01 May 2020

Fauci: Duty and Integrity

Why does the now famous Dr. Fauci endure the Trump White House? Why does he allow his name to be associated with the dishonesty and even dangerous buffoonery of Trump?
Some are sycophants desperate to hold on to power and to bask in the fame of the moment. Others like Fauci (I would guess) and Jim 'Mad Dog' Mattis before him stay on board out of a sense of duty, a sense of service to the country. They believe they can make a difference and perhaps rein in the ever wayward and erratic president.
And yet in some cases (assuming the validity of their position) shouldn't duty and service call them to take another position?

What if Fauci resigned, immediately called a press conference and candidly warned the nation that the president is a pathological liar, mentally unstable and his gross negligence has caused death and puts the country at risk?
Some would hail Fauci as a hero but of course he would burn his bridges and in addition to being ostracised in many circles he would probably face retribution. Something would crop up from his past, some secret would be uncovered. There would be a legal case against him for the violation of non-disclosure agreements and protocols surrounding state security. The IRS would be after him if not the FBI. I'm sure the Trump team would try to find a way to strip him of his medical license. His 'career' would go down in flames. I'm not sure why that would matter to an eighty year old man and to be honest even if the state came after him, a man of his standing in the medical community – he would still be held in high regard. But he would pay a price.
Tepidly rebutting the president and then crawling back and licking his boots in the face of rebuke demonstrates neither courage nor integrity and if he wants the respect of his community or the historians – he's not going to get it.
In publically denouncing Trump there would be a price to pay and yet if you really and truly believe that you have a duty and a call to service – then why wouldn't you? Wouldn't your sense of service tell you it's time to speak up? If not now, then when? What would it take?
The same question could be posed to one such as the now retired Mattis. During Trump's early tenure there were people within the White House and Pentagon who were genuinely alarmed that he would launch a nuclear strike on Iran, North Korea or someplace else. He's unhinged and reputedly a child – unable to grasp even basic matters, follow briefings and has no desire to learn. From the standpoint of someone like Mattis, Trump would certainly be reckoned a threat to state security. Wouldn't it bother him on a personal level to know that the country you've given your life to – is now being run by one such as Trump?
Imagine the press conference. Again, there would be retribution but for many he'd be a hero. It would open the door to either a publicly supported impeachment or an invocation of the 25th Amendment.
But Mattis was silent, only taking a few quiet shots at Trump as he fades into the sunset and a life of Defense Industry profits. I guess if Trump starts a war, at least Mattis will make some money. Maybe that's the answer to the puzzle.
Rex Tillerson let his views of Trump be known but unofficially. For men like Mattis, Tillerson and even Fauci, their ties to money and power are too great – they're not going to risk it all in order to take down Trump.
But if that's their view (and I would also include Dr. Deborah Birx in the discussion), then why the appeal to a sense of duty and service? Apparently these concepts are limited and yet if limited, why in the world would they have worked for him in the first place? It's clear that none of these men take Trump seriously as indeed no one that knows him or spends time around him does. For some he's useful but no one respects him.
I guess in the end it's the fame and fortune that really matter. I suppose when the pandemic episode has passed Fauci can write a book and make a few more million if that's what he wants – but one wonders how a medical doctor who has supposedly devoted his life to saving lives and promoting health can work for one such as Trump?
If that's integrity, then I'm not sure I understand the concept. The truth is (for all the talk of leaders and the question of integrity) there's precious little to be found in the halls of power. And in a far more serious vein that goes for Church and denominational politics as well.
Will no one stand up and say the emperor has no clothes?

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