30 December 2023

Celebrating Milei: Regurgitating American Evangelicalism in Argentina


Hugo Marquez demonstrates in sometimes painful terms how the American Church has affected and shaped the thinking of Christians around the globe. His categories are not Biblical but rather imported from the agents of Evangelical Enlightenment Protestantism, their politics, and their mammonist worldview.

27 December 2023

Reflecting on Sproul


I recently stumbled across this podcast. Brito is known to me through his CREC connections and I noticed Federal Vision sat like an ignored elephant in the room during his interview with Pickowicz.

26 December 2023

Inbox: Isn't the embrace of Christian Nonviolence a case of over-realized eschatology?

It can be among those who argue for it in universal terms, who insist on it for the nations this side of glory. Or to put it differently, they too are Transformationalists of a kind who believe the Kingdom is expressed in terms of worldly power, politics, and culture.

25 December 2023

The Anabaptist Straw Man


In many ways the linked article simply repeats and rehashes many of the same old arguments used against those who argue for Kingdom ethics in the Early Church – and the narrative of their subsequent corruption. The line of reasoning followed by Koperski is in keeping with the arguments and the muddying of the waters tactics used by the likes of Peter Leithart.

24 December 2023

Pentecostal Problems in Belarus


There's a small bit in this article that's pertinent. The pastor of the church in question was interviewed by Evangelical Focus in 2021 and in that exchange he was critical of Minsk and the Lukashenko government.

20 December 2023

The Naked McCarthyites on John Birch Radio (aka VCY's CrossTalk)


The linked episode represents another case of par for the course when it comes to CrossTalk, or more rightly John Birch Radio. Ironically in this episode they were unmasked by their own call-in audience who recognized the 'Communist Goals' being referred to by the host. Listeners picked up on the talking points and rhetoric associated with Cleon Skousen's The Naked Communist – a seminal JBS work.

19 December 2023

Rehabilitating Vlad the Impaler: The Extreme End of Revisionist Church History


I've written on more than one occasion about the growth of Right-wing revisionism surrounding the Crusades. When I was growing up the Crusades were universally condemned within Evangelical and Fundamentalist circles. It was but another of the abominable episodes connected to the false Church of Rome.

16 December 2023

09 December 2023

Covering Up the Far Right in Ukraine


Generally speaking Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! is so hostile to Russia that she has been more than a little susceptible to the official narrative provided by the American government with regard to not just the invasion and the nature of the fighting – but its context as well.

06 December 2023

Romney's Revelations



Last month, Romney: A Reckoning was published, a biography by McKay Coppins of The Atlantic. In connection with this, there were reports concerning the fact that Romney was warned beforehand about January 6 and tried to reach out to Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell – who refused to speak to him.

03 December 2023

The Rotten Fruit of Cultural Christianity


Harris is arguing that cultural Christianity is a gospel means – because in the Bible Belt, people go to church. This in turn led certain Right-wing folks that had left New York for Tennessee to also attend church and ultimately become Christians. It's almost a kind of soft peer pressure that he thinks is valid and helpful.

02 December 2023

Inbox: Operation Xmas Child

I've been asked about this before and it has actually been on my mind as of late. Having visited several churches lately, I keep encountering Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, a 'ministry' run by Samaritan's Purse – one of Franklin Graham's cash cows. Between Samaritan's Purse, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and his other endeavours, Mr. Graham pulls in well over a million dollars a year.

29 November 2023

Bulgaria's New Cyber-Hub



America maneuvers and manipulates the politics in other countries and then if need be it will even finance the build-up of their militaries. The US has many tools in its banking toolbox and a lot of them flow through the State Department and Pentagon. 

27 November 2023

The August 2023 Druze Anti-Assad Protests

With all eyes on Gaza and Southern Lebanon, there are other questions to consider. The US is still seething over its failure to oust Assad in Syria and it would seem US policy is to make the Syrian economy scream – once the policy of the US toward Allende's Chile.

22 November 2023

Sixty Years After: The Disenchantment of the Magic Bullet Theory and the Threat it Represents




On the sixty year anniversary of Kennedy's assassination, the debate goes on and while many in the Establishment think the case is closed – as Gerald Posner would have it, the truth is most of the public doesn't buy it, and for good reason. While there are many misunderstandings and unfortunate sidetracks, as time marches on, more and more evidence and testimony emerges which casts the Warren Commission into doubt.

20 November 2023

Biden and the Rules of War


Responding to the 7 October attack on Israel, US president Joe Biden condemned Hamas and rightly so. But then he proceeded to make some rather astonishing remarks – remarks that should offend anyone who has followed events for the past several decades, anyone in possession of a conscience.

18 November 2023

The Christian Supreme Court of the United States

The story has already faded from the news cycle but it struck me how vigorously the Right was going after the obviously corrupt New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez.

And yet how is Menendez any different from Clarence Thomas? Or for that matter someone like Donald Trump?

