29 May 2024

French Evangelical Folly


There are plenty of occasions and opportunities in society for abuse and it could be argued this has been made worse by modern society and the various technological venues and vehicles available to abusers. But we should pause when considering granting the state power to make such determinations.

It seems clear that the French Evangelical leaders in the article have not thought this through very clearly. They are fools seeking standing and respectability in the eyes of a government that will never accept them and has already started to persecute them as seen with Macron's clampdown on schools and his latest call for mandatory national service.

Do they think they're going to score points with him? Do they not realize the nations of Europe are also moving toward a war footing? Secrecy and forced social cohesion are the norm in such situations. Don't help the state to this end!

These moves allow the state to define the parameters of what is acceptable and this empowers the state, providing it with new tools.

Do they have no sense? The definitions will drift and then lead to debate and a split within Evangelical quarters. Some will capitulate and even collaborate and ultimately aid the state in turning against those who refuse to conform.

Don't go down to Egypt for help. Let the state deal with these issues. Let the dead bury their dead. If the Church is being led by wise and responsible leaders and if Christian parents are doing what they should do - there's no fear of their children getting pulled into cults. But given that the state is more likely than not to view New Testament Christianity as a cult, then I'd rather let the cults have their way so that the state will leave the Church alone.

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