13 March 2024

Evangelical Misunderstandings of Modi's Relationship with the US


Pardon my cynicism but if Trump were president I don't think this criticism would be levied with quite as much zeal and earnest as we see in this piece from the so-called Christian Post. In some respects the article was refreshing but in others ridiculous.

It's been in my queue for months and as I write this Modi has augmented the number of troops along the Chinese border. Modi frequently angers Washington with his joining of BRICS and his continued relationship with Moscow. But he's a favourite of Wall Street and willing to oppose China - even at the expense of a BRICS member it would seem.

India was non-aligned during the Cold War and this earned a great deal of enmity from Washington. In the early 2000's New Delhi moved away from this position and oriented itself toward the West.

But remember, Moscow was still degraded in the early 2000's and China while rising, was not yet the power that it is today. The situation has changed and slowly but surely New Delhi has moved back in the direction of non-alignment - on certain points. Modi is unwilling to simply become a US client state and yet his nationalism and economic policies have revivified the old antagonism with Beijing. Like Türkiye, India is seeking to carve its own geopolitical place within its region and vis-à-vis the East-West divide.

Make no mistake, Modi is a monster, a persecutor of Christians, the head of a Hindu-fascist network that employs a paramilitary wing (the RSS) that wages low-grade war against Christians and Muslims.

I am left somewhat baffled by the author's suggestion that US foreign policy can be spoken of in connection with words like morality and humanity. It seems clear enough the author is unfamiliar with said policy and its long history of exploitation, bloodshed, and rank hypocrisy.

For this reason perhaps more than any other the author loses credibility and cannot be taken seriously.

For a lobbyist such as Curry, it would seem either he's an ignorant hireling or corrupt - perfectly willing to speak out of both sides of his mouth. Either way it does not reflect well on him.

Reading the article, Curry does not strike me as ignorant and as such I must conclude that he is being selective in how he chooses to frame the issues - a tactic which smacks of corruption and self-interest. He is promoting his lobby, taking some well-deserved swipes at Modi, but perhaps most important of all he's using the occasion of Modi's visit to attack Biden and thus score points with the Evangelical Christian Right of which he is a part.

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