19 February 2024

Some Perspective on Navalny's Death

Listening to the near breathless and morally outraged coverage of Alexei Navalny's death, several things come to mind.

The US repeatedly condemns Russia and China for their political prisoners and Putin's targeted assassination of his enemies and yet there are countless opponents of the US Empire that are imprisoned and killed on a regular basis. The only difference is they don't make the news. Their stories are never covered. The media doesn't prop them up with phony contrived narratives.

Throughout Latin America, Africa, and parts of Asia there are those who oppose the US state, Wall Street, and the proxy dictatorial client states that are all part of the US imperial apparatus. They disappear, they are tortured, imprisoned, and assassinated. Their stories are sometimes covered by Left-wing outlets in the United States such as Democracy Now!, but in many cases their stories are not told.

The US persecution of Julian Assange has been a little more public and he certainly is a political prisoner, targeted for exposing and publishing the evil machinations of the Empire and its myriad atrocities. And yet for the most part the media won't cover him and if he's mentioned at all the reporting is distorted.

Navalny is put forward as a champion of liberalism and a free society – the very things Assange stands for and yet he is excoriated. Why? Because he dared to expose US hypocrisy. The same is true for those who refuse the Navalny narrative which is more of the same.

As previously stated, Navalny's past has been whitewashed. His ugly nationalism (which included the integration of Ukraine) and his anti-immigrant screeds are ignored or explained away. He's a far-right activist – or was until the spotlight fell on him. Since then his views have 'evolved' which means he's grown silent on these points and has simply played the oppressed and wrongfully imprisoned man even while the West crafted a bogus narrative for him – what is really tantamount to a marketing campaign. He became a symbol – but one divorced from reality.

And as I have stated previously, the media's role in this is telling and indicates a massive orchestrated propaganda campaign. Just as the CNN reporters admitted their journalistic malpractice with regard to Israel-Gaza coverage, the same can be said when it comes to their treatment of the Navalny-Putin saga.

His death is being used by the Western alliance to bolster public support for the war – even as Ukraine suffers defeats on the battlefield. They'll squeeze what little more they can out of Navalny before he's cast aside. They're making him into a martyr for Western Liberalism – the whole notion is a farce.

Was he murdered by Putin? Undoubtedly, and yet this was stated by Western media outlets in absolute terms and yet without any proof.

And yet if someone suggests the same when it comes to the likes of Jeffrey Epstein they are immediately dismissed by the media establishment as unhinged and given to wild conspiracy theories.

Navalny wanted to play in the dirty world of politics – which is just another form of warfare. He lost. It's that simple.

If you live by the sword, you will die by it.

None of this condones the actions of Putin. He is certainly a criminal and murderer and yet he's not alone. The US celebrated its presidents today – a day of celebrating thieves and murderers. So it is in a fallen world. Many of them killed far more than Putin ever has.

Putin stands condemned, but I will not listen to the likes of Biden, let alone a degenerate like Lindsey Graham condemn him. They have no standing.

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