30 April 2021

Facial Recognition Being Normalised in the West


One might call this The China Effect. Already the UK is using facial recognition software and US law enforcement agencies are certainly using the software to scan through ID photo databases and social media.

29 April 2021

Evangelical Celebrity Revealed Once Again as Devoid of Substance


I must say that I have a special loathing of all the 'Home and Garden'-type television programmes. I don't have regular television but I've seen them on occasion and I've seen clips via YouTube and the like. As one who has connections to the world of home remodeling I can say the effect of these shows has been disastrous. It has been very beneficial for the Big Box outlets and the industry which sponsor the shows but in terms of society and ethics – they have been destructive.

22 April 2021

The Failed Coup in Jordan


Israel and Jordan have had unofficial relations since the 1970's and formal relations dating back to the 1990's. Jordan's King Abdullah is pro-West, a friend to both Israel and Washington.

14 April 2021

The Anti-Russia Campaign Exposed


The greatest irony surrounding this story is that it reveals the British government is actively engaged in the very sorts of activities they repeatedly accuse Russia of. And don't think for a moment the US government is any different. I guarantee the campaign is actually on a more massive scale.

11 April 2021

Sobering News from Ulster


Everyone who has followed the news surrounding Northern Ireland and Brexit has dreaded this moment. Hopefully, things will calm down but there's another element to the story the Al Jazeera article fails to pursue.

10 April 2021

Co-Belligerence, TBN, and Fulton Sheen

Trinity Broadcasting Network or TBN is the haunt of Evangelical apostates. No serious Biblically-minded Christian would have anything to do with that highly corrupt and heretical organisation and in saying so I do paint with a broad brush.

09 April 2021

08 April 2021

The Watchtower Society in Siberia


The US-affiliated RFERL just wants to take shots at Moscow and as such their coverage is disingenuous. It's merely part of a large coordinated campaign to paint Russia in a negative light. In truth, the US Establishment hates Jehovah's Witnesses and doesn't care about them but in this case it's good to remember what's happening in Russia.

Evangelicals are facing bureaucratic hardship but since 2017, the Watchtower folks are enduring outright persecution.

03 April 2021

Proxy Political Battles in Georgia


Nika Melia who is connected to Mikheil Saakashvili's ENM was arrested in a February raid. The nation is in a state of political upheaval and turmoil as it is caught in a proxy struggle between pro-Washington forces and those who would either seek a pro-Europe but not necessarily pro-Atlanticist position, and those who would seem what is tantamount to a Non-Aligned position and the restoration of the Orthodox-rooted monarchy. There is also a small but vocal pro-Russian faction that seeks to break all ties to the West.

01 April 2021

The Accommodationist Triad and Evangelical Women


This was a disappointing read to say the least, all the more when one considers this woman is an Evangelical (whatever that means anymore) and has even been placed into a position of semi-leadership within the Church – how else should one understand the contrived extra-Scriptural office of Worship Leader?

Her Atlantic article is a case of The Accommodationist Triad (see below) at work. In this case, feminism and psychology are being applied and leading to theological liberalism and ultimately the abandonment of Christian ethics. And don't think divorce isn't in the cards for this woman. A Biblical case to the contrary would carry very little weight with her.