20 March 2024

Tooley Keeps Spinning the GMC


Mark Tooley continues to mislead regarding the 'conservative' Global Methodist Church (GMC). Conservative by what standard? In terms of historic Protestant orthodoxy, the new denomination is not conservative but theologically liberal. When compared to the New Testament, the GMC represents a serious departure with its attitudes regarding everything from feminism to the embrace of higher criticism and much more.

He also misleads with how he reports the costs of congregations leaving. What he means is - these congregations had to pay exorbitant funds to keep their buildings. It's true this episode points to the already extant and indeed longstanding corruption within the UMC diocesan and denomination system. That's nothing new. Most denominations function this way. But it's misleading because any of these congregations can 'leave' the UMC any time they want. The battles aren't over genuine Biblical questions of ecclesiology but over buildings. Those who say tie their identity to the building demonstrate a flawed understanding of what the Church is - or are trapped by superstition, family loyalties and attachments (which is often the case in small towns), or some believe the main street/steeple status is paramount. They want to have that place of status and respect in the town.

The UMC has been folding congregations in my area for years and consolidating congregations. A few years back they shut down a nearby town's congregation and directed the people to drive to another neighbouring town for services. The congregation which was already disgusted with the UMC hierarchy decided to walk away. I think they petitioned for the building - at least that was the word on the street. In the end, they picked up and relocated. They now meet in a Grange Hall and are an independent congregation. Their reasons for departing the UMC were not so much doctrinal as much as disgust with the bureaucracy. Indeed they now have a woman pastor at their new locale. The building (easily the most prominent in the small town) was sold and is now a private residence, purchased by one of the local tavern keepers no less. The rather impressive steeple will (at some point) come down - as the upkeep will be rather cost prohibitive.

Tooley also misleads when he says the UMC never liberalised on sexual issues. That's just not true. He's playing games. He's speaking of sanction at the denominational level. On the diocesan level (or 'episcopal area' if you prefer the UMC's rather lame designation), sexual deviance has long been practiced, sanctioned, and celebrated. The denomination hasn't officially given it the rubber stamp - but it's done next to nothing to combat this satanic infiltration - and still hasn't which is why churches are leaving.

Though it's but a side-note, does he not realize that Prohibition was a form of progressive advocacy? Is he unaware of its connections to Suffragism - the beginnings of feminism, the ideology that more or less started all of these trends in modern Western society?

The slippery nature of Tooley's advocacy is revealed in his statement about Wesley and the GMC - what utter rubbish.

Why is The Gospel Coalition giving him a platform? Isn't it supposed to be a Calvinist/New Calvinist organisation? Is he going to re-write that history too and pretend that somehow Wesley would be allied with TGC?

See also:





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