09 March 2024

The Truth Americans Don't Want to Hear About the 2024 US Presidential Election


Mitrovica's editorials often catch my eye and he's usually interesting though I often disagree with him. I found this piece to be germane and its cynicism morally justified – even refreshing.

Mitrovica aptly compares and contrasts the absurdity of Biden's deeds and words at a children's hospital and juxtaposes it with the slaughter the US is supporting in Gaza – a preposterous kind of scenario that is so frequent as to be commonplace.

How could Biden's handlers have allowed such a contradictory episode – one sure to invite criticism? The truth is the hubris and moral blindness that characterizes the ruling class in incapable of understanding the criticism nor can they fathom why anyone would find it offensive or obscene.

At this juncture Mitrovica's confession can only be described as refreshing. He has acknowledged something very few on the Left seem able or willing to entertain. And it's this – just because Trump is an evil buffoon does not mean that Biden is somehow his moral better or a man of character. They are cut from the same cloth and what the choice really amounts to is one of bad versus worse – two unfortunate options, both representing something vile and filth-ridden.

Trump will wreak havoc that is certain. Some think his war on the system and the chaos it engenders will lead to less determined policies and less war and militarism. The truth is much of what's happening right now in Gaza is the direct result of his machinations, born of ignorance and a myopic understanding of geopolitics, history, and much else.

That said, Biden's record has clearly been militaristic – in keeping with the norm of all US presidents.

Some rejoice in Trump's breaking of the system but as I've always said, be careful what you wish for. It will likely generate something worse. Trump is a fool and surrounded by fools and yet not everyone in his camp is simple. Some are cunning and opportunistic and as such his next administration (should he win) will not be what many think.

Once again I am far more concerned regarding Trump's effect and influence on the Church – and the corruption of ecclesiastical leaders selling out the Church to these evil forces.

And Mitrovica is absolutely correct – nothing will change, not really. The same mandarins will be running the bureaucratic ship of state and the same praetorians steering and manipulating its course. The presidents have an impact but the empire is a colossus – much bigger than any one man.

Trump could really shake things up but he's too much the simpleton to do this – he doesn't know what to do or how. He has no principles. This not merely because of ignorance but in a very literal sense he has no principles, ideological, moral, or otherwise.

Mitrovica thinks it would be fitting for Trump to return to the White House. It is entirely fitting that this nation would be led by such a man – a moral degenerate, a criminal, and rapist. It's what America deserves, because it's what America is.

And I'll say the same in a decade if the country stands poised to elect a sodomite like Buttigieg. It's what America is and what it deserves. And when I say that, I wholeheartedly include the sycophantic Right-wing elements that are given over to idolatry – they are the fawning obsequious slaves of nation and mammon. Their idols have led to the sodomy that now dominates the culture.

Though they are the last to see it, the end result is the same – decadence and perversion.

America, behold your gods.

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