15 November 2023

CasaPound, Golden Dawn, Salvini, and Meloni


Golden Dawn, Greece's Neo-Nazi Party has suffered significant setbacks but it hasn't gone away. The Greek Right (as is the case in several countries) is in a process of re-organizing, but Italy in particular has become a rallying point with the current Right-wing coalition in power. Meloni's Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia) represent Neo-fascism and with Lega's Salvini, FDI also has informal ties to political movements like CasaPound and Forza Nuova – the same folks that consider Golden Dawn to be compatriots and comrades in arms.

11 November 2023

The Schemes of the Chinese Christo-Americans: Politics and Penalties not Persecution


This is a topic I have revisited on multiple occasions but it needs to be understood.

We can condemn the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for its bestial and draconian policies that seek to subjugate all religions under the aegis of the Chinese state. But it is also important to state that the reasons for condemning China are not on the basis of a 'rights' regime. New Testament Christianity knows nothing of Enlightenment 'rights' and it is a mistake to fall into that framework of thinking and argument.

09 November 2023

A Timely and Encouraging but Awful Sermon

Recently I heard a sermon which I continue to think about. Based on a section of Psalm 119, the visiting speaker did a decent job moving through the passage verse by verse and exhorted the congregation to focus on Scripture, make it central to your life, meditate on it, and so forth. So far so good.

05 November 2023

John Birch Radio Continues to Spread Confusion

VCY's Crosstalk might as well be called John Birch Radio as figures associated with the far right-wing society regularly appear on the programme and in general terms what is passed off as Biblical Christianity and commentary is in reality little more than thinly veiled Bircher ideology.

And alongside this is just a lot incoherent rubbish. This message recently sent out by VCY typifies this – the muddled thinking at the heart of today's Evangelical movement and (in this case) what's left of Fundamentalism. Consider the following:

04 November 2023

Georgian Orthodoxy and East-West Intrigues


The sources cited here are not above scrutiny, but given the history of the Orthodox world, and the present tensions within Georgia and the Caucasus in general, the intrigues and attempted assassinations are not altogether surprising. In fact the Georgian Orthodox Church had a similar incident in 2017.

31 October 2023

Spinning and Ignoring the Georgia Plea Deals

As October 2023 winds down, there have been significant developments in the case against Trump et al. in the state of Georgia. After Sidney Powell flipped and took a plea deal, the Trumpian edifice began to crumble.

30 October 2023

The Dagestan Airport Incident

Anti-Semitism is alive and well to be sure and yet there elements within the media that are keen to spin these stories and obfuscate the real issues at hand.

27 October 2023

More Western Misunderstandings of Orthodoxy


Whenever these questions are addressed by Western news outlets the stories are tainted by phony democratic and liberal assumptions that are imposed on the discussion of the Church. This is true even when the discussion deals with Protestants or Roman Catholics.

23 October 2023

The Growing Impossibility of Social Life

At various times throughout history Christians have struggled to function within society. The reasons for this vary as do the contexts. In some cases there's the threat of outright persecution from the state, a false religion, or even a dominant apostate ecclesiastical body. At other times the struggle is more subtle. Instead of acute danger there is a kind of wearisome grind that takes place – a slow breaking of the will that can (from another angle) be viewed as a kind of seduction. This would most accurately describe the situation in today's United States.

22 October 2023

Syriza and the Pseudo-Left in Greece


The fact that new Syriza leader Stefanos Kasselakis is a sodomite does not make him Left-wing – any more than was his predecessor Alex Tsipras. Tsipras who ran on Leftist platform and formed a coalition to that end, was revealed as a tool of the bankers and the EU Establishment.

21 October 2023

Zionism, Dispensationalism, and the Gaza Hospital

On 17 October 2023, several hundred Palestinians died in Gaza's al-Ahli Hospital that was hit by either a bomb or missile. Israel blames Islamic Jihad which is another well known Islamist group within the spectrum of Palestinian Islamism.

14 October 2023

Another French Defeat and Growing Uncertainty in North Africa


This story is already falling out of the news cycle especially with all the other things happening in the Middle East.

After the July coup in Niger there was a great deal of focus on the country and the new ruling junta. The signs were bad (from a Western perspective) when Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland made a trip to Niger and was effectively rebuffed.

09 October 2023

The 2023 Gaza War – Some Initial Thoughts and Observations

In reference to the recent attacks based out of Gaza, I found it very interesting that a Hamas spokesman mentioned a movement to re-establish the Solomonic Temple as one motivation among others. That's not something you're going to typically hear in the mainstream media.

07 October 2023

Ken Ham, Swindler


The article didn't reveal anything particularly new. For those who have been paying even a little bit of attention there have been stories trickling out over the past several years regarding the nature of Ham's business dealings. He's manipulated a lot of the bookkeeping surrounding his 'ministries' to his own benefit and has grown quite wealthy. An examination of his 'ministry' tax forms indicates he's playing all the same nepotistic games that many of these guys engage in and given the fact that he's apparently worth tens of millions of dollars, he's found other means to funnel money into his coffers. And let's just say the tickets to his venues are not cheap – not that I would ever give him a dime.

