28 May 2023

Kiliçdaroglu: Running to the Right of Erdogan


To the surprise of many, Erdogan not only did better than expected in the first round of the election, he now stands all but poised to win another term. This is despite the crushing economic troubles the country faces and the scandal surrounding the response to the February 2023 earthquake and subsequent questions surrounding corruption, building codes, and the like.

26 May 2023

The Habsburg Way of Lying


Listening to Taylor Marshall interview Eduard Habsburg I was struck by many things. In many respects the interview was a waste of time as it had nothing to do with the Christianity of Scripture but was instead an attempt to create an amalgam – to join modern Catholic Integralism (with Throne and Altar Ideology) with modern Liberalism and its democratic regime of rights, the individual and capitalist economics. It doesn't work and the contradictions were on display during this interview – for those paying attention.

23 May 2023

A Travesty in London


Aside from the fact that Rick Warren has a less than robust view of Scripture and is rapidly drifting into theological liberalism, and aside from the fact that he's a corrupt political operative who befriends millionaires and dictators, the truth is he's built his entire clerical career based on a repudiation of Spurgeon's model of preaching and pastoral work.

21 May 2023

Expanding NATO into the Indo-Pacific



Led by the United States, NATO is attempting to expand into the Asian theatre in preparation for war with China. NATO is opening an office in Japan, and the US in addition to strengthening ties with Australia, the Philippines and other nations, is preparing to negotiate for new bases in Papua New Guinea.

17 May 2023

The Italian Debate over BRI


Meloni publically states that she's against Italian participation in the Beijing-sponsored Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Her administration has attempted to patch-up differences with EU/NATO members France and with the Washington Establishment – which has not been always thrilled with the trajectory of the Italian Right, especially the Salvini-led Lega Party, which is part of Meloni's coalition.

The Scam that is Angie's List

I sincerely don't mean this in any kind of sense of bitterness but something struck me today – it's instructive one might say. I caught the headline that Bill Oesterle, the founder of Angie's List died of ALS at the age of 57. It's a national story.

16 May 2023

Resistance to AUKUS


This is certainly a story that will not make it into mainstream US media – as the US Establishment doesn't even want such questions raised about the AUKUS alliance. And if the story emerges in other venues you can be certain that operatives and 'commentators' will spin the story and make transform these protestors into 'China stooges' or something along those lines. They might even find a way to blame Putin for it.

14 May 2023

The Information Gatekeepers and Assange

Western Mainstream Media continues to largely ignore the situation with Julian Assange. He has now spent more than a decade effectively (and actually) imprisoned without ever facing any kind of trial or due process – the bogus charges being used as a pretense to seize him being found without merit and dropped. But by then he was caught in a series of legal traps and in order to avoid the snares laid for him by the CIA – he became a fugitive and asylum seeker.

12 May 2023

Dividing Nigeria to Protect Christians

Recently I've heard rumblings from within the Christian community that US foreign policy should support (or foster) the break-up (or division) of Nigeria in order to protect the persecuted Christians that live there. They want a new state carved out for the Christian community to protect them from the various Islamic threats.

09 May 2023

VCY's Lamech Solution


I'm not going to waste a great deal of time interacting with what is effectively John Birch Radio – or at least its Fundamentalist-Evangelical arm. It is spiritually bankrupt and while there are bits of gospel truth to be found on CrossTalk, the deception and error far outweigh it and expose the show as a dangerous font of heresy and disinformation.

07 May 2023

Persecution in Pakistan


When it comes to the Subcontinent, most in the West are likely to think of the troubles that Christians face under Narendra Modi's BJP government in India. And indeed, Christians continue to face threats and harassment by his administration and its paramilitary proxies such as the RSS.

Answered Prayers: A Final Update on My Son

Once again I wish to thank all those who have prayed for my son's recovery from a broken back. Nine months after the accident, months in a brace, and weeks of physical therapy, he was finally able to return to his job. And after a few months of office work and other temporary tasks, he just recently started driving again.

He's still dealing with some pain and awkwardness which is to be expected. As a flatbed truck driver there's a lot of climbing up and down, strapping, cranking, and slinging heavy chains. This is causing him some difficulty. There are days where one makes multiple short runs which involve more of this 'on the trailer' sort of work – securing and dismantling each load. He's not as keen on that at present (as those are days of considerable pain) and he does better with longer drives and less fuss. It's still going to take some time and it may be in the end that he decides to pursue something else. Time will tell.

Therefore, please keep praying if it comes to mind. But be assured that prayers have been answered. God be praised and thanks to all of you again. My son can not only walk but it would seem he's slowly returning to a normal life.

04 May 2023

A Harbinger of US Decline


These are noteworthy developments to say the least. Riyadh still maintains close ties with Washington and yet it's clear as the linked author indicates – the Saudis are no longer afraid of America or of earning its displeasure.

01 May 2023

Almost Blacklisted by Google

I recently had an interesting experience with Google. An article from 2016 was flagged by the Blogger platform as violating their community terms of use. It wasn't removed, but it was censored in that you have to agree that you were an adult to read it – and sign in via a Google log-in.