30 June 2023

A Historical and Hypocritical Curiosity


The son of former CIA director Richard Helms is alarmed at the present political climate in the United States and as a result has pulled out a historical curiosity to make his point. He is in possession of a letter written by his father in 1945. The future CIA director was part of the OSS and wrote his infant son a letter on the recently defeated Hitler's stationary warning him about the evils in the world and his witnessing of them.

28 June 2023

Loyalty Among Thieves

At the end of May there was a telling episode that reveals something of Trump's character. He railed against Kayleigh McEnany his former press secretary and one of his staunchest allies when she proved unwilling to distort poll numbers in Trump's favour. The result was that it gave his rival Florida governor Ron DeSantis a needed boost as he is far behind in the polls.

26 June 2023

The Questions that Arise with Syria's Re-emergence


Now that Assad has his foot back into the door of the international community, he's looking to join institutions that will promote stability, growth, and security. This is hardly surprising though it will continue to outrage his critics in the West – the individuals, entities, and governments that attempted to overthrow him and fomented a civil war in his country that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of refugees.

25 June 2023

Moldovan Intrigues and Russian Threats


This article has been in the queue for a few weeks and I might have tossed it aside other than it struck me today (24 June) of how absurd it is in many respects even as NATO continues to push the narrative about the threat of Russia. Russia has been exposed today as a nation in a state of instability and peril. Not only did Putin's forces fail to take Kyiv in 2022, he has now faced a very threatening mutiny and this is even in light Ukraine's failed spring 2023 offensive. Putin looks weak in the eyes of the world.

24 June 2023

The Violence in Colombia Ignored by Western Media


When Western and even Christian media cover the situation in Colombia they invariably focus on the terror and violence perpetrated by the Leftist guerilla groups – such as the FARC. This is true enough but they consistently misrepresent the story. There are cycles of violence and terror and the reason many among the rural poor gravitate toward the Left is due to the violence of Right-wing paramilitary groups which are often unofficial arms of the state and in other cases are effectively private armies funded and backed by Western corporations. And it must be remembered that groups like the CIA are always in the background pulling strings and attempting to manage the situation.

13 June 2023

Persecution in Uzbekistan


This reporting relies on Forum 18 which as I contended last year is problematic, as the organisation is a little too cozy with the European Establishment. That said, (as with the Mariupol pastor story from October 2022), this is not to say the story isn't true. It's more of a warning to be sceptical of the source and to realize that despite their claims – they're not neutral or apolitical observers.

11 June 2023

Violence in Kosovo


There are statements from multiple entities such as the EU and NATO condemning these events and yet everyone knows the key player here is the United States. Washington created Kosovo and its government is completely beholden to the United States.

08 June 2023

BBC: Foxes Guarding the Hen House

In recent years a number of mainstream outlets have produced watchdog shows that attempt to navigate the larger media world and its increasingly conflicting and contradictory presentation of facts and narratives. These shows are meant to help one discern the truth and of course it is assumed that whatever the said outlet is, (such as the BBC) – it is in fact a guardian of it.

06 June 2023

A Ukraine Miscellany XVIII: A New Phase in the War?

It's clear that Kyiv is basically unable to mount the much vaunted spring offensive – at least not anything of significance within the spectrum of conventional artillery-infantry oriented combat expected by its Western sponsors. Spring is more or less over at this point and for months the NATO Establishment has debated its next set of moves. It was determined some time ago that a general escalation was in order. The question was not if but when and how. There will an offensive but it is likely to change the very character and scope of the war.

02 June 2023

Harry Truman is Not Fun


This interview was absurd and offensive and belies the claims by the Right that NPR is 'Left-wing' or somehow anti-American. The interview is a whitewash of Truman's record. The notion that somehow he was an anti-corruption fighter – while failing to mention his well-established record of corruption back in Missouri (and later during at least his first term in the US Senate) reveals the farcical nature of the interview and NPR's role in reporting history.

01 June 2023