I apologise in advance as some will find this video to be
offensive. It starts out with some bad language. I will also freely admit that
it is heavily slanted and is not really attempting to be objective.
That said, the videos and the language in them speak for
themselves. There has been some attention as of late regarding the growth of
Right-Wing terror threats but when you watch a montage like this which extends
from the 2008 election to the near present, then it's quite striking.
I think it's quite fair to lay some blame at the doorstep of
Right-Wing media while it is less so when it comes to books and authors.
Anarcho-Capitalists while hardly representing a Christian viewpoint do not
advocate violence. That said, a lot of rabid Nationalists imbibe some of their
ideas and when synthesized, despite the inconsistencies, it can produce a near
panic and hysteria.
Alex Jones is indeed dangerous and all the more because there
are elements of truth in his rhetoric and his presentations. Truth mixed with a
great deal of assumption, error and certainly wrong-headed and sinful attitudes
and applications.
It is sad to me to see professing Christians caught up in
this business. My conversion rescued me from it. I immediately began to
understand that my allegiance is not to America but to Christ's Kingdom. I
realized that as a lost person I had made America into an idol, a holy realm,
the presence of God on Earth. It's as old as Babel.
Only when released did I begin to see it for what it was, yet
another evil empire and in some ways more pernicious because of the way it
cloaked its hypocrisy and murder with Christian language and symbolism. I began
to see that indeed there was something of a Globalist conspiracy, but it does
not find its home in the halls of the UN, but in the Capitalist system itself,
the inevitable Corporatocracy it produced, the very power that dominates the US
Empire. The closest thing the world has ever seen to one world government are
the powers seated in Washington and Manhattan, the political, military and
economic centers of control and influence. Others apparently noticed that as
well and attempted a fruitless but symbolic guerilla attack, a decapitation
strike that utterly failed.
A nation born in sin but baptized by the Church has produced
a nation of heretics and the heresy of Americanism includes the glorification
of vengeance of violence not all that different from the 'holy' war others
would wage.
I know several people and know of even more who are already
being pulled into this kind of violent extremism. There's trouble on the
horizon and like him or not Chomsky comments at the end of the film are
accurate. A decadent unstable and violently divided society can quickly turn
Many on the Right won't see it coming though. They've
redefined the historical meaning of the Left/Right divide so that anything
outside of anarchism is immediately Left. This is historically false and this
is made all the more clear when their impoverished understanding of the
political dimensions of economics is integrated into the equation. Capitalism
may appear individualist on paper but its consequences are absolutely and
thoroughly social and political.
I am struck by the fact that we're sitting here seventy years
after the fall of the Third Reich and many people still do not understand what
that was all about. Some are celebrating it and re-writing its history. Others
are re-framing history and thus mistakenly believing they are far away from
ideas that in fact they have much in common with. Fascism is alive and well and
while I won't say elements of it aren't present in the American Democratic
party, which in fact is more Centrist than Left, it finds it primary home in
other circles.
Revisionism is a worthwhile exercise and much needed. But
like all historical interpretations there are dangers. There are some good
things going on but also some dangerous ones that will continue to produce some
very destructive fruit.
In some ways the last episode of the rising Right in the
1990's seemed worse but this video shows that assessment may be a mistake.
While we've not seen an event on the magnitude or level of Oklahoma City, the
growth of the militias and certainly the lone-wolf types has surpassed what we
saw during the Clinton years.
A Republican victory in 2016 may stem the tide... a little.
But to be honest at this point the growth of anti-authoritarian
hyper-individualist concepts of liberty will likely mean that these groups will
continue to proliferate. Their heretical rejections of New Testament teachings
regarding the Christian's relation to the state and society will continue to
infiltrate the Church and divide congregations.