08 April 2024

Christo-Trumpism is not just Fascism - it's Antichrist

I keep seeing hats, shirts, signs, and stickers proclaiming Jesus is my Savior and Trump is my President. It's becoming a basis for fellowship, a call sign for people to strike up conversation in restaurants and in lines.

Driving along Rte 422 between Indiana and Butler, Pennsylvania I saw a series of digitized billboards proclaiming the greatness and goodness of Trump, followed by images blasting Biden, accusing him of substituting Easter for Trans-day and identifying him as satanic. And then interspersed between these various images are screens with a cross and the words 'Believe in Him'.

The message is clear - believing in God is the same as believing in Trump and vice versa. That's antichrist - that's bringing Trump into a kind of son-father relationship dynamic.

The line between Trumpist ideology and Christianity is getting mighty thin to say the least. In fact I'll go further and argue that the line that divides Trump from Christ is disappearing. He is a messianic figure for these people. If one watches videos on YouTube where people at his rallies are questioned - it's clear this is a cultic movement. It is an antichrist movement.

Why is this not be called out and denounced from pulpits? In many cases the pastors are simply cowards and believe that were they to do so, they would lose half their congregations over night - which is probably true. One must ask - then just what is the state of your congregation, that when presented with the heretical nature of this movement they are so quick to take offense and leave? In other cases there would be an uprising and the pastor would be driven out. Maybe you don't have a congregation. Maybe you're more concerned about your paycheck, denominational standing, or retirement fund then being faithful or shepherding the sheep. This would certainly qualify as something they need to be warned about. There are wolves in the fold - running rampant I might add. Your flock invites these wolves into their homes and lives by means of screens - shouldn't they be warned?

Other hireling pastors don't call it out because they agree with it and are part of the heresy - and they're going to be judged harshly.

And let's not mince words here - this is heresy. This is not mere error. This is heresy - a set of beliefs that undermine the gospel and destroy its message. These people are being led astray and their salvation is in question and increasingly in doubt. There are growing numbers of people like the elderly man I saw today wearing his blasphemous Jesus-Trump hat that believe they are doing Christ service but will die and go to hell.

This is no different than what happened with the churches under fascism - they incorporated and syncretized the ideology of the Right-wing movements and combined their slogans and symbols with the Christian faith. They gave theological content to them. And Trump is certainly viewed as an Übermensch or Overman - one who transcends morality, who creates a new moral path. Trump's amorality is becoming normative in his movement. He is the leader, the one who will save and bring the nation (a heretical substitute for the Kingdom) to glory. And Trump (a reprobate if ever there was one) certainly has no problem with being equated with Christ. Did he protest the 'God Made Trump' video? Of course not.

What would it take for these people to turn against Trump? Many openly admit that nothing would convince them to turn away from him - to deny him you might say. This is a religion. They are expressing a kind of hellish saving faith.

And what a wicked lie to suggest that anyone criticizing Trump therefore supports Biden or wishes to seem him succeed. It's simply untrue. They're both wicked and evil men but I don't see supposed Bible believing Christians flocking to Biden and turning him into a messiah figure. But they are with Trump.

You can continue attending your churches where this is happening and where you share the pews with these people - but you are deceiving yourself. The hour is late - and in case you haven't realized it, we haven't seen anything yet. You need to ask yourself where will you draw the line?

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