Theresa May after visiting Donald Trump and solidifying 'The
Special Relationship' has flown to Turkey to meet with president Erdogan. They
immediately cut a £100 million deal for fighter jet development.
29 January 2017
The NSC Shake-Up and Shockwaves Across Washington
At the end of World War II the United States created the
National Security Council or NSC as a means to re-organise the nature of the
American war machine and national defense. The nuclear age and the era of total
war had changed the nature of 'defense'.
Standing armies and a techno-industrial sector were now
essential to the way in which modern war would be fought and power maintained.
The Military-Industrial Complex was in the process of being created and through
the NSC (it could be argued) it would now have a place at the table. The
council ostensibly headed or guided by the National Security Advisor consists
of top cabinet officials and is also staffed by various appointees who usually
come from the military-industrial and academic establishments. This ruling
mechanism operates largely outside of congressional oversight or accountability.
28 January 2017
Indian Cotton and Farmer Suicides
Some will stumble because this link is to a documentary
produced by RT. But if you can get past that, there's some helpful information
and certainly some contextualisation with regard to GMO cotton and its place in
contemporary India.
No doubt at this point many have heard about the thousands of
farmers committing suicide. While this phenomenon antedates the Modi
administration, his market friendly policies if anything are exacerbating the
problem. It's a controversial issue and a great deal of ink is spilled arguing
over statistics and causes.
27 January 2017
The Economist: Right Wing Movements and Medievalism
This tendency to romanticise and even glorify the Middle Ages
was already at work within the Christian Right during the 1990s and certainly
received a boost in the climate created by the 9/11 attacks.
26 January 2017
Revertere ad Tenebras: The Black Sites are Reborn
I have never been remotely convinced that all of these sites
are actually closed. Considering that Obama and various figures within his
administration have been caught repeatedly telling absolute lies and did all
they could to hide and obfuscate regarding their various illegal programmes...
why should we believe that these practices weren't reinstated?
23 January 2017
The European Right: Fascism, Islam and Israel
Fascistic Islam... that's rather interesting coming from the
head of Austria's FPÖ. The Far-Right Freedom Party of Austria was founded (at
least in part) by Anton Reinthaller an ex-Nazi official.
20 January 2017
Varieties of Christian America
While I cannot fully agree with all his conclusions, Kruger
is certainly on the right track and once again displays considerable wisdom in
how he addresses the issue. He gets the answer right even if he's unwilling to
put it as strongly as I would. In the final analysis, America is not a Christian nation.
Health Insurance: Risk or Access?
As it would seem Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known
as ObamaCare is under attack and faces repeal, I've noticed a certain way of
speaking is starting to crop up once again.
Insurance is being referred to as a question of calculated risk and this definition is
being used to discredit concepts like comprehensive coverage and even the idea
of access.
And yet it must be remembered that the latter is actually the
key issue. For the working class and the poor, health insurance is not a
question of calculated risk. This is how the upper class and some of the middle
class approach the question.
17 January 2017
Obama's Gesture and Bradley Manning
Obama's commutation of Bradley Manning's prison sentence will
probably be the one gesture that is genuinely appreciated by the Left, not the
DNC-style Left, but the actual Left that has been mostly opposed to Obama and
his many betrayals. Obama the president that has more than any other crushed
whistleblowers, leakers and investigative journalists, the president who has
empowered the NSA and accentuated the domestic spying apparatus, has in his
final hours shown a degree of magnanimity.
16 January 2017
Christopher Steele, the US Deep State, the UNSG and Bulgaria
Anyone following
international news in the latter half of 2016 would have known something about
the disturbance with regard to the selection of a new UN General Secretary. At
the time Bulgarian Kristalina Georgieva
was in the running and yet it was a candidacy born in controversy as Sophia had
switched gears and disavowed a former candidate due to perceived controversies.
15 January 2017
Ulster in Light of Brexit
This is one of the recent stories that needs to be followed.
For Christians this is actually a much 'bigger' story than the host of issues
surrounding Brexit.
11 January 2017
Slovakia: Right-Wing Paramilitaries and the EU
America has been dealing with such paramilitary movements
since at least the 1990s but it's startling to see them beginning to appear in
Europe as well. Needless to say Europe's history with such groups cannot help
but remind one of the Fascist era.
08 January 2017
Franklin Graham and Trump's List of Heretics
Some Evangelicals will be disappointed by Franklin Graham but
after spending twenty years learning that Billy Graham (and by extension
Franklin) doesn't represent what I was raised to think he did... nothing
surprises me anymore.
07 January 2017
Michael Horton on Trump, Paula White and the Prosperity Gospel
I must say I was surprised to find this in the Washington
Post. As I've made clear in recent posts on both websites as a Two-Kingdom
adherent I take exception to the Westminster California variety of Two Kingdom
theology of which Horton is a part if not a representative. That said, there is
much they stand for and express that is to be appreciated.
Horton presents a helpful summary and analysis of Trump,
White and the context of Christian theology and values that have led these
people to the 2017 presidential inauguration.
A Vision of China's Future Crisis
This is a link to a somewhat heartbreaking 25 minute video
about the children in China that are left behind in the villages while their
parents go off to the city for work.
The United States has been in the process of destroying the
family and thus the foundation of the social fabric for more than fifty years.
China has unintentionally embarked on the same project since the 1980s and yet
with far greater zeal. In both the United States and China, the quest for money
has played no small part in this unintended consequence and China has yet to
really reckon with the fruit of this awful and immoral mistake.
03 January 2017
India's Coal Monopoly
It is important to
understand that while breaking up monopolies is perceived as anti-market and an
imposition of the regulatory state, it can just as easily prove a boon to the
corporate Establishment.
Breaking up a
nationalised public-private monopoly is a means of extending privatisation.
Union contracts are negated and can be dismantled. It's yet another application
of divide and conquer.
01 January 2017
The Church in Central Asia: Caught in the Middle of Islamic Struggle
While the 1990s brought an era of cultural libertarianism and
market economics, the sudden onslaught of Capitalism, its values and effects,
led to a degree of social reaction.
One unforeseen aspect of the collapse of the USSR for Central
Asia was a revival of Islam, and this was in no small part affected by the
jihadist fervour just to the south of the Soviet border. Though the Afghan War
ended for the United States in 1989, it did not end for Central Asia. The
United States had funded numerous groups, some of which agitated even within
the borders of the USSR, something largely forgotten today. The spread of
Salafi, Deobandi and Wahhabi forms of Islam greatly affected the region and
there was something of a revivalist spirit in the air.
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