03 October 2023

The Threats to Schengen have not Dissipated


During the height of the refugee crisis in 2015, it looked as if the Schengen Treaty (which provides open internal borders within the EU) was ready to collapse. The EU weathered the storm, but there are still tensions – and in some cases these tensions are fueled by external considerations.

01 October 2023

Zelenskiy Knew

As I stated in a related piece, the coverage of the Canadian Parliament scandal has been largely disingenuous and has omitted several critical points.

30 September 2023

The Zombies of 9/11


I caught this report on 11 September which was in connection with the anniversary. It's rather stunning to consider that even after all these years there are people still buying into the discredited narratives. There's no reflection. They are truly zombies – unthinking semi-sentient beings enslaved to the state and its manipulative narratives and rhetoric.

26 September 2023

To Flip Armenia and the Fall of Nagorno-Karabakh


As I have related in the past, the Armenian lobby in the United States has been faced with an impossible situation, a position divorced from the realities of US foreign policy. Since the fall of the USSR, Armenia has been allied with Russia and indirectly with Iran. America has, since the formation of NATO been an ally of the Turks, and with the break-up of the Soviet Union this relationship extended to the Turkish regime in Azerbaijan. The latter country was particularly attractive given its oil resources and geo-strategic position on the Caspian Sea which connects it to Central Asia.

20 September 2023

More Dispensationalist Confusion

Recently I had the opportunity to speak with yet another pastor by phone – once again of an Evangelical church about forty-five minutes away.

16 September 2023

Atlanta Appeal

I don't do a lot of endorsements these days but I wish to commend the following website to readers – Deo Vicit Mundum. The site is run by Joshua Immanuel, a dear brother in the Lord who has been an encouragement to me. Based in the larger Atlanta area he (like so many of us) has struggled to find a solid Biblically-based church and as such he's putting out an appeal – one that I'm forwarding to my readers with the hope that maybe someone else is in the area or familiar with it and can contact him with a recommendation.

14 September 2023

Stoltenberg's Gaffe


This is from a speech given by NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg. Read this excerpt carefully.

Then lastly on Sweden. First of all, it is historic that now Finland is member of the Alliance. And we have to remember the background. The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn't sign that.

The opposite happened. He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all Allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our Alliance, introducing some kind of B, or second class membership. We rejected that. 

So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders.

13 September 2023

Disingenuous Spin Surrounding Biden, 9/11, and Vietnam


Biden left the G-20 summit in New Delhi which ended on 10 September and headed for Vietnam. For years the US has been trying to coax Hanoi into a military alliance – to win Vietnam away from China and over into the US camp.

12 September 2023

Booz Allen Hamilton in the News


Articles about Booz Allen Hamilton always catch my eye as the company is well-known for its contract work with the CIA. Perhaps the most famous episode in recent years was in reference to Edward Snowden. The company is involved in all sorts of intelligence work, analysis, IT, and other forms of consulting and its one of those companies that straddles the military and intelligence spheres – in fact the line with a company like Booz Allen Hamilton is completely blurred.

09 September 2023

Spy Games and Media Bias


In August, Beijing arrested another one of its citizens accusing them of spying for the CIA. The US media seems to get perturbed by these reports and intuitively seems to take a defensive posture – as if the accusation is prima facie absurd.

07 September 2023

BRICS and Questions of Maritime Commerce


This short article merely touches on what is in fact a huge topic – one that is only starting to be understood and thought out. As BRICS expands and plays a larger role in creating an alternate economy the ramifications for this in the realm of global trade and shipping will be significant – which is why a publication like The Maritime Executive wants to bring it up.

04 September 2023

A Colson Anniversary


The memory of Charles 'Chuck' Colson (1931-2012) is already starting to fade away. He was of another generation and one that seems increasingly distant. From time to time BreakPoint will replay one of his old commentaries and they did so recently as 2023 marks the fiftieth anniversary of his conversion – except I continue to argue the man was a fraud.

01 September 2023

30 August 2023

LPR's Issues Etc. Ignores Indictment and Calls to Remove Trumpite LCMS Pastor




I find it rather interesting that LPR's Issues Etc. has not bothered to cover this story – at least not yet.

One would think that a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) talk radio show would sit up and take interest when one of their own faces indictment alongside Donald Trump for attempting to manipulate and overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. There are other Evangelicals involved such as Jenna Ellis who now has a show on American Family Radio (AFR) and the Dominionist Mark Meadows who as Trump's Chief of Staff played an important role in the plot.

Where's the coverage?

29 August 2023

Anti-Semitic Israeli Generals?


One would think this story would get a little more press than it has received.

Was this some left-wing firebrand that dared to compare Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to the Nazi regime or its West Bank policies to apartheid South Africa?

