19 January 2019

Further Controversy Regarding Opus Dei

This story is hardly earth-shattering or surprising but it's still worthy of consideration.
One, it adds to the growing file of controversy and corruption that surrounds the mysterious semi-cultic organisation of Opus Dei. Unfortunately there's a lot of false information out there, due in part to Dan Brown's specious novel The DaVinci Code. 

And yet the group can certainly be described as secretive and even sinister and (point number two) it continues to exert influence on the US political system as there are numerous people in power who are either directly affiliated with the organisation or operate on its fringes. Given that its membership is largely concealed the numerous politicians and judges that are rumoured to be members, cannot be confirmed. And that's just how Opus Dei wants it.
There are also several nebulous connections between the group and the Evangelical activist wing of the Christian Right. Once again, you're not going to find a paper trail. Sometimes there's a money trail but even veteran investigators have run into brick walls. Apart from leaks and hacks, some of these labyrinthine relationships are difficult to expose.
But they do exist. People talk about these things but such conversations are whispered and few are willing to go on the record.
During my several stays in Rome during the 1990's I recall the name of Opus Dei inspired angst, even fear at times. It became something of a fascination for me and the more I learn of it, the more convinced I am of its evil... not the Dan Brown depiction but a genuine social, political and religious evil.
The settlement mentioned in the article is fairly staggering and while settlements are sometimes sought and reached by innocent parties due to potentially overwhelming legal costs required to mount a defense, this arrangement smacks of genuine culpability. Roman Catholicism's errors are too many to be easily counted but in terms of the corruption and perversity within its ranks... so far we've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
It is a veritable Sodom and while earlier generations of Protestants found it to be the fount of all evil in the world, today's Evangelicals and Protestants have swung dangerously the other direction. Rome's power is ignored and downplayed. Many look to it with a degree of respect and even reverence. And increasingly so-called 'Conservative Evangelicals' are finding comfort in the shadow of its wings. They may not actually 'swim across the Tiber' and become card-carrying members of the Roman Catholic religion and yet in many cases they don't have to. They're doing its work and pushing Evangelicals into embracing the same perverted Constantinian 'Kingdom' view that Rome has advocated since the Dark Ages.
This understanding of the Kingdom is not only heretical it will lead the world to unleash unprecedented persecution on the Harlot 'Church' of Constantinianism (both Catholic and Protestant)... an outpouring of wrath which the remnant Biblically-minded Church will not escape. Both the Beast and the Harlot are threats to the tiny flock that is the remnant Church. This is with us at all times but when they unite, then beware, our adversary wields a mighty hand.
Opus Dei is a long way from achieving such a goal but make no mistake... a return to medieval Constantinianism is its aim and thus unwittingly (to be sure) it represents yet another manifestation of the very Harlot-Beast imagery found in the Apocalypse. The fact that it, along with the greater bureaucracy and hierarchy of Romanism is in fact a den of sin and deceit, is no surprise. It's to be expected. Protestants (for what it's worth) once understood this but alas, history's lessons are drowned in the cesspool of modern Sacralist propaganda.

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