03 March 2025

Lindsey Graham Wants to Bomb Iran - Again


This story has almost been lost in the flurry of events over the past month but the issue is still live and the bomb-loving Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is still pressing for a strike on Iran.

Netanyahu will also be looking for new militarist avenues and so between the longtime warmonger Graham and the desperate fascistic Netanyahu - there will be two devils whispering on Trump's shoulder, pushing for new wars, bombings, and mass murder.

Trump has given us every reason to think he is also keen on the idea. The end goal is clear enough - regime change in Tehran. Netanyahu speaks openly of remaking the Middle East. Graham for his part compares the Tehran regime to Hitler in an attempt to block any objections and shut down the possibility of debate or diplomacy. You cannot negotiate with evil.

The Iranian regime is evil but so is the Likud regime in Tel Aviv and for that matter so is the American Empire. So we can dispense with the pretense to morality and the kind of pseudo-judgment and discernment Graham pretends to possess.

We know this present evil age will be characterized by war and rumours of war. This should not surprise us and in one sense it should not upset us. But obviously as Christians we should not rejoice in war and bloodshed. There is no justice in such a war. The fall of the Ayatollahs would bring me no joy for Trump and Netanyahu would still be in power. Evil would still triumph. Innocents will still die.

Graham professes to be a Christian and apparently makes the occasional appearance at a Baptist church in his home state of South Carolina. Will no one hold him to account? He lies, calls for violence, and strengthens the hands of those who commit evil. Does no one care? The Christian Right's space on the Internet blew up a few weeks ago when the liberal Episcopalian priestess called out Trump at the National Cathedral. It generated real outrage. Fine - the woman is certainly a heretic and should be denounced even if some of the things she said were partly true. After all a broken clock is right twice a day.

Will no one call out Graham and the other heretical Christians in the Congress? It's clear that Evangelicals will not hold anyone to account except those who oppose them in the political sphere. That is the only orthodoxy that really seems to matter. Like most Americans, the only religion these Evangelicals really possess is America. The Kingdom of Christ is unknown to them and many in fact hate it and its King. We already know how Graham would respond to the Kingdom of Christ were he ever to lay eyes on it. He would want to bomb it just like everything else. That's about all he has to offer to the world and yet the Christians of his state continue to support him and re-elect him. That's quite a commentary on the state of Christianity in South Carolina.

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