24 June 2013

Problems with subjecting government to the market model

This video was forwarded to me some time ago and on the other blog I mean to return to the topic of business and economics. At that point I intend to deal with some of the issues raised in this short video and will likely post the link again. It's a good introduction. She raises some of the salient points providing a good starting point. We need to go further in discussing the problem of the business/market model applied to government and God willing we shall at a later date.

Their functions and purposes are not the same, and those who seek to establish privatized hybrid forms of government, or government sponsored monopolies are creating inefficient and sometimes immoral situations...and certainly not conditions that are the best for society as a whole. Those at the top of the pyramid in fact do very well but it creates a host of problems. The solutions and alternatives are complicated and frankly probably implausible in light of our present political and societal structure.

Our government bureaucracy is corrupt and inefficient and has a terrible internal culture that is filled with incompetent and unmotivated people. And frankly if you're an advocate of localism as I am, then all the centralized institutions would have to be broken up. You can't have a 'great' country that way, and certainly not a trans-continental empire. The likelihood of the establishment simply stepping down or bowing to pressure is to say the least unlikely.

I'm sorry to play the part of the cynic but I do not believe America is reformable. When I hear Christo-Americans like Al Mohler and others speak of reforming society and promoting morality in government and the marketplace I'm left to conclude they either have a very low view of sin or they have no idea how these sectors actually function. Not only are they not being reformed, a faithful Christian is quickly eaten alive.



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