31 December 2022

A New Phase for the Homeschooling Movement


This is the kind of frustrating article that has almost become the norm. Everything about it is off. We are thankful that our kids are all past the time of schooling but some of the anxieties and fears being raised today were with us twenty years ago when we started. These tensions are not new. They've just gotten worse.

25 December 2022

Moral Character and Public Officials

In 1998, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) released a statement on moral character and public officials. Many will recall this was at the height of tensions between the Clinton administration and the GOP. The Culture Wars were raging and many Evangelicals were in a state of apoplectic rage, convinced that Clinton was a communist determined to bring America down. They and their allies were doing all they could to combat his administration.

22 December 2022

A Ukraine Miscellany XV: Cordesman and Infrastructure

Anthony Cordesman has received some unsought coverage lately for comments he made on the war in Ukraine. This along with a thirty year old paper I discovered, provide substantial and significant reasons to question key points of the media narrative surrounding the war.

17 December 2022

Building on the Foundation of the Christo-MAGA Shift


This article doesn't reveal anything that I haven't already read in numerous books and articles that have appeared over the past twenty years. Every few years reports emerge of some new conference or gathering that reveals the direction that these political movements are headed. They represent the nexus of Christian-Right activism, academia, and the political order. It's always changing but always the same.

There are a few noteworthy exceptions and points worth highlighting in the case of this article.

15 December 2022

Lausanne-Style Evangelicalism in Northern Italy


In contrast to the claims made in the article, one could wish that anything associated with Billy Graham and his legacy actually involved a clear gospel presentation. Instead, what the audience received was undoubtedly the Finneyite Altar Call message – the cheap grace gospel of the Evangelical movement and it's affirmation of worldliness in the form of watered down faith, tepid repentance, and its Dominionist imperative.

13 December 2022

Croatia Rewarded: LNG Deals and Schengen Membership


Croatia was quick to sign up to America's suggestion of creating an LNG infrastructure, and now in this new deal with Austria and Bavaria, that capacity is set to double. Croatia is set to become an energy hub for southern and central Europe as LNG can be brought in via the Adriatic.

11 December 2022

The Shifting Sands of the China-Covid Narrative

Have you noticed the shift in coverage regarding China? For months Western media outlets have voiced criticism regarding Beijing's Zero-Covid policy. They referred to it as draconian and despite the fact that only a few thousand people have died within a country over a billion people – as ineffective.

06 December 2022

New LNG Infrastructure Coming On Line


It has been nothing less than impressive to witness the rapid development of this new LNG infrastructure. No doubt everything has been categorized as a 'rush order'. And even with the red hot production time-tables, their coming 'on line' isn't soon enough as ships are already piling up in the Atlantic and we read of other nations eager to export LNG – and get a piece of the lucrative European market and its high demand.

December Update

God be praised, we've made more progress. After just about fifteen weeks in a brace, my son is finally getting to take it off. Not all at once of course, but we've started the process of weaning him from it. He has a new lease on life. He's able to lie on his side in bed and yes, take a shower. Needless to say he's in good spirits.

05 December 2022

Refusing to be Distracted


The article was good and even refreshing to a degree, but it was not elaborated enough. It felt like there should have been a lot more explanation as to why these positions (what some take to be non-positions) are taken.

The confusion is demonstrated in the comments after the article.

03 December 2022

The Drums of War in the Asia-Pacific


If you read the article carefully, the argument can be made that the headline is guilty of sensationalism. America is clearly in the position of supremacy but that margin of domination is not what it was thirty years ago. This I think is probably self-evident and hardly surprising to anyone.