10 June 2024

Right-wing Circularity and Cross Pollination


There is a circularity of inspiration for these Right-wing movements. US politicians, movements, and media outlets have inspired the likes of Viktor Orban in Hungary. Given the political climate of his country and its much smaller population, Orban has been successful in actually implementing some of these policies. As such he's become a hero to American Right and now political actors in the US are looking to Orban for inspiration when it comes to their strategies and style.

The FOX spectrum helped create him and yet now he's helping to create a new type of Right-wing politicking in the United States.

This is also true when it comes to the nomenclature, name-calling, and larger lexicon. Orban speaks of the 'woke' taking his cues from America Right-wing pundits, and if the media barrage spoken of in this article takes off - there will be more cross-pollination. Indeed, we already see the likes of Orban and Meloni appearing in the US at Right-wing events where they continue to be very popular.

I would like to know more about the funding - which Orban and others seem rather keen to obscure. It's ironic given his repeated attacks on figures like George Soros for backing various political movements, educational institutions, and media. Soros has never been what they've made him out to be but I think it would be interesting to know what American millionaires and other funding sources are helping out the Right in places like Hungary.

Just because we might agree with Orban's opposition to homosexuality, does not mean that as Christians we should support him and his nationalist authoritarian platform. We don't support the EU leadership in Brussels either. None of these people represent Christian thinking but the difference is this.... while no Christians are likely to look to Macron or von der Leyen for inspiration, growing numbers are looking to Orban, Meloni, and others and as a consequence are falling back into some rather dark historical traps.

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