27 August 2023

Further Reformed Fragmentation


I was encouraged to discover there are some who are concerned over what is happening within the Church – and in this case the Reformed sphere. And it's not just White Nationalism but a growing militancy that should be sending up red flags. Gun culture is incompatible with New Testament Christianity but what's been developing in recent years is far beyond the pale.

26 August 2023

Russell Moore Interviewed on NPR and the Growing Evangelical Rejection of Scripture


I've written repeatedly about Russell Moore over the years and while he's considered in some quarters to be a quasi-'woke' liberal today, at one time he was as right-wing as anyone. I can't say that I've ever been a fan though I do appreciate his stand against Trump – though perhaps for different reasons than his. I will say he appeared the Christian when contrasted with the likes of Franklin Graham, the master and inheritor of a corrupt legacy and 'ministry' machine.

22 August 2023

Trump's Threat to NATO


Some in the name of anti-globalisation would be more than happy to see the US withdraw from NATO. Others make a similar isolationist argument by appealing to Washington's 1796 farewell warning concerning 'foreign entanglements'. For whatever the reason there is a growing voice within Right-wing circles that is exhibiting no small degree of scepticism regarding NATO. For some it's simply a nationalist impulse and an unwillingness to contemplate spending American treasure and lives to defend some European country that most Americans know nothing about. Regardless, this sentiment represents a sharp break within the American conservatism that emerged after World War II.

19 August 2023

Para-Feminism on the Defense


I think it safe to say that I'm not a fan of John Piper but on occasion I can appreciate something he says. In this case, it's not really about anything remarkable coming from Piper's pen. Rather, what piques my interest is that such a statement has generated controversy.

17 August 2023

The Georgia Indictment, RICO, and Rudy Giuliani

I have not been watching all of the news coverage but I would hope that someone would point out the irony present in this situation. Giuliani has been swept up in the Georgia indictment on the basis of RICO – the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

15 August 2023

Pakistan's Internal Affairs

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been arrested again and has now been sentenced to prison. Ousted from office in April 2022, he has repeatedly insisted the US played a role in what many view as a bureaucratic coup.

13 August 2023

A Ukraine Miscellany XIX: Stalemate

When this subject was last addressed at the beginning of June, the spring offensive was just getting under way. Two months later it has fizzled and even Western media seems incapable of spinning the story.

12 August 2023

The Context of the Niger Coup

Coups in Africa are by some estimates far from unusual. There have been many in recent years and while often mentioned, the news coverage in the West is minimal. Africa does not generate a great deal of interest to Western audiences and for many it's impossibly complicated and they are unable to follow the stories or contextualize them.

08 August 2023

Inbox: Christian Movie Reviews

I have been asked from time to time about recommendations for Christian movies, what review sites to trust and the like. The answer is very simple – none of them are to be trusted and I can't recommend any that I know of.

03 August 2023

A Pastor in Venezuela


I wouldn't for a moment wish to defend the Maduro-led government of Venezuela. I would not want to justify, support, or defend anything that government says or does – especially when it comes to its relations with the Church.

That said, there are some questions that need to be asked.

02 August 2023

The Orlandi Documentary

Emanuela Orlandi disappeared from near the Vatican in 1983 and while the popes and curia wish the story would go away, it lingers on. It is captivating to say the least and every so often it pops up again in the news. Netflix recently released a documentary which more or less summarizes the story to this point and attempts to advance it a step or two. And much to the chagrin of the Vatican, this documentary has effectively put a spotlight on the story and has introduced it (and the scandals connected to it) to a new generation.

29 July 2023

Francis to Mongolia


Two decades into the twenty-first century Mongolia is something of an outlier, an outpost nation that straddles North and East Asia and by some accounts represents the eastern edge of Central Asia. Within this vast zone, Mongolia (it could be said) represents the last hope of Western influencers.

27 July 2023

Armenia's Sacral Claims


This is a somewhat hopeless debate to wade into. There are glaring assumptions being made that must be questioned. Armenia is viewed by its Orthodox Church and the religious sections of its populace as a sacral state. As such, Nagorno-Karabakh is in reality Artsakh – part of the ancient conglomeration of Armenian kingdoms. As a people they have lost so much and have been brought so low, that for some a line has been drawn. No further. They will not brook any further humiliation at the hands of Turks and will not tolerate any political party that even entertains capitulation. For some this isn't just politics or nationalism – it's theological.

25 July 2023

Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia


Legally the issue cited in the article concerns the jurisprudence of an Islamic nation – and to what degree Sharia or even a limited or hybrid-Sharia can accommodate a Muslim-interfaith marriage. This issue on its face is not a Christian concern apart from questions of civil freedom and restrictions that result from a sacralist-Islamist framework.

24 July 2023

Article 5 and Empire


The US Establishment doesn't want to jeopardize this key tool by allowing it to become a political football. Also this vote and rejection of Paul's amendment must be viewed in light of the Trump presidency and the damage he did to NATO by suggesting Article 5 might be subject to question. Paul's amendment more or less is a pathway to the same argument and uncommitted position and as such not only weakens the treaty but effectively violates the terms Washington already agreed to.

