04 February 2014

Selective Memory, Spin, and Possible Impeachment in 2015

Following up on the Pilgrim Path article (Angels of Light...) here's an example of selective memory.

Obama is excoriated for executive orders when in fact his predecessors used the orders far more frequently.

Bush did so in stunning fashion. With the stroke of the pen, operating under the auspices of the Unitary Executive, he swept away vast portions of the Constitution.

Do I say this to defend Obama? He's not worth defending. He's no better.

But what this Republican Congressman is saying is pure political spin. There's no truth in him. He's a scammer.

For those who have forgotten have a look at the scandals which plagued the Bush Administration:

And as I've been saying if the GOP captures the Senate this fall...look for an impeachment trial.

This will only contribute to the continued breakdown of government stability. The Republicans are still trying to exact revenge for Nixon in 1974. The Democrats backed down with Reagan and Iran-Contra which was every bit as criminal. It would have been bad for the country and they knew it.  

The Republicans tried to take down Clinton and failed.

The Democrats could have taken on Bush in 2007 when they captured the Congress, but chose not to.

If the Republicans are going to try and impeach every Democratic president for now on, they will end up regretting it. It destroys the credibility of the Congress and the balance of power.

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