28 February 2014

The End of Posse Comitatus

Here's another interesting tale regarding the use of agents provocateurs. In this case it was the US military attempting to infiltrate peace and veteran groups involved in anti-war activities.

You'll also see on the website some interesting stories regarding the Sovereignty Commissions in Mississippi and their infiltration of the Civil Rights movement. They even recruited pastors to inform on other Civil Rights workers.

These activities are more common than we realize.

If anyone is interested I recall John Grisham dealt with the Sovereignty Commissions in 'The Chamber'. They were basically the unofficial resistance to Integration and were collaborating with the KKK and other elements to wage war on the Civil Rights Movement.

I realize even linking to Democracy Now will set some people's teeth on edge. It is blatantly slanted toward the Left but you'll notice a stark difference between what's happening at Democracy Now vs. WorldNet Daily, Newsmax, The Blaze or FOX news. There's some actual reporting that's going on that's not entertainment or sensationalism.

And they're quite vocal in their criticism of Barack Obama.


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