22 May 2024

Politics and Persecution in Armenia


I have mentioned this in previous articles but there's been a shift in how the American Right deals with the Armenian question. For many years the US stuck close to its NATO ally in Ankara and the Turkish refusal to acknowledge the genocide. Türkiye has long been linked with Azerbaijan, especially in the post-Cold War setting. This opened door for Washington and gave the United States access to oil and both America and Israel found an ally (for its own reasons) antagonistic to Tehran and right on its border. For the US, the geopolitical placement of Azerbaijan vis-à-vis Russia was also an important consideration.

These factors along with historical ties and Orthodox culture led Armenia to remain close to Moscow, and given Armenia's culture and demographic outlay Yerevan has remained friendly with Tehran. As such Armenia has for many years been on less than friendly terms (or at least ambivalent ones) with Washington. There's a large and influential Armenian lobby in the United States but it has never been very successful until just the past couple of years.

What has happened? Türkiye under Erdogan has moved away from Washington and while still in NATO has become something of an antagonist. This has driven Biden and others to (as a matter of policy) irritate and work against Ankara. And apart from the coup attempt under Obama and other moves, one way to really upset the Turks is to cater to the Armenians.

This has run parallel with other developments - a growing hostility to Moscow within Armenia. This is complicated and at times suspicious but it became more palpable with the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War in 2020 - a massive defeat for Armenia and many of them felt utterly abandoned and betrayed by Moscow, opening the door to more vocal pro-Western factions. The ongoing Ukraine War has only intensified this polarity.

With the Nagorno-Karabakh War, there was a noticeable shift in the American-based Christian Persecution Industrial-Complex. Outlets International Christian Concern (ICC) suddenly began speaking of the Christians in Artsakh (the Armenian nationalist name for the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave). Armenians were suddenly Christians - even though for decades Evangelicals used to look dubiously on such ethnic Christian communities - often within the Eastern or Oriental Orthodox sphere. And their political struggles were being cast in terms of persecution. Given the general ignorance of the American public regarding history, geography, and geopolitics, such a move should be viewed as not only misleading but manipulative.

In recent years this has become a useful tool in terms of whipping up the Church toward geopolitical ends. If these churches were down the street they'd likely be denounced for their idolatry and their errors, but when viewed through a geopolitical lens they are brethren of convenience - except when they're not as in the case of the Palestinian Christian community not to mention the Russian Orthodox.

So as the US foreign policy has shifted and a pro-Armenian policy is now favourable in that it stands to win the Transcaucasian nation away from the Russian orbit, suddenly (and to no surprise) these highly infiltrated and corrupt 'ministries' echo the line. Suddenly the Armenian Orthodox who were once dismissed and even despised are now persecuted brethren and not just in generic terms - no, the whole Artsakh-nationalist narrative of irredentism is being embraced and promoted as well.

Jeff King of ICC was mentioned in a recent piece in connection to his appearance on FOX and his manipulation of the persecution question by casting it in terms of that highly-politicised forum. One needn't look too far into his sphere to discover all manner of Right-wing connections - even though he often presents himself otherwise. The same is true of some of the other prominent members of this complex who seem happy enough to cavort with Birchers and the like - obviously giving special attention and condemnation to perceived communist threats. And even now the corruption and ugly inner workings of outlets like Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) are being revealed. The whole thing stinks and is corrupt.

King's websites and work reveal connections to dangerous propagandist hacks like Robert Spencer, and a real willingness to allow US officials to trumpet the official state line regarding everything from Islam to Christian Persecution even while the US record reveals something quite different. King relies on the likes of former CIA-director James Woolsey and other US officials to inform his worldview. One doubts his judgment if he's going to rely on the likes of Ken Starr, Sam Brownback, Jerry Boykin, and other CIA and Hudson Institute affiliates to tell Christians how to think about the world and to discern right from wrong. I was quite surprised to see him give a platform to Rick Warren in light of Warren's friendship with Rwandan president Paul Kagame, who aside from being an authoritarian and murderer has also persecuted Christians who refuse to follow his state-sanctioned Church model. The same is true when it comes to Pat Robertson's CBN - Robertson was friend to some of the worst dictators in Africa and his media empire was (and is) riddled with corruption and deceit.

God help those who listen to this lot.

King calls his podcast 'Into the Deep' - off the deep end is more like it.

He also gives voice to the likes of the UK's Douglas Murray, members of the Orban government, and voices that promote Covid-denialism, and The Great Replacement Theory (which circles back to the likes of Robert Spencer), and anti-Beijing propaganda. This is not to say that Christians should promote or support Xi or Muslim immigration to Europe but lies and manipulation should have no part in Christian thinking let alone ministry. The end does not justify the means.

There are many outcomes to this approach to Christian persecution and the casting of it in political terms. And it certainly has an affect on Armenia, its politics, and its militarisation.

Evangelical Focus which is an arm of the Lausanne Movement ran this story from Forum 18 which seems to be obsessed with running anti-Russia hit pieces. Given the outlet's close ties to the European Establishment this is hardly surprising.

This piece receives somewhat ambivalent coverage as the situation in Armenia remains tenuous and confused. If Armenia moves closer to Moscow, suddenly Western-connected outlets will be highly favourable to conscientious objectors (CO's).

But if Armenia moves toward the EU or NATO orbit, then CO's are viewed less favourably. One is hard pressed to find Western media (and ministries) give attention (or sympathy) to CO's in Ukraine. Though it must be granted that Forum 18 does cover these incidents as well.

The irony here is that the US shift in foreign policy has the potential to rejuvenate Armenian militarism - driven by motivations such as fear and revenge against its larger neighbours.

US interests are served by this and as such corrupt ministries such as Jeff King's ICC parrot the line - and the end result is more and more Christians like the Baptist in the story will suffer state persecution for following their conscience and the teachings of the New Testament.

Jeff King pulls in about $15,000 a month according to his official salary listed on the organisation's IRS form 990. As I have repeatedly stated the actual pay these people get is often considerably higher as the job has many perks. It's one thing to make that much and then pay all the normal bills and expenses but often these people do not. Travel and often housing are partly or fully covered as well as a lot of other day to day costs. This means their 'money in pocket' is considerably more than what others making that salary would be pulling in.

It's in King's interest to remain connected, to get the interviews and invites to the big events and the television appearances.

Someone might argue that in a place like metro Washington DC his salary isn't that high. It's easily granted that in his world, he is surrounded by people that make more than him many times over. But, he doesn't have to be based out of Washington does he - or live in a affluent neighbourhood? He chooses to and for a reason as he basically functions as a lobbyist. It's just not entirely clear if he's lobbying for the Church or if that task is subsumed and subordinate to other allegiances and obligations. I don't begrudge him the money. He doesn't answer to me. But I have no interest in anything he has to say and I will not give him a dime.

I will however pray for the Baptist CO in Armenia and hope that its government (working hand in hand with the corrupt Church vocally and politically supported by Jeff King) will repent of its evil and its distorted ethics.

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