27 April 2023

The Ghost of Woodrow Wilson


During World War I, the Wilson administration targeted dissenters and critics of America's war policy and in many cases jailed and deported them. Even suggesting that someone shouldn't register for the draft was enough to warrant an investigation and possible arrest. It was also a time of vigilante groups, and unofficial 'shadow' units within police and sheriff's departments. Groups like the American Legion also played a part in pursuing and harassing critics of the war.

25 April 2023

The Woke Fantasies of a Dominionist Fool and His Blind Pursuit of Fascism


The fool speaks again. We have certainly wasted some ink responding to the likes of retired PCA minister Larry Ball, but given that his material is published at The Aquila Report it's evident that someone finds it to be noteworthy and intelligent. It's hard to imagine someone might find it edifying but given that there are still people walking around with Newsmax and Trump hats on – anything is possible.

24 April 2023

Deceit and Delusion at American Family Radio (AFR)

American Family Radio (a subsidiary of the American Family Association) recently sent out emails for its spring fund raiser. I call on readers to note the confusion expressed in their statements and evaluate their claims.

The email begins:

Through the years, AFA has developed a broad range of resources, strategies, and media outlets aimed at promoting Christian values in all areas of our public life. Perhaps you are already a listener to our broadcast division called American Family Radio, where, right now, we are engaged in our Spring “Living Water” Share-a-thon.

22 April 2023

EU States Continue to Reject Kosovo Independence


Though it aggravates the United States and even Brussels to no end, there are still multiple states within the European Union that refuse to recognize Kosovo as a state. It's telling just how much the media refuses to engage this issue because of course the Russian annexation of Crimea is effectively no different than what the US did with Kosovo in the late 1990's. In fact there's a much larger (and pernicious) story concerning the break-up of Yugoslavia and the American role in it that to this day is largely unknown.

18 April 2023

The Azerbaijan Proxy


This is a story that I've been following for years – the fact that Azerbaijan has become a platform for Israeli military and espionage operations directed against Iran. Azerbaijan itself is a divided land – the Turkic-speaking region was carved out of Persia first by the Tsars in the nineteenth century and then under Stalin the northern portion of the territory became part of the USSR. Apart from a brief episode in the context of the Russian Revolution and Civil War, Azerbaijan only became truly independent in 1991. And while the population is mostly Shiite (orienting them toward Iran), being Turkic they also retain close cultural ties to Ankara and share the general Turkish hostility toward the Armenians – with whom they have fought two wars since the break-up of the Soviet Union.

11 April 2023

The Counsels of Mammon (II)


At about the twelve minute mark we come to:

5. Be on a Budget

Budgets are very helpful, but contrary to the narrative being provided, there are people who spend years trying to get that money set aside for tires or whatever and can never get there. Life keeps happening and because the margins are too tight, they can't meet those goals. Others have volatile incomes – shift workers whose hours change every week, or those who are self-employed. A sickness can throw everything off and then while you're trying to get it back on track – a car repair comes up that you can't pay for. Sometimes it can take months to get back on track, but by then something else has likely happened. These people are not necessarily doing anything wrong – they're simply struggling.

The Counsels of Mammon (I)


Contrary to its claims, this podcast seemingly exists to proclaim the insufficiency of Scripture because not only is the doctrine of the New Testament ignored when it comes to money, its applications and attitudes about mammon, possessions, and worldliness are rejected and replaced by an opposite set of values.

07 April 2023

The False Church Baptising the World's Wisdom

Listening to American Family Radio (AFR) I was struck by something 'Bishop' EW Jackson said. When I'm down in a certain area I can pick up AFR and it seems like his show comes on while I'm in the car eating my lunch.

04 April 2023

Germany's LNG Infrastructure Pains


This article demonstrates the internal conflict that plagues modern Western capitalist economies. Germany needs Liquefied Natural Gas, all the more since the Nordstream pipelines were blown up and the gas supply from Russia has been cut off.