10 March 2019

Sodomite Story Hour

By now many will have encountered this story but many readers will not understand just how shocking and surreal this is.
This would have been absolutely unthinkable a generation ago. This kind of perversity was relegated to the back alleys and the seedy parts of town. Mainstream society, Christian or not did not view such things favourably or even with much amusement.
If there was amusement it was mocking, shock-value type of amusement represented in popular songs like Lola and Dude Looks Like a Lady. It was something you laughed at but at the same time it was something shameful and dirty. If you saw a cross-dresser out in public it was the sort of thing your blocked your kids from seeing.

But now, not only has it become normalised and celebrated, we have this very bizarre instance of what....
Must be viewed as activist recruitment. What else could be?
Drag queens are not kid-oriented people. Domestic life is not their 'gig'. This is about normalisation and enticement. Sowing seeds of confusion they hope to win some to their cause.... these are just nice people that are silly and fun.... to maybe that's something I'd like to be, something I'd like to do. This is but another example of the amplification of 'gay', transforming jocundity and vivaciousness into a soft cloak for sodomite perversion. But it is not just a hijacking of terms it is a repackaging of reality contra naturam.
The library administrators are misguided or in some cases wicked but the real exemplars of stupidity in this case are the parents.
Yes, sow doubt and confusion in the minds of your children. Just when they're establishing foundations, destroy them. These parents are child abusers but the world will celebrate them as tolerant, progressive and wise.
We need not buy into the narratives of the Christian Right to understand that Western culture is in a state of freefall. Sodomy is not the cause but the result. Most 'conservatives' utterly fail to understand this because in reality no small portion of the blame belongs at their feet. This has been a bipartisan project and it's clear that dark days are ahead.
Obviously this is a bridge too far for most Evangelicals and they're sounding the clarion call of opposition. But they're only treating symptoms. They're unable to understand either what the disease is or its source. The answer is found in passages like Ezekiel 16 wherein we learn that Sodom's iniquity was rooted in pride, wealth, pleasure seeking and in the despising of the poor and weak. These 'values' are the foundation stones of decadence... the decadence that leads to the reprobate mind and finally abomination.
Don't think the effects of reprobation are only at work in 'Leftist' circles. There are many 'conservatives' who seem to stand for morality but a closer examination reveals they are not motivated by conviction but by politics. Their true moral compass is revealed to be as bankrupt as Cuomo, Bloomberg or any of the other targets of Right-wing ire.
Though in a state of patent degeneration the Sodom that is the West is still very rich, powerful and thus dangerous to its enemies. It is bringer of violence to be sure but perhaps its greatest power lies in the realm of seduction. Why persecute Christians when you can win them over to your side and turn them not just into compliant citizens but tools, recruits and even shock troops for the empire?  
We as Christians need to understand that Western culture is an enemy and has been for centuries. Don't listen to the myopic fools and corrupt commentators who focus only on the morality of the past few decades. They miss the point either out of their own limited reflection or more often than not the fact that they are not genuine intellectuals but bought and paid for political activists. We can live in Western society to be sure but there's nothing to recapture, there's nothing to glory in and we must never confuse the Church with the culture because as it turns toward collapse those how think in terms of past glory are going to become desperate and dangerous. The storm is coming. The thunder is rumbling in the distance and the wind is starting to shake the trees. How long before it hits and how severe it will be is as of yet unknown.

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