11 August 2019

American Style Evangelicalism in France

Expressing the spirit of the modern, these congregations are hip, entertaining and impressive. Putting on high budget productions and appealing to contemporary values and norms, the American Church Growth model is flourishing in Europe.

I don't think these churches would have caught on a generation ago but clearly Europe has been more than a little Americanised when it comes to consumerism, therapy and all the other foundations the church growth movement is wont to build upon. There has also been a concerted effort on the part of American Evangelicals to spread this model around the world. They've been very successful and it is yet another aspect to the corrosive global influence of American Christianity. Unlike Evangelical affiliated projects and activism in Africa and Latin America the American influence in France may not be built on blood, wars, geopolitics and economics but it still involves the souls of men.
While many of these Charismatic groups are not directly affiliated with the Lausanne Movement and the projects instigated by the likes of Billy Graham, John Stott, Francis Schaeffer and other Evangelicals, they nevertheless are fellow-travelers and there is overlap to be sure. Not all Lausanne congregations openly embrace Charismatic theology and yet these Charismatic groups largely embrace the world-friendly Evangelical ethos and 'worldview' teaching represented by Lausanne.
There were once Pentecostal groups that retained something of a Fundamentalist and separatist mindset but if they still exist, they're not represented by what's seen in this France24 report.
We're told they share a devotion to the Bible. I wish that were true. The reporters of France24 don't realise just how seriously they've actually rejected it. The sad thing is, the average people in the pew don't see it that way. They're being misled. They're being sold a package which is presented to them as Scripture and an application of its doctrines. But what they're getting is something else.
One is reminded of Christ's condemnation of the Pharisees. They cross sea and land to make one proselyte but in the end make them twice the children of hell. These Church growth models pull in the numbers. They build a lake that's a mile wide but only an inch deep. Where will all these people be in ten years? Sadly, many will have given up on Christianity. The vapid shallow Christianity of consumerism and therapy is a well that runs dry after awhile and many will wander. While Eternal Security is not a popular doctrine in Charismatic circles it is widely embraced by Evangelicals and in practice it only adds fuel to the fire as believers are lulled to sleep and the churches are unable to wield the tools which would call them to repentance.
What I see in this video is a future embrace of theological liberalism. The seeds are already being sown and stone by stone the foundations of New Testament authority will be dismantled. They've already rejected the sufficiency and authority of Scripture even though they don't realise it. They've already embraced feminism and worldly values regarding money and lifestyle. In a generation (or less) they will be openly challenging aspects of Scripture... and their children and grandchildren will likely abandon it altogether. It's a pattern we've already seen.
These 'churches' are inherently destructive. They devour existing conservative and fundamentalist groups. They woo and seduce and dwindling numbers drive smaller groups to 'jump on the bandwagon' and embrace their methods. Rejecting many of the basic premises of the New Testament they instead define success by numbers, financial flourishing and cultural influence.
Are there genuine Christians in these groups? Of course there are. But they're on a dangerous path and worse yet they don't know it. Is it better that these churches exist than to have vast areas where no churches are to be found? That's actually a dangerous question. Its assumptions need to be checked and reflected upon. The truth is there are already Bible believing churches throughout Europe. They are largely located in urban centres which of course doesn't really help the people living out in the rural areas. Would it be better to attend something more sound, perhaps on an irregular basis than to regularly attend something potentially cancerous? It just might. Some might attend the Evangelical congregations believing there are nevertheless opportunities for fellowship and a hope of pulling some of these people out of this new type of Western-American Christianity. And I would understand those who pursued the matter in that way. I've done it myself.
But never forget just how dangerous this type of church is... and how dangerous the theology is which it teaches. Instead of flourishing you may find yourself floundering and in danger of being overcome. If it's not following the Scriptures, the revealed will of God, then we cannot expect it to flourish and if it is 'flourishing' we must ask why or perhaps we need to reconsider just what that means and what it looks like.

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