01 February 2025

The Whisperings of a MAGA Witch


Somehow we are to believe that godliness is cultivated by means of lies and the promotion of myths. I call this woman a witch because she teaches rebellion against God and weaves an ear-tickling eye-candy miasma of sorcerous deceit in order to win over true believers to her false Babel religion which is dressed up to look like Christianity. She is to be pitied because she is lost.

At one point in time, conservatives would have balked over the notion that America needed to be made great 'again'. A Christian view of history would reject the assumptions behind such definitions of 'greatness' and by that measure it can safely be said America and its empire have never been great.

In terms of history and the tale of Beast powers, there can be no doubt - America is one of the great world empires and though its tenure may prove somewhat brief, for a season it has wielded more wealth and power than any before it. But this is not something Christians should celebrate. As with all empires, America was created on a foundation of theft, murder, exploitation, and lies. Its religion is mammonism. Christianity has never been more than a veneer, sometimes a convenient one that the political class has used to manipulate and dupe the masses. The question here is this: Is Annemarie MacLean a dupe or one of those agents of the Beast employed to manipulate the Church?

Given her tendency to affiliate with groups like the Liberty Counsel which was involved in the attempted to overturn the 2020 US presidential election, her promotion of Trumpite lies, her affiliation with groups that seem to function parallel to the John Birch Society, as well as her participation in various lawsuits, her promotion of lipstick feminism and psychology, and her determined programme to corrupt Christian worship - it's safe to say she's both. She qualifies as a deceived deceiver, as Paul called them. It's no surprise that her work is also promoted on a platform like the Christian Post which operates to undermine and destroy Biblical Christianity.

MacLean trots out all the little catch-phrases such as Reagan's absurd and misused 'City on a Hill' quote. She celebrates the rise of American power ignoring the means by which this was achieved - not to mention the destroyed communities, nations, and mass graves along the way. She clearly doesn't know what she's talking about if she means to celebrate America's 'militaristic' legacy. If she uses that term knowingly, then that also tells us something about her and her supposedly Christian ethics.

She promotes myths about America's founding - apparently she has neglected to read the Declaration of Independence and is unfamiliar with the Founders. Humility is not a word that I would think applies to them. And if one bothers to study the life of the committed Freemason George Washington, his invocation of Christian terminology is read in a somewhat different light. Even then the political class was happy to employ and manipulate religious belief to their own ends. It never even occurs to MacLean that maybe the Founders were wrong? History proves them right or so she thinks. That's quite a 'Biblical Worldview' at work isn't it? Might makes right. And what will she say when America falls? We already know as Trumpism has largely risen by employing the same 'stab in the back' mythology used by Confederates after the Civil War and the Nazis after WWI.

If Christ-likeness is the highest glory then how to explain the Christians who took up arms in the American Rebellion? Christ gave no such example.

Aside from attempting to destroy the English language, Noah Webster is notorious for promoting this same mythology, this same theological and ethical cancer that rubber-stamps American Idealism, conflating it with Christian identity. These figures are the same as the Old Testament prophets who cried 'peace, peace' giving sanction to Judah's disobedience and rejection of God. Mind you they did so as prophets proclaiming that it was the Lord Jehovah who sanctioned their sin. So it is with the likes of Webster and all the figures dominating the Christian Right in our day. So it is with MacLean.

The disintegration of America is the result of its own ideology which false Christians like MacLean have baptized. They celebrate America's power and wealth and the economic system which drives it. This is the reason for America's decadence and implosion. This system has destroyed families and morality and has reduced ethics to utilitarian assessments of the market. It promote covetousness and greed. Like Sodom, its decadence has resulted in judgment and reprobation. It is a culture handed over to bent thinking, perverse desire, and individualism run amok. The Enlightenment ideals of America have gone to seed and the supposedly wise guides of the Christian Church lament this even as they continue to promote the same ideals. They are dogs returning to vomit. MacLean is a perfect case in point. If you think she's a conservative, think again.

She does her duty to her messiah by promoting his heretical 'Bible' complete with its deutero-canonical works. It's a perfect epilogue to what is in every way a completely deceitful appeal. She's a manipulator of truth, one who seeks to re-shape reality to her own ends. That is the essence of witchcraft.

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