26 August 2018

BND Agents in Kosovo

Is this a 'covert cock-up' as Der Spiegel puts it or is the well known German daily engaged in cover-up and damage control?
I dug these articles up from 2008 because to me they represent reasonably clear examples of the strategy of tension, false flag operations and attempts by the US/NATO (in this case via the Bundesnachtrichtendienst or BND) using terrorism to achieve strategic goals.

The article admits heavy BND activity in Kosovo due to links between organised criminal links between the two countries. Anyone who's read anything about intelligence agencies and organised crime will know that an organisation like the BND will not only look for underworld informants and assets for dark deeds but they will often work with one criminal faction at the expense of another.
Assets and missions have to be funded and intelligence agencies will not only look the other way when crimes are being committed, all too often they're in on it, providing direct or at the very least logistical support and providing cover. Prime Minister Hashim Thaci certainly comes to mind. He's a classic case, a mafia figure with a KLA paramilitary background. And all too often 'mission creep' sets in. The relationship blossoms and expands and suddenly the intelligence agency will run mobsters as agents using them (in this case) across the Balkans, Turkey and even other parts of Europe and the Middle East. This is hardly controversial.
And yet based on countless examples from the past concerning MI6, CIA, BND, MIT and other intelligence organisations I don't believe it's a case of mission creep but unstated official policy.
What of the explosion? Is it possible the BND agents are innocent? Some have suggested that Thaci and some of the criminal element may have sought revenge for Germany revealing his Albanian mafia ties. Anything is possible. It's also possible that the BND was using some bungling sub-contractors.
But for my part I think a BND attack on an EU office makes perfect sense. It makes the country look volatile, in need of security and a strong and stable outside hand. The agenda can then be implemented with an iron fist. A crackdown would be in order and rival factions can be eliminated as the criminal act is blamed on them.* The fact that the attack took place on a German-connected EU building all but guarantees international support.
This tactic has repeatedly been employed throughout Europe as a means to drive politics to the Right and introduce police-state measures in order to crush dissent... real or imagined. This is at the heart of the Gladio revelations in the wake of the Cold War.
The BND agents were subsequently released:
But I am not convinced of their innocence. Once again the German media seems to be engaged in a cover-up. They reveal just enough to keep their narrative plausible but further examination reveals they're leaving out far more than they're revealing. Why is that?
Even if you don't accept that the BND agents were involved in the bombing, the episode at the very least provides a window in the intelligence agency/mafia underworld and its many labyrinths.
In many of these cases, as with many of the terrorist bombings in 1970's and 80's Europe, it becomes difficult to 'prove' who did what and where the orders came from. This is by design. And yet there's often enough physical evidence, witness testimony and overwhelming circumstantial evidence to point an investigator to the target. They may not be able to hit the bull's-eye but they can probably get close enough to provide an assessment of the situation. But all too often the Establishment's media machine steps in and plays the false exposé card.... revealing salacious details as a bait-and-switch tactic, turning attention away from the real story and always protecting the powerful people within the state apparatus.

*No one has trouble believing these false-flag tactics are used in other countries. Western media outlets recently and very cynically suggested Central Asian regimes will use ISIS as an excuse to crack down on opponents and dissidents. No controversy there but if you imply that Western government will use the same tactics... you're a conspiracy theorist.

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