23 July 2023

Clashing Dominionisms: Kuyperian Two-Kingdom Theology versus Theonomy


I post this with a few comments just to call attention to the kind of Two Kingdom Theology which needs to be rejected and opposed. It caught my eye because the author (Tom Hervey) was critical of Larry Ball, a Theonomist writer I have countered on many an occasion. Happy to see someone answering him, I was nevertheless mostly disappointed in Hervey's response.

22 July 2023

Establishment Media Hagiography and the Defense of Atrocity


Once again a mainstream reporter appeals to narratives that are hardly Left-wing or 'woke' but instead belong on FOX or Newsmax. The divide appealed to by so many on the Right is blurry at best and artificial at worst. And keep in mind this is Evan Thomas who spent decades working at supposedly Left-wing magazines like Time and Newsweek. Apparently it's Left-wing these days to produce an apologia for Truman's use of atomic bombs, for that in the end is the real purpose of his work. He defends their use, tries to argue that their use was moral, and that those who made the choice to use them are in fact heroes.

20 July 2023

Bureaucratic Persecution in Italy


Some of the events reported here are limited to the city of Rome as the article acknowledges. I remember back in the 1990's when I spent a fair bit of time there that Protestant churches couldn't ring bells and so forth – orders from the Vatican, or so it was said. The Pope does indeed possess a degree of unofficial leverage within the larger city.

17 July 2023

A Non-Aligned Movement for a New World Order


A New World Order is emerging but it's not the one predicted by George HW Bush in the early 1990's. In fact this is the order he was trying to prevent, the nightmare scenario US power-brokers have been trying to stave off since that time. Ironically, they brought it on themselves but that's a long story - one that cannot be explored here.

09 July 2023

An Ugly Christian Life


Fesko begs many questions in this piece. From his adoption of the culture's language of 'service' to the tacitly endorsed feminism in speaking of a military career, he simply assumes in good Kuyperian fashion that the military is a viable option for the Christian.

02 July 2023

Self-Subversion: Evangelical and Right-wing Feminism


By all accounts, there is a spectrum to modern feminism. Some feminists hate men and turn toward androgyny or ironically to an emulation of masculinity. Other forms of feminism celebrate femininity but it is recast and breaks with older forms and understandings of what that meant – often in forms of libertine expression – a certain conception of womanhood turned up a few notches as it were. Sometimes as a concept it begins to breakdown and blur and even poses as being anti-feminist – and yet ultimately is part of the same cultural subversion that has dismantled the older understandings of womanhood that once prevailed in society and certainly within the Church.

30 June 2023

A Historical and Hypocritical Curiosity


The son of former CIA director Richard Helms is alarmed at the present political climate in the United States and as a result has pulled out a historical curiosity to make his point. He is in possession of a letter written by his father in 1945. The future CIA director was part of the OSS and wrote his infant son a letter on the recently defeated Hitler's stationary warning him about the evils in the world and his witnessing of them.

28 June 2023

Loyalty Among Thieves

At the end of May there was a telling episode that reveals something of Trump's character. He railed against Kayleigh McEnany his former press secretary and one of his staunchest allies when she proved unwilling to distort poll numbers in Trump's favour. The result was that it gave his rival Florida governor Ron DeSantis a needed boost as he is far behind in the polls.

26 June 2023

The Questions that Arise with Syria's Re-emergence


Now that Assad has his foot back into the door of the international community, he's looking to join institutions that will promote stability, growth, and security. This is hardly surprising though it will continue to outrage his critics in the West – the individuals, entities, and governments that attempted to overthrow him and fomented a civil war in his country that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of refugees.

25 June 2023

Moldovan Intrigues and Russian Threats


This article has been in the queue for a few weeks and I might have tossed it aside other than it struck me today (24 June) of how absurd it is in many respects even as NATO continues to push the narrative about the threat of Russia. Russia has been exposed today as a nation in a state of instability and peril. Not only did Putin's forces fail to take Kyiv in 2022, he has now faced a very threatening mutiny and this is even in light Ukraine's failed spring 2023 offensive. Putin looks weak in the eyes of the world.

24 June 2023

The Violence in Colombia Ignored by Western Media


When Western and even Christian media cover the situation in Colombia they invariably focus on the terror and violence perpetrated by the Leftist guerilla groups – such as the FARC. This is true enough but they consistently misrepresent the story. There are cycles of violence and terror and the reason many among the rural poor gravitate toward the Left is due to the violence of Right-wing paramilitary groups which are often unofficial arms of the state and in other cases are effectively private armies funded and backed by Western corporations. And it must be remembered that groups like the CIA are always in the background pulling strings and attempting to manage the situation.

13 June 2023

Persecution in Uzbekistan


This reporting relies on Forum 18 which as I contended last year is problematic, as the organisation is a little too cozy with the European Establishment. That said, (as with the Mariupol pastor story from October 2022), this is not to say the story isn't true. It's more of a warning to be sceptical of the source and to realize that despite their claims – they're not neutral or apolitical observers.

