30 August 2024

28 August 2024

Meloni and the Dilemmas of Liberalism


Narrative driven political forces willing to play fast and loose with the law inevitably end up with media problems. They don't like being challenged and called out. And there are other times in which such leaders will utilize this constant irritation as an excuse to detract from other pressing problems. So it is with Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni.

26 August 2024

VCY-CrossTalk has Forgotten and Replaced God

The VCY radio network posted the essay below back in June - the author is the host of the misnamed 'CrossTalk' programme which is basically a shill for the John Birch Society. The Birchers make regular appearances on the show and it provides a kind of Evangelical (and sometimes Fundamentalist) vehicle for Bircher ideology. Some readers may want to scroll down and read it and then return to these comments. Others may choose to read the essay in light of this commentary.

23 August 2024

Answers in Genesis and The Servant Foundation: Agents and Mouthpieces for Wall Street



I was perusing the online edition of the new 'Climate Change for Kids' book issued by Answers in Genesis and I immediately thought of some past articles I've read about the dubious finances connected with the organisation. It's clear that Ken Ham is in it for the money and is willing to tap into every resource available - including tax money to promote his Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. And he's not above threats of litigation - suing the state of Kentucky for one. His lawyer was Mike Johnson who is now the Speaker of the House.

21 August 2024

Lausanne Movement Evangelicalism and the Redefinition of Godly Character


As a Christian who turned my back on the US military my expectations for this podcast were pretty low. In some respects Jerry White was refreshing in that he thinks through his actions more than a lot of people do, and yet I still cannot agree with his reasoning.

18 August 2024

Athletes from Russia and the 2024 Paris Olympics

The Paris Olympics have ended and yet in the final days I caught a video clip of a Russian athlete who of course is not allowed to represent Russia and should he win, the anthem of his country won't be played. This is due (we're told) to the various doping scandals surrounding Russian sports. They must compete as 'neutral' athletes and as such there were only a dozen or so at the games.

15 August 2024

Evangelism Explosion (EE) Remains Faithful to the Legacy of D James Kennedy


While looking up something in reference to D James Kennedy, I came across this article from September 2023.

Evangelism Explosion (EE) was all the rage at one time and this article compelled me to take a few minutes and reconsider it once again. The end assessment is the same that I had almost thirty years ago.

11 August 2024

Campus Uproar and Mohler's Latest Episode of Moral and Epistemological Meltdown


Southern Seminary president Albert Mohler assumes the immorality of opposing Israel but it must be granted he's right in that many 'Left' protesters are privileged. I find them absurd because they challenge the system even while they only wish to appropriate it and somehow put a humanitarian or progressive spin on the empire and its evils.

10 August 2024

The Da Vinci Drag Display in Paris

As the Olympics wind down I felt compelled to offer a comment in relation to the scandal regarding the sodomites in the opening ceremony.

09 August 2024

The BBC and the Manipulation of Moldovan History


As previously stated in other pieces (linked below) - Moldova cannot join the EU unless Transnistria issue is solved. You can't have an unsettled border and join the EU or NATO.

06 August 2024

The Pentagon, Vaccines, and Geopolitical Games that Kill People


This story reminded me of how America is a moral beacon to the world. Because the United States didn't want China to make money and earn standing they pushed a disinformation campaign - the sort of campaigns that we're daily told are being conducted by the likes of China and Russia.

04 August 2024

The Sacral Nature of Evangelical Support for Trump


This article is already outdated and if anything the realities expressed here have been sharply amplified by the assassination attempt and the way in which the Christian Right has cast these events in theological terms. The event has been turned into a kind of epoch or watershed, a marker in American redemptive-history, an episode in the passion of Trump as it were. None of this is thought out or made explicit as it quickly strays into blatant heresy. But even its restrained and nuanced forms already are guilty of such doctrinal crimes and aberrations.

02 August 2024

Homosexuality in Woke Communist China


I used to enjoy watching the Olympics. Some years we'd even have cable turned on for a month so we could watch them. But at some point the debauchery (and the sundry base and vulgar ads) became too unbearable and so we gave up. I wasn't at all surprised to hear about all the filth in the opening ceremony - I did not watch it.