27 October 2018

Brunson Postscript

As a follow-up to this post:
It remains to be seen what he will do, but given that he's eagerly making the rounds on the news circuit there is the real possibility that he will grow quite wealthy as a result of this experience.

I don't know what the news outlets are paying him to appear but the sums could be considerable. It's likely that FOX paid him a substantial sum of money to get him to appear 'first' on their programmes. Of course given that he seems to share in the values and vision of the Dominionist Christian Right he already had an affection for FOX news and credited them with 'keeping his story alive'. So who knows? Perhaps he appeared for free. And yet I'm sure the Christian publishing world is clamouring to set up a deal with him and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that contracts have already been signed.
In all likelihood a book is coming and it's likely to be a big seller. Now of course Brunson could use the money for things other than personal gain but he could walk away from this a millionaire.
Some will defend this and be baffled at the suggestion that there's a problem with this. Others will understand the point and realise this constitutes another aspect of Brunson's sad turn and the negation of his testimony.... one that could have been God glorifying but instead has been turned into something idolatrous, cheap and decadent.