01 July 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is not a Model of Christian Womanhood

I grow weary of having to endure her praises and the notion that she's somehow being persecuted for righteousness sake.
The job of White House Spokesman or Press Secretary is one of the worst jobs there is. You can become famous and many have gone on to rather lucrative careers in the media and yet it's not a job for the faint hearted... or rather for the ethically strong.
For one must virtually abandon one's ethics and one's obligations to maintain the position. Your family, your church and your God must take a backseat because loyalty to the regime and the defense of it are your priorities in life.

Even someone like Sean Spicer, a profligate miscreant if ever there was one couldn't take it. Whether it was the constant lying or the hours, he didn't even last a year.
It's one of the worst jobs there is. The hours are merciless and you're on call all the time. And what is this job that requires total and absolute dedication?
Your job is to lie, spin and obfuscate. That's what press secretary's do. If something comes up that might make the administration look bad, your job is to spin it. Muddy the waters, hide things, lie. Your guiding ethic is loyalty to and the survival of the administration.
It's a form of idolatry, or at least it takes that kind of soul-selling to maintain the job. It's not a job for a Christian. 
And yet Evangelical scion Sarah Huckabee Sanders seems to have no problem with it whatsoever. In fact she's flourishing at it. She's praised because she reads and prays through devotions prior to giving her press conferences.
Apart from being farcical and maybe even obscene, it indicates her heart is very hard indeed. Conscience? I don't really see that she has one and that's a pretty frightening thing to say about someone who professes to be a Christian.
In Tolkienesque terms, she is functionally the Mouth of Sauron.* I refer to the character in the book, not the caricatured monster of the Jackson movie. She is the mouthpiece for raw, unbridled power and avarice, for an empire dripping in blood. She hides crimes behind diplomatic-speak and through verbal sorcery... though few are taken in. Her performances are lackluster but she's a trooper and seems able and willing to endure the withering criticism and the searing pain that all too often is the national spotlight.
Why is she there? How did she attain this position of favour, this launch-pad for a lucrative future television career and bestselling books? Her father of course. She's done nothing to warrant the position. Her placement is both a bone tossed to the Evangelical faction and a reward for his acquiescence and loyalty to the regime. He sold his soul a long time ago and thus had no problem cutting a deal with a devil like Trump.
I don't know much about Sanders' own opinions regarding Christianity. She certainly identifies as an Evangelical and I'm sure her father's Dominionist ideals (even if somewhat basic) are firmly ingrained.
Maybe what's most shocking is that Huckabee-Sanders is being upheld as a wonderful testimony to Christianity and Christian womanhood.
Apart from her bankrupt ethics and hardened conscience such assertions regarding her womanly testimony must be rejected.
She is most certainly not a wonderful Christian woman. She cannot be a good wife or mother and hold that position. The ethics of the position aside, she is disobedient, a de facto acting feminist, something all too typical of Evangelicals. You can be sure her husband takes a back seat to her life and career. I wonder how often her children even get to see her? She's certainly not holding the home together. If fact she is to be disdained and called to repentance, not emulated or celebrated. The fact that she's there, as press secretary to Donald Trump is a mark of shame and disgrace to all Evangelicals and trumpets the bankruptcy of their movement.
There's been a great deal of fuss over her being denied service in a Virginia restaurant.
As many have pointed out, there's a real irony here in light of the recent rulings by the Supreme Court, and her defense of them. She believes people can deny service on the basis of ideals and ethics (as do I) and yet apparently it's a problem if people deny service to her.
If we have the right to deny service, then it's reciprocal, others have the right to deny us and we're supposed to take it. I will grant her response was fairly tame but the incident has sparked a type of hysteria. She's been turned into some kind of martyr.
As far as the hypocrisy or the principle of the matter, I am quite confident that Huckabee-Sanders is not troubled. When everything is political, when everything is about winning, ideals take a backseat if they're even there to begin with.
In her case she's not being persecuted. Some people find the administration's policies reprehensible and they don't want to serve anyone associated with them. So be it. I wouldn't want to serve her or work for her but then again if you run a restaurant you have to expect that wicked people are going to patronise your establishment.
My purpose here is not to personally attack this woman. I don't really care about her or anything that she does. But I am disturbed by what is happening in the Christian community and I am continually amazed by the people they select as representative of their values. This woman may be okay to live next door to, a nice person if I use that expression in the broadest and most charitable sense. I have no idea. But she's no paragon of Christianity or Christian womanhood and despite the upbringing she received from her parents, her present employment is not bringing glory to God. Quite the opposite.
If she wanted to do that, she would resign in protest, denounce the administration, the system in general and the evangelical role in it. She would tell the truth and exhibit something almost unknown in those circles... actual repentance.

*I could go further and talk about the Black Numenoreans and what they represent, how they fell prey to Sauron's deceit, persecuted the faithful and abandoned the ideals of what Numenor was established to be. Tolkien's oft-Catholic symbolism and imagery break down under Biblical scrutiny and yet he understood people, power and betrayal.
From the standpoint of Biblical Christianity the Huckabee clan and the larger Evangelicalism to which it belongs represents just that kind of betrayal of the Kingdom of Christ.

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