25 September 2020

A Historian of Worth


Stephen Cohen was a solid historian who spent most of his career focused on the Soviet Union and Russia. His specialisation gave him a largely unparalleled perspective that proved both unique and critical in the 21st century as the United States began to take a more aggressive posture vis-à-vis Russia.

Cohen was able to explain the true nature of the Cold War's end and why from Moscow's perspective a monstrous betrayal took place in the 1990's and early 2000's. From the subjugation of Russia and the looting of its coffers in the 1990's, to US backing of Chechen rebels, to GW Bush's rather stunning refusal to treat Russia as an ally post-9/11, Moscow had every reason to believe the West was plotting their downfall and fragmentation. NATO continued to expand to the East in violation of agreements made between Gorbachev and GHW Bush even while the US began to back out of the various Cold War era nuclear weapons treaties. In the end all of the Warsaw Pact nations would be brought under the aegis of NATO – an organisation that continues to push Russia's frontiers in places like Belarus, Ukraine, and the Caucasus.

Cohen debated academics, government officials, journalists, and others who sought to push the Russian Aggression line and he didn't back down even after Putin seized the Crimea in 2014 and supported the Donbass separatist movements. Cohen never pretended that Putin was moral but he always argued that Putin's actions were rational and in response to the aggression of the West – a West which refused to grant the Russian viewpoint even a hint of validity.

In the aftermath of the contrived Russia-gate scandal, Cohen's voice was one of reason, a refreshing contrast to the hysterics of party apparatchiks and US media mouthpieces for the US Establishment. Those that accused him of being in the employ of Moscow proclaim their own ignorance and in many cases their own corruption.

His death comes at an unfortunate time because while there are other voices challenging the Washington narrative, no one had Cohen's standing or credentials. He will certainly be missed as his voice would have certainly been needed in the days and years ahead.

The Susan Rice's, Anne Applebaum's, and Adam Schiff's of the world are certainly rejoicing that Cohen is no more.

See also:



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