25 January 2024

Mohler's Vanguard Nation

It's been some time since I listened to Albert Mohler. Those who know my writings know that I'm not in any sense a fan of the seminary president. The other day I caught him speaking about the anniversary of Lenin's birth and that got him talking about Lenin's modifications to the Marxist schema.

He didn't really elaborate on it or as to why the standard Marxist model needed modification. For Classical Marxism of the nineteenth century, Germany was the prime ground for communist revolution. Russia was still pre-industrial and so in terms of Marxist progression, the nation wasn't there yet. And yet Tsarist Russia was where it was happening and so the scheme had to be modified in terms of its view of revolution and the role of a Vanguard – a permutation known as Marxist-Leninism.

This is where Mohler jumped in – regarding the question of the vanguard and the idea that this elite party would have to lead the way. It would have all the moral authority because it knew best and it had a right and obligation to destroy all those who opposed it. Mohler was right to condemn this as an evil political concept that historically (in terms of the Russian Revolution) led to a lot of deaths.

And yet I immediately thought not of Marx or Lenin but Mohler and the ideology he promotes.

I have on more than one occasion heard him promote the myth of American Exceptionalism. What is that?

American Exceptionalism argues that since America is unique it cannot be held to account like other nations. Its actions cannot be held to the same moral standard. It does not have to obey the same rules, it is not bound by any Earthly authority – the UN, the ICC, or otherwise. The US can join such organisations but it does not answer to them. In fact it's the duty of other nations to obey the United States. It has a special calling and therefore whatever it does – is moral and right.

Many Christians add a layer to this arguing that America's uniqueness is tied to a Providential role – it's a nation set apart by God to accomplish various special purposes on the Earth – a city on a hill, the protector of Zionist Israel, or for some, the promoter of democracy, capitalism and freedom – as some will mistakenly believe these are New Testament concepts and concerns.

And with this notion of Exceptionalism goes a corollary doctrine – America as the Indispensible Nation.

This is but an elaboration of the previous notion. What it means is that since America has the unique and exceptional position and calling, it follows that its interests are paramount and take precedent over other concerns and even needs. It must not be weakened. It must remain strong so it can lead and so its interests supersede all other concerns and claims. America's desires and goals are by definition 'good' and the world (under this view) needs America.

In other words, on the global stage, in the post-World War II context – America is the Vanguard Nation.

And in this capacity it has attempted to subjugate the Earth, punishing those who oppose it. It continues to dominate the world economy, and it punishes any resistance. It has killed millions directly in its wars and millions more by proxy and by means of its agents. Millions more have died and whole cultures have been destroyed as it seeks to fulfill its economic and geopolitical interests. It is in Biblical terms a Beast-Power.

Though he wouldn't like the label of Vanguard, Mohler actively promotes this political and theological monstrosity and in his twisted amoral reasoning believes that it is the duty of Christians to support this bestial state and at present it should be led by the rapist, adulterer, thief, and murderer Donald Trump.

The pseudo-intellectual Mohler can inform his audience about the dangers of Vanguardism even while he actively promotes this heresy on an exponentially greater scale.

He is clearly oblivious to these ironies.

Lenin was an evil man that did a lot of harm – and yet I don't believe any Christians were misled by him. I don't believe any Christians were seduced into confusing and supporting his evil as if it were something Kingdom oriented.

I cannot say the same about Mohler or those like him. He certainly exhibits a real blindness and moral bankruptcy when it comes to such questions. He is actually just echoing the views of America's Ruling Class, as even the mainstream Democrats believe this rubbish. What makes Mohler worse is that it is cast in Christian terms and as such he provides a cover and moral justification for what are policies tantamount to theft and mass murder. For these and other reasons, he must be reckoned a false teacher.

And yet he's not unique. In fact, he is but the latest representative of a long line of corrupt and compromised sacralist clerics and pseudo-theologians that have in times past defended everything from the Roman Empire, to the Holy Roman Empire, the papacy, and of course the Crusades. He's cut from the same cloth. He's merely in a different context. We've seen his like before and when he's gone there will be a long line of those eager to take up his soiled mantle.

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