27 August 2020

F-16 Fighters for Taiwan

Militarism always leads to war. In the minds of some a weapons and military buildup is a form of deterrence and yet they're playing a dangerous game.

One need only remember the calculus of some of the Rollback advocates during the Cold War. Figures like Air Force general Curtis LeMay argued that since war with the USSR was inevitable, the US might as well strike first and right away – before the Soviets build up their arsenal. And so in the 1950's and 1960's had the LeMay faction got its way then we would have had nuclear war. Millions would have died, large swathes of the Earth would be uninhabitable but 'we' would have 'won' – or so it is argued.
Thankfully this school of thought represented by figures like LeMay, Goldwater, and even Douglas MacArthur went by the wayside.
But who's to say there aren't LeMay and MacArthur types in China?
They may see the announcement of more F-16's coming to Taiwan as further evidence of a US build-up and preparations for attack. They may decide the time to strike Taiwan is now. Rather than be deterred they may in fact be emboldened.
But one thing is certain – at the very least Beijing will respond by an increase of their weapons and for more troops to be strategically placed around the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea to deal with Taipei and the US Navy. The more troops involved, the more radar systems online, the more ships in the strait and planes in the air – the more likely there is to be a mistake and it could result in war.
Looking back at the Cold War we've learned there were several very close calls wherein war was averted because someone ignored what their screen was telling them or they decided to wait when every protocol and order told them otherwise.
Will God always be so merciful? And while such wars or aversions are part of His Providence does that alleviate the guilt of those who created the conditions?

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