24 June 2018

The Cardinal at Bilderberg

The meeting took place in Turin earlier this month and as usual many watch with great interest who attends and what the official agenda is. Bilderberg, still shrouded in some degree of secrecy has attempted to manage its image by coming out into the open.
Are all attendees part of a grand conspiracy? Are they akin to members of a great freemasonry? Not exactly and yet those who entirely dismiss or downplay the importance of such meetings also err.

Bilderberg is but another one of many circles of power. It's a forum, a mechanism for elites to meet, discuss, plan and strategise. This is not the governing body of a world government but one of many such groups that wields power. Bilderberg has no direct political or legislative control and yet it does have tremendous influence. It's a piece, and a substantial one at that, of a large and very complex mosaic.
I think more than anything it's a forum to foster discussion and make contacts. This even happens on the local level. I recall a financial advisor I did some work for at one time. He joined everything he could, the Lions, Rotary, Elks, the school board and many other organisations. Did he believe in what these organisations stand for? I can't say for sure but I know what was primarily motivating him was contacts. He wanted everyone to know his name. This is a kind of power, especially when he offers services and can solve problems.
This is how people rise to the top of a local community and later have the potential to get 'tapped' for higher connections, offices, tasks and relationships. Bilderberg represents the apex of such aspirations, or at least one of them. Again, the people who are able to float around these various 'top tier' circles are the most powerful people in the world.
And yet their positions are almost always volatile. Their fortunes wax and wane, they conspire and are conspired against. There are very few who are static, able to stay atop the mountain (so to speak) for years and decades and yet those that do wield tremendous power. This cannot be disputed.
The 2018 agenda for Bilderberg, now something almost out in the open reveals little and yet does provide some insight. This is what the elites are talking about and what they're worried about. It's a harbinger of potential change, issues to watch as it were. The fact that they're discussing geopolitics, issues surrounding labour and technology and concerns regarding populism are hardly surprising. What threatens the post-war liberal order? What are the short-term and long-term plans? This is what they're talking about. The post-war Western order centred on the United States, and the various capitalist financial institutions, NATO etc. is what they represent.
In many ways they are the Establishment and yet not everyone invited to a Bilderberg meeting is part of the upper tier of that Establishment. They're probably close or getting close, they might be in the process of being 'tapped' or selected for promotion or they might be in the process of being 'wooed' to conformity. One thinks of Enoch Powell, Sam Nunn or Rick Perry for example as people they have attempted to woo. Others have pointed to Bill Clinton as someone tapped or selected. The current buzz in 2018 surrounds John Hickenlooper, the governor of Colorado. Is he being selected for 2020? And what does that mean? Some erroneously believe that if Bilderberg selects you, then it's akin to a ruling decree and your placement is guaranteed. I don't think that's how it works. Your chances will certainly increase, perhaps remarkably so but the situation is complicated and always dynamic. Clearly Bilderberg does not always get its way. Trump represents that and yet at the same time Trump nevertheless represents the interests and at least in part the agenda of other very powerful groups, some of which overlap with Bilderberg. It is a veritable wilderness of mirrors and many change sides, re-align, flip and betray and on a regular basis. Many also rise and fall. It's a game and many live for it. They're driven not by money but the game. Money is just one of the tools.
In other ways an invitation to Bilderberg is an acknowledgement. You've arrived. Many businessmen are invited because their level of wealth and influence has reached a point that they're starting to exert serious influence on global affairs and economics. The circles of power want to bring them in, have a look, see what they're about, what they might be willing to be part of. They don't want them to become like the Koch Brothers, isolated, rivals or worse, wreckers.
Are some of the people at and deeply involved in Bilderberg are part of what could be called a Global Elite. Without a doubt and yet there are many more powerful people who have little or nothing to do with the Bilderberg meetings. But you can be sure they know people who do or who have attended.
What I have always found interesting about Bilderberg is that in many ways it represents Atlanticism and yet at the same time was the seed for European reassertion and potential autonomy. Many believe the EU is a child of Bilderberg. In some ways it represented a possible return to multipolarity (Post- or Anti-Atlanticism) in the wake of the Cold War,  something resented by powerful factions in the United States. Bilderberg probably sees itself as 'shepherding' the 'transition' from a US dominated order to a true multi-polar Neo-Atlanticism. This issue has come sharply into focus in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, surging populism and now Donald Trump.
Additionally Bilderberg also represents one of the few public forums in which European royalty is able to use its often obscured wealth and influence to assert control and to continue to shape the destiny of Europe.
Many will make much of the fact that a Cardinal, the Vatican Secretary of State was invited to such a meeting. What does it mean?
How you answer this depends on how you understand the Vatican and the nature and power of the Roman Catholic Church. Is the organisation risking irrelevance? Is the Vatican actually quite powerful and influential? Does it have a veritable secret army of Black Nobility, Knights and defenders to be found in the global elite? Some think so and not without some reason. Regardless of how one views the Vatican, whether it's seen as a power near the apex of the Western-Global order or as a mere puppet utilised by these same powers, it is nevertheless a significant player and represents its own complicated labyrinth of multi-faceted power and struggle.
Cardinal Parolin is a potential future pope. Is he being tapped? Does his invitation represent a threat to Bergoglio (Francis) or is it an affirmation of his style and tone? Francis has upset many and yet others wish he would go further and quickly as Rome faces a series of crises in light of scandal and the cultural zeitgeist.
Is his invitation an attempt to build bridges to the Vatican? It could be viewed as some as an attempt by Brussels to step into the gap and appropriate a relationship once dominated by Washington.
Others will mark this as a formal shift in Vatican policy, a sign of the shifting trajectory of the Vatican, an omen of further liberalising in the realm of dogma and style. This might alarm conservatives
At the same time some liberals will see it (as previously mentioned) as a broadside against Francis, a threat to him in the sense of an accounting, a reprimand of Vatican policies. There are many ways to look at this but I don't believe anyone can be entirely sure and I doubt there's one correct answer. Such is the nature of organisations like Bilderberg. There are deliberate agendas but also many examples of testing the waters and seeking clarification. I say this not to downplay the sinister nature of such organisations but at the same time I don't want them to be painted as something they are not.
Bilderberg is evil and represents several heads of Bestial powers both existing and aspirant and while these folks are de facto servants of evil, it is a mistake to view them as part of an organised and orchestrated satanic freemasonry.

1 comment:

  1. I think many so-called "conspiracy theorists" have trouble grasping something that you've articulated clearly here: There is no singular organization or order which controls the world. There are many organizations and levels of power, there are of course the Beasts and lesser Antichrists seeking world dominance. But most of these organizations are not really "in-control" but rather trying to restrain the chaos of the world for their own personal gains.

    Jordan Wright


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