21 July 2019

The Ukraine Conflict: Orthodoxy, Militias and Arms Smuggling

All acknowledged that the recent creation of an autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church would heighten tensions between Kiev and Moscow and amplify the growing rift between the Moscow Patriarchate and that of Constantinople.
These conflicts are playing out on multiple fronts. The AsiaNews link explores some of the difficulties in Ukraine as its symbols, shrines, relics and properties remain divided. Small seemingly innocuous moves can mean a lot.
Additionally, a story broke this week about a weapons cache found among some Neo-Nazis in Italy. The weapons were reported as bound for the Pro-Russian and Moscow supported separatists in Eastern Ukraine's Donbass. Much has been made of this story.

As I've been working a great deal this week I hadn't had the opportunity to explore the story but it troubled me... because it made little sense. The Neo-Nazis in the Donbass are fighting as paramilitaries allied with the Ukrainian government. During World War II it was the Ukrainians that formed fascist pro-Nazi units and participated in the war against the USSR. Their descendants are alive and well and very active in Ukraine.
While there are some Russian Neo-Nazis out there and indeed Neo-Nazism played a dissident role in countries like the GDR, there's never been any substantial indication of Neo-Nazi activity in the Donbass on the part of the pro-Russian groups. If anything they're fanatically anti-Nazi and have succumbed to a type of Russian Orthodox fanaticism, even fascism. 'Close enough' some will say but this is to misunderstand the history and the focus of these movements. Despite somewhat simplistic American perceptions there's a fascist spectrum and not all the groups get along... especially when there's old animosities such as between the Russians and the Germans. For example the Ukrainian fascists are not going to share the views of fellow Ukrainians with regard to joining the EU. The EU is a threat to nationalism. However these same groups view Moscow as a much greater even existential threat and thus anti-Russian activity is their main focus. And frankly the powers that be in Kiev (and Washington) are happy enough to utilise them.
My news feed located a fact checking story about RT dealing with these issues. It piqued my interest because I had the same thoughts and apparently RT sought to deal with them as well. The fact checking sites are helpful at times but when it comes to anything that seriously challenges the Western Establishment narrative especially when it comes to history or foreign policy, the fact checkers quickly turn into spin doctors.  
Here's the link to the RT piece by Danielle Ryan:
And the fact checking rebuttal:
The thing is Ryan is right, the West has been whitewashing the role of Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine and on a fairly staggering scale. If some of the things taking place in Ukraine had happened in the UK, France, the United States or Germany, they would be the source of major headlines. And yet the West has been silent. And so there's every reason to be suspicious.
The Polygraph info link muddies the waters and insists that that the Italian Right is working on both sides and then tries to weave together a narrative regarding Salvini and the Russians and then must do all it can to deconstruct the official narrative regarding the capture of these weapons. The truth is the story was changed under rather suspicious circumstances and that while Eastern Ukraine is a confused mess, even Polygraph has to admit that most of the Italian Right's attention and affection have been directed toward Ukrainian Neo-Nazi's.
Does this aspect of the Right even include Salvini? It's quite complicated. Of course I personally wish there would be more reporting about Salvini's ties to fascist elements even as he's also starting to collaborate with American based Evangelicals... the same folks who often and naively still peg fascism as being a Left-wing movement. It fits the American Right's fictitious metanarrative but also blinds them to the fact that it is the American Right that has long had ties to European fascism and is in the process of establishing new ones.
The Polygraph site seems determined to smear the less than sympathetic Salvini and to gloss over the funny business that took place with the release of the story about the captured weapons. The rabbit trails were impressive. Just what is this Polygraph site I asked myself? When I found it, I just shook my head.
Some might decry this as ad hominem but let's be clear what the Polygraph website is... it's a branch of Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe. In other words it's a CIA news outlet and a well known one at that. Officially the relationship with Langley was severed in the 1970's but the ties are still there, they're simply buried under layers of front organisations and liaisons with the State Department. I think it's only the officials connected to the organisations that would try and refute this. It's otherwise commonly known and accepted.
During the Cold War these outlets were used to propagandise Europe and especially the Eastern Bloc. They were used again in the 1990's as the United States working through Paul Weyrich of the Heritage Foundation and CIA connected National Endowment for Democracy figures such as Laszlo Pasztor (and other ex-fascists) laboured to swing ex-Warsaw Pact nations into the Western orbit. It was a very successful operation but they weren't able to finish and now the loose ends.... places like Serbia, Ukraine and Russia itself remain a thorn in the Western side.
Italy has been marked as a defector by the NATO-EU Atlantic Bloc. It has signed OBOR deals with China and is (along with the V4) playing a dissident role in the EU. The Russian gas deals decried in the Polygraph article are also being signed in places like Germany... also a source of irritation for Washington. But Washington isn't going to pick on Berlin just now. Salvini on the other hand is being targeted. Washington clearly wants him gone. And suddenly this whole fact checking story smells funny.
The Ukrainian Conflict is complicated and its ramifications are spreading as the West can't seem to dislodge Moscow even as the EU seems to be growing weaker by the day. Even NATO looks shaky in light of Trump's machinations and the moves taken by Germany and France in forming The Aachen Treaty. It was no accident that Angela Merkel was invited to Paris to witness the annual militaristic show put on for Bastille Day. This year the tone was different. It included the normal military display but the organising principle was not NATO, but the new European Defense Initiative, the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) and a host of other acronyms and programmes being used to create an NATO-independent European army.
From the battles within Orthodoxy to the propaganda war, the Ukraine is a battlefield not just between Russian separatists and Ukrainian nationalists but a series of proxy conflicts between East and West, Moscow and the United States, Moscow and Atlanticism and even Western Modernity and the growing call to question and reject Classical Liberalism and the Enlightenment.
Biblically minded Christians are caught in the middle. From the divided and destroyed congregations in Eastern Ukraine to the politicisation of Christians in Central Europe, there are no good answers and little optimism. Church leaders who have largely embraced Dominionist theology seem quick to succumb to these Right-wing efforts. And yet in countries like Russia it is the very sacral anti-Enlightenment model that has empowered the Orthodox Church and in collaboration with the Putin government it has started to put a great deal of pressure on non-Orthodox groups or 'sects' as they're seen. The Jehovah's Witnesses are being openly persecuted. As the Moscow-Washington conflict intensifies all Evangelical and Protestant congregations with any bureaucratic or financial ties to the West are going to be placed in Moscow's sights.
There's no winning here. While it's refreshing to see some resistance to the Sodomite-Feminist wave that has overtaken the West, the monistic sacral models that are beginning to appear in Russia and some of the EU dissident nations are no friends to Biblical Christianity and in some cases represent a real danger.
As this RT-Polygraph exchange shows, there's a lot of mischief going on and the safest bet is to trust no one. There's a propaganda war taking place and the truth is the first casualty. Do I trust RT? Generally speaking I do not. But I absolutely do not trust Polygraph, Radio Free Europe or VOA. No one in their right mind would.
See also:

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