11 June 2023

Violence in Kosovo


There are statements from multiple entities such as the EU and NATO condemning these events and yet everyone knows the key player here is the United States. Washington created Kosovo and its government is completely beholden to the United States.

08 June 2023

BBC: Foxes Guarding the Hen House

In recent years a number of mainstream outlets have produced watchdog shows that attempt to navigate the larger media world and its increasingly conflicting and contradictory presentation of facts and narratives. These shows are meant to help one discern the truth and of course it is assumed that whatever the said outlet is, (such as the BBC) – it is in fact a guardian of it.

06 June 2023

A Ukraine Miscellany XVIII: A New Phase in the War?

It's clear that Kyiv is basically unable to mount the much vaunted spring offensive – at least not anything of significance within the spectrum of conventional artillery-infantry oriented combat expected by its Western sponsors. Spring is more or less over at this point and for months the NATO Establishment has debated its next set of moves. It was determined some time ago that a general escalation was in order. The question was not if but when and how. There will an offensive but it is likely to change the very character and scope of the war.

02 June 2023

Harry Truman is Not Fun


This interview was absurd and offensive and belies the claims by the Right that NPR is 'Left-wing' or somehow anti-American. The interview is a whitewash of Truman's record. The notion that somehow he was an anti-corruption fighter – while failing to mention his well-established record of corruption back in Missouri (and later during at least his first term in the US Senate) reveals the farcical nature of the interview and NPR's role in reporting history.

01 June 2023

28 May 2023

Kiliçdaroglu: Running to the Right of Erdogan


To the surprise of many, Erdogan not only did better than expected in the first round of the election, he now stands all but poised to win another term. This is despite the crushing economic troubles the country faces and the scandal surrounding the response to the February 2023 earthquake and subsequent questions surrounding corruption, building codes, and the like.

26 May 2023

The Habsburg Way of Lying


Listening to Taylor Marshall interview Eduard Habsburg I was struck by many things. In many respects the interview was a waste of time as it had nothing to do with the Christianity of Scripture but was instead an attempt to create an amalgam – to join modern Catholic Integralism (with Throne and Altar Ideology) with modern Liberalism and its democratic regime of rights, the individual and capitalist economics. It doesn't work and the contradictions were on display during this interview – for those paying attention.

23 May 2023

A Travesty in London


Aside from the fact that Rick Warren has a less than robust view of Scripture and is rapidly drifting into theological liberalism, and aside from the fact that he's a corrupt political operative who befriends millionaires and dictators, the truth is he's built his entire clerical career based on a repudiation of Spurgeon's model of preaching and pastoral work.

21 May 2023

Expanding NATO into the Indo-Pacific



Led by the United States, NATO is attempting to expand into the Asian theatre in preparation for war with China. NATO is opening an office in Japan, and the US in addition to strengthening ties with Australia, the Philippines and other nations, is preparing to negotiate for new bases in Papua New Guinea.

17 May 2023

The Italian Debate over BRI


Meloni publically states that she's against Italian participation in the Beijing-sponsored Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Her administration has attempted to patch-up differences with EU/NATO members France and with the Washington Establishment – which has not been always thrilled with the trajectory of the Italian Right, especially the Salvini-led Lega Party, which is part of Meloni's coalition.

The Scam that is Angie's List

I sincerely don't mean this in any kind of sense of bitterness but something struck me today – it's instructive one might say. I caught the headline that Bill Oesterle, the founder of Angie's List died of ALS at the age of 57. It's a national story.

16 May 2023

Resistance to AUKUS


This is certainly a story that will not make it into mainstream US media – as the US Establishment doesn't even want such questions raised about the AUKUS alliance. And if the story emerges in other venues you can be certain that operatives and 'commentators' will spin the story and make transform these protestors into 'China stooges' or something along those lines. They might even find a way to blame Putin for it.

14 May 2023

The Information Gatekeepers and Assange

Western Mainstream Media continues to largely ignore the situation with Julian Assange. He has now spent more than a decade effectively (and actually) imprisoned without ever facing any kind of trial or due process – the bogus charges being used as a pretense to seize him being found without merit and dropped. But by then he was caught in a series of legal traps and in order to avoid the snares laid for him by the CIA – he became a fugitive and asylum seeker.

12 May 2023

Dividing Nigeria to Protect Christians

Recently I've heard rumblings from within the Christian community that US foreign policy should support (or foster) the break-up (or division) of Nigeria in order to protect the persecuted Christians that live there. They want a new state carved out for the Christian community to protect them from the various Islamic threats.

09 May 2023

VCY's Lamech Solution


I'm not going to waste a great deal of time interacting with what is effectively John Birch Radio – or at least its Fundamentalist-Evangelical arm. It is spiritually bankrupt and while there are bits of gospel truth to be found on CrossTalk, the deception and error far outweigh it and expose the show as a dangerous font of heresy and disinformation.

