24 March 2024

The ISIS-K Attack on Moscow

 It's fairly obvious that Western media wants to find a way to put an anti-Putin spin on the Moscow theatre attack. There are hints that since American intelligence warned him and he didn't act therefore... it's never said, but we're left to conclude that something nefarious took place. He wanted it to happen or let it happen or he's incompetent. Why won't the Russian people realize this? Such allegations and suggestions when put into an American context are ridiculed but are perfectly acceptable when it comes to other countries, particularly America's enemies.

I heard one American analyst express frustration that Putin would likely overreact and use this event as an excuse to unleash out of proportion retribution and violence.

Do he mean like the United States when (after 9/11) it invaded two countries that did not attack it? Did the US overreact when it proceeded to threaten any nation that wasn't on board with its plans? What about when the US set up the biggest data collection and surveillance programme in history? Was it an overreaction to set up Black Sites, assassination programmes, and to kidnap people off the streets? Al Qaeda after all never consisted of more than a few hundred men. In the wake of America's grasp for global hegemony (masquerading as the Global War on Terror) new al Qaeda cells were born - another case of self-fulfilled prophecy as it were.

After 9/11, one particularly inane country song asked 'Have you forgotten?' - the song a ridiculous propaganda piece for the Iraq invasion that meant to imply that Saddam Hussein was part of the 9/11 conspiracy.

But we could say in 2024 - indeed, have you forgotten? Apparently a kind of amnesia sets in when it comes to American thinking with regard to Russia and China. Everything American did in the early 2000's, all its crimes - are seemingly forgotten.

It may very well be that the assumptions of American Exceptionalism come into play in the thinking of the media and the Establishment analysts and academics. Whatever America does is right because it is America. It cannot be judged as other nations are judged. It's a built in institutionalised case of sociopathy on a massive scale, a mass psychosis that afflicts the bulk of this depraved society including vast sections of the so-called Church.

Or in other cases the media just misrepresents the story - as was seen with the Moscow-Beijing veto of the recent US resolution in the UN Security Council. The witch that presently serves as the American ambassador to the body lambasted Russia and China for refusing to support measures toward peace. The resolution was symbolic at best, an unworkable dead-on-arrival document and everyone knew it. Why would Putin or Xi want to give the US a 'win' or provide them a fig leaf to cover their culpability in the mass slaughter taking place in Gaza? Thomas-Greenfield conveniently ignores that the US has blocked all previous overtures toward the end of bringing about a cease fire or restoring something akin to peace. The whole episode was absurd and yet watching American news you would never know it. This is by design. It has to be.

The attack on Moscow very well may have been carried out by ISIS-Khorasan. Central Asia is a place of tension and not a few frustrated hopes. Afghanistan has suffered almost continuously for forty-five years. That kind of chaos always produces monsters. Afghanistan has many. And yet the story of ISIS has always been sketchy. From Libya to Syria the roots of this organisation (when exposed) reveal Western ties. Throughout the early 2010's Western intelligence agencies were running a big pipeline of fighters and weapons to and between these venues. It was a kind of Wild West situation - all in the name of toppling regimes. They succeeded in some cases but the chaos won out.

It's only when ISIS invaded Iraq and declared a Caliphate that everyone turned on them. It has also served to all but break al Qaeda and force the notorious Islamist network into second-tier status. Since then ISIS has permutated and this latest Central Asian iteration (ISIS-K) is the bogeyman - sometimes conveniently so.

The US worked with Chechen Islamists during the Chechen Wars and the later insurgency. It armed them and backed them - largely through Eastern Georgia. While we cannot say that US intelligence or some proxy thereof is backing ISIS-K or pushed for this attack - it's not implausible and let's just say the timing is rather interesting. At the very least I will say it bears watching. It may backfire as Putin may use the occasion to further his goals. Or maybe....maybe, that was the secret hope. A dramatic attack leads to escalation in Ukraine and the NATO intervention that some hope for may receive a shot in the arm. God forbid, but it may happen. When the dogs of war are let loose, there's no telling.

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