03 November 2019

Self-Affirmation Confused With the Will of God

But she's not plugged in to God's plan. This is a case of self-affirmation being confused with the will of God or God's Plan.
We may speak of God's decretive will or Providence in which His will is indeed accomplished regardless of the outcome or means. And yet we live by His Revealed Will which we can point to as a sure guide.

We cannot live outside of God's revealed will and expect His blessings, sanction or endorsement of what we do. What may seem like affirmation in the form of worldly success might actually be a form of judgment, a simmering accumulation of culpability which will only come back to condemn that person as they ignored conscience and lived by 'blessings' they didn't deserve... or even more perilous... used the world and its thought to define what blessings are.
Snyder (or is it Ellingson?) is a multiple divorcee and yet supposes that she as an Evangelical billionaire heiress and owner of a corporation has some leadership or discipleship role to fulfill. I'm sorry but despite whatever survey results are produced, the company does not operate on Christian principles. It assumes the two income model generated by feminism. Its wages while decent in a place like Appalachia cannot sustain a man trying to support a family and thus one must question their morality if cast in terms of a supposed 'Christian' business model.
Such wages in a place like California are paltry and even two parents working for the company would face severe hardship. For the sake of brevity I'm not even going to discuss the Wall Street-Usury angles of such wealth and the ethical problems encountered by those who would hold it in our modern economic system.
I haven't eaten at In-N-Out in almost thirty years (when I last lived in Southern California) and I had no knowledge of any Christian message or angle to the company which apparently hadn't yet come to the fore.
In all actuality a company relying on a Christianity comprised of Bible verses tacked on to disposable cups led by a billionaire divorced feminist purporting to be a Christian leader is actually a perfect picture of modern American Evangelicalism. You can't make this stuff up.
Amazingly even this woman has been infected by pseudo-Two Kingdoms doctrine. Thank you New Calvinism for sowing widespread and rampant confusion with regard to these matters. As I breezed past her immodest tank-top/blond hair beach bunny presentation and claims to Holy Spirit revelations, I found buried in her Army of Love belief statement:
#15: CALLED TO LIVE IN A TWO-KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE: The kingdom of God exists wherever God is allowed to rule and reign. We are called to live in two kingdoms, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world, the first overcoming the second, as our faith overcomes the world (1Jn 5:4).
While some Two Kingdoms folks I know might take serious exception to the wording, she has encapsulated the Dominionist ethos along with their usual twisting of Scripture. Somehow the faith born of God mentioned in 1 John 5 is expanded into transformationalism and cultural redemption.
I had to chuckle as her Army of Love biography omits her billionaire status. It's hard to raise money when people realise you one of the richest people in the country and live in a vast mansion.
I understand people have messy lives and have sometimes made disastrous decisions. But what I'm seeing here isn't repentance and humility but rather pride and self-justification. Snyder could be a servant to the Church, her employees and use her money effectively. Purchasing mansions and playing with racecars even while pretending to be sold out for Jesus and claiming to be placed by Providence to lead and shepherd is to put it bluntly.... offensive.

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