07 May 2023

Persecution in Pakistan


When it comes to the Subcontinent, most in the West are likely to think of the troubles that Christians face under Narendra Modi's BJP government in India. And indeed, Christians continue to face threats and harassment by his administration and its paramilitary proxies such as the RSS.

Answered Prayers: A Final Update on My Son

Once again I wish to thank all those who have prayed for my son's recovery from a broken back. Nine months after the accident, months in a brace, and weeks of physical therapy, he was finally able to return to his job. And after a few months of office work and other temporary tasks, he just recently started driving again.

He's still dealing with some pain and awkwardness which is to be expected. As a flatbed truck driver there's a lot of climbing up and down, strapping, cranking, and slinging heavy chains. This is causing him some difficulty. There are days where one makes multiple short runs which involve more of this 'on the trailer' sort of work – securing and dismantling each load. He's not as keen on that at present (as those are days of considerable pain) and he does better with longer drives and less fuss. It's still going to take some time and it may be in the end that he decides to pursue something else. Time will tell.

Therefore, please keep praying if it comes to mind. But be assured that prayers have been answered. God be praised and thanks to all of you again. My son can not only walk but it would seem he's slowly returning to a normal life.

04 May 2023

A Harbinger of US Decline


These are noteworthy developments to say the least. Riyadh still maintains close ties with Washington and yet it's clear as the linked author indicates – the Saudis are no longer afraid of America or of earning its displeasure.

01 May 2023

Almost Blacklisted by Google

I recently had an interesting experience with Google. An article from 2016 was flagged by the Blogger platform as violating their community terms of use. It wasn't removed, but it was censored in that you have to agree that you were an adult to read it – and sign in via a Google log-in.

27 April 2023

The Ghost of Woodrow Wilson


During World War I, the Wilson administration targeted dissenters and critics of America's war policy and in many cases jailed and deported them. Even suggesting that someone shouldn't register for the draft was enough to warrant an investigation and possible arrest. It was also a time of vigilante groups, and unofficial 'shadow' units within police and sheriff's departments. Groups like the American Legion also played a part in pursuing and harassing critics of the war.

25 April 2023

The Woke Fantasies of a Dominionist Fool and His Blind Pursuit of Fascism


The fool speaks again. We have certainly wasted some ink responding to the likes of retired PCA minister Larry Ball, but given that his material is published at The Aquila Report it's evident that someone finds it to be noteworthy and intelligent. It's hard to imagine someone might find it edifying but given that there are still people walking around with Newsmax and Trump hats on – anything is possible.

24 April 2023

Deceit and Delusion at American Family Radio (AFR)

American Family Radio (a subsidiary of the American Family Association) recently sent out emails for its spring fund raiser. I call on readers to note the confusion expressed in their statements and evaluate their claims.

The email begins:

Through the years, AFA has developed a broad range of resources, strategies, and media outlets aimed at promoting Christian values in all areas of our public life. Perhaps you are already a listener to our broadcast division called American Family Radio, where, right now, we are engaged in our Spring “Living Water” Share-a-thon.

22 April 2023

EU States Continue to Reject Kosovo Independence


Though it aggravates the United States and even Brussels to no end, there are still multiple states within the European Union that refuse to recognize Kosovo as a state. It's telling just how much the media refuses to engage this issue because of course the Russian annexation of Crimea is effectively no different than what the US did with Kosovo in the late 1990's. In fact there's a much larger (and pernicious) story concerning the break-up of Yugoslavia and the American role in it that to this day is largely unknown.

18 April 2023

The Azerbaijan Proxy


This is a story that I've been following for years – the fact that Azerbaijan has become a platform for Israeli military and espionage operations directed against Iran. Azerbaijan itself is a divided land – the Turkic-speaking region was carved out of Persia first by the Tsars in the nineteenth century and then under Stalin the northern portion of the territory became part of the USSR. Apart from a brief episode in the context of the Russian Revolution and Civil War, Azerbaijan only became truly independent in 1991. And while the population is mostly Shiite (orienting them toward Iran), being Turkic they also retain close cultural ties to Ankara and share the general Turkish hostility toward the Armenians – with whom they have fought two wars since the break-up of the Soviet Union.

11 April 2023

The Counsels of Mammon (II)


At about the twelve minute mark we come to:

5. Be on a Budget

Budgets are very helpful, but contrary to the narrative being provided, there are people who spend years trying to get that money set aside for tires or whatever and can never get there. Life keeps happening and because the margins are too tight, they can't meet those goals. Others have volatile incomes – shift workers whose hours change every week, or those who are self-employed. A sickness can throw everything off and then while you're trying to get it back on track – a car repair comes up that you can't pay for. Sometimes it can take months to get back on track, but by then something else has likely happened. These people are not necessarily doing anything wrong – they're simply struggling.

The Counsels of Mammon (I)


Contrary to its claims, this podcast seemingly exists to proclaim the insufficiency of Scripture because not only is the doctrine of the New Testament ignored when it comes to money, its applications and attitudes about mammon, possessions, and worldliness are rejected and replaced by an opposite set of values.

