evil enough. We don't need to make up lies in order to make our case or bolster our cause.
It reminded me of some of the Traditionalist Catholic podcasts I listen to. Their disdain of Luther is so extensive that not only must they label him a heresiarch but they must do all they can to slander his character. Recently they suggested that he didn't join the Augustinian monastery due to angst or a vow made during a thunderstorm. No, he had murdered someone and fled to the monastery as a fugitive. And they insisted that he was profligate and had fathered many children by many different nuns. It was kind of embarrassing to listen to. It was clear they knew little about Luther's life and understood even less. There's plenty to criticise about Martin Luther. We don't need to make up things.
Likewise in their Catholic zeal to (rightly) condemn freemasonry but also attempting to distance Catholicism from 1930's fascism they tried (unsuccessfully) to weave a narrative in which the anti-Catholic masons and Mussolini were in alliance. The truth (as any mildly informed student knows) is the exact opposite. The fascists cracked down on internationalist masonry and sought to eliminate it. It was only after the war that some fascist elements worked within Masonic organisations like P2.
This sort of thing is not only unhelpful but damaging to the credibility of Christians. And sadly Catholics must be mentioned because they are increasingly influencing the Evangelical world. Once again Christian media (in the broadest sense) is playing a disgraceful role in getting the 'truth' out to 'man in the pew'. From the misguided ill-informed and egregious commentaries flowing from people like Albert Mohler to mainstream Evangelical distortions of history and current events I'm sorry to report that almost all reports from abroad, especially those given by missionary groups and connected to Evangelical ministries (most of which are financially corrupt) must be taken with a grain of salt. There might be some truth to their reporting but in almost every case salient and even essential facts and certainly the context are omitted. And thus the consumer of such media will come away with (at the very least) a distorted understanding of events.
I could probably engage myself full-time in simply countering and explaining the news and contexts presented and misrepresented by Right-wing and Evangelical media but given my obligations and other interests it's not something I am able to do... but the need is certainly there.

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