01 April 2021

The Accommodationist Triad and Evangelical Women


This was a disappointing read to say the least, all the more when one considers this woman is an Evangelical (whatever that means anymore) and has even been placed into a position of semi-leadership within the Church – how else should one understand the contrived extra-Scriptural office of Worship Leader?

Her Atlantic article is a case of The Accommodationist Triad (see below) at work. In this case, feminism and psychology are being applied and leading to theological liberalism and ultimately the abandonment of Christian ethics. And don't think divorce isn't in the cards for this woman. A Biblical case to the contrary would carry very little weight with her.

It's certainly sad to read about the many abuses taking place within the Evangelical world. And yet I'm not surprised in the least as the idolatrous embrace of money and power (mammonism), coupled with the unbiblical ethics it produces have resulted in the rotten fruit we're seeing emerge on a regular basis. Corruption reigns.

Frankly I am convinced large numbers of the Evangelical movement are unregenerate and let's be honest – dogs will be dogs. You can't expect lost people and counterfeit Christians to act like those indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The charade can only continue for so long. Look at the Roman Catholic organisation. They're going to act like the worldlings, slaves to sin, and children of wrath they truly are. They will lie, cheat, steal, murder, sanction those that do, and fall into every form of decadence and degenerate behaviour. We're seeing it every day.

The present zeitgeist and the inability of Evangelicals to divorce themselves from culture are leading to this – a mass defection on the part of women. In other respects it's a moment of honesty. Feminism has been embraced in principle (for a good thirty years or more) but the practice is sometimes schizophrenic. The inconsistencies between principle and practice are reaching a breaking point and now the end result is women are starting to question the Bible itself – the apostle John becomes misogynistic and the like. The article does not reflect someone who has a proper or even what could be described as a high view of Scripture.*

This is the result of seventy years of Evangelicalism seeking to be relevant and impact culture. We have sodomy ascendant, Anti-Christian Trumpism dominating the Church and the Church itself is about the only thing that's been changed. Well done.

We need to understand the sentiments and trajectory represented in this article are only the start. The defection from Scripture that's been taking place for decades is starting to become palpable – and painfully real. It's coming from so-called 'conservative' circles as much as it is from those that are openly questioning the foundations of the faith, such as the author of this Atlantic article. Faithful Christians are going to find themselves with few friends in the years ahead and they're going to be attacked by those proclaiming to hold a right view of the Scriptures, those proclaiming to stand for Christ. Our congregational choices are degenerating in feminists or fascists. Take your choice.

All things considered, it's nothing new but if you're not ready then it's going to be a time of pain, loneliness, and even despair.


*And the movement as a whole categorically rejects the Sufficiency of Scripture despite whatever claims they might make to the contrary. It takes all of about two minutes to demonstrate this point and you can start with their approach to doctrine and certainly their approaches to everything from ecclesiology and the Christian life. It's not the Bible – but rather the Bible mixed into an equation of other authorities, such as the academy, 'science', the psycho-therapeutic consensus, and let's not forget Madison Avenue. It's the same cancer as Roman Catholicism, just in a different cultural matrix.

See also:


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