07 April 2023

The False Church Baptising the World's Wisdom

Listening to American Family Radio (AFR) I was struck by something 'Bishop' EW Jackson said. When I'm down in a certain area I can pick up AFR and it seems like his show comes on while I'm in the car eating my lunch.

04 April 2023

Germany's LNG Infrastructure Pains


This article demonstrates the internal conflict that plagues modern Western capitalist economies. Germany needs Liquefied Natural Gas, all the more since the Nordstream pipelines were blown up and the gas supply from Russia has been cut off.

30 March 2023

Evangelisation and the American Right's Allies in Israel


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is a centrist when compared to his coalition partners, understands the critical need for US Evangelical support and while he undoubtedly views his American backers as useful idiots and does not want to see their brand of Christianity flourish in his country, he doesn't want to unnecessarily antagonize them – and thus has (since this initial writing) made moves to counter this legislation which would block their missionary work. Besides given the near uprising over his proposed reform of the judiciary, he's got much bigger problems and needs his American backers at a time like this.

27 March 2023

Charging Admission for Worship

It's one thing for Christian musicians to compose works that are informed or influenced by the faith and the ideas associated with it. But when such music is labeled 'Christian' then several important lines are blurred. It becomes a form of 'sacred' music in the minds of many and as such its performance can be associated with worship.

25 March 2023

The Offensive Nature of Missile Defense Systems


This ship has long sailed and the situation between North and South Korea is a bit different due to the geopolitics, unresolved conflict, and sheer proximity, but the systems outlined in this article demonstrate what must be called the offensive nature of missile defense systems.

22 March 2023

21 March 2023

The Rotten Harvest of a Popular Homeschool Ethos


A recent conversation led me to revisit the Austin Bombings back in 2018. In some respects I'm surprised there hasn't been more of this sort of thing – more Christian Terrorism as it were.

There are many people of similar mindset and developing in the same matrix of ideas. Some can't deal with all the implications and pressures and become radicalized.

18 March 2023

A New App in China


No, this isn't about TikTok but about a state sponsored registry app for Christians within China and the reporting failures of the Evangelical infotainment, tabloid, and spin factories that try to pass themselves off as news.

15 March 2023

The Witherspoon-Princeton Controversy


The Capitalist decadence masquerading as Cultural Revolution is now targeting the statue of John Witherspoon at Princeton University. Witherspoon was a pivotal figure in the school's history and is considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. As a slaveholder, the activists of the hour want his statue (or monument) removed and his legacy tarred.

12 March 2023

The Dynamics of Perseverance


Leaving aside the misguided (though not unexpected) use of a Winston Churchill quote, the problem with Parsons' argument is that he doesn't define what saving faith is. And interestingly if you get a half-dozen Confessional theologians into a room and ask this question, you'll likely end up with a heated debate and a lack of consensus.

10 March 2023

The Meaning of Blinken's Trip to Central Asia


US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made a recent trip to Central Asia and despite attempts by Western media to spin the visit in a positive light – it is being almost universally acknowledged as a failure. The Central Asian states refuse to back US-sponsored resolutions in the UN that would condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine and they clearly rejected Blinken's overtures – recognizing them for what they are, an attempt at warmongering.

07 March 2023

More Just War Lies


The fact that Jonathan Shaw is a retired military chaplain already discredits him and identifies him as one sold out to the military machine, and one that was willing to make endless compromises in order to do so. Military chaplains are not worthy of any regard or respect. They are to be rebuked.

That said, let's consider some of his points with regard to the Just War tradition.

03 March 2023

An Encounter with Mr. Covid

We finally found a church that we want to attend. Unfortunately it's an over an hour away and in a direction that we almost never go and has never appealed to us. We don't like the drive and the culture changes a bit over that way. Our entire area could be characterised as Trump country, with some areas voting for him in the seventy and eighty percentile range, but this town has always been on the extreme. Even during the peak of Covid, the town in question always had the highest counts and was the most recalcitrant to any kind of mitigation efforts. We just don't like the place much but we found this church that (all things considered) has been somewhat encouraging.

01 March 2023

Western Finance: Feeding on the Chaos


Profits are on the rise. The railroad industry is booming and Norfolk Southern is buying back stocks to increase their value even as they throw crumbs at the people in East Palestine, Ohio.  Utility companies across the United States and the world are raising prices even amid what are in some cases record profits.

25 February 2023

Christian Celebrities and their Fraudulent Testimonies

Why do I have to keep hearing about Kathy Ireland? Why are these people celebrated for their supposed faith? The woman became famous in the 1980's for taking her clothes off. Tame by today's standards, this was a more innocent time and a publication like the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition was a big deal for teenage boys and young men – that was a lot of skin to lust over. It wouldn't even grab anyone's attention today but for years that magazine's annual release was a cultural moment and viewed as scandalous by anyone with a moral compass.