28 February 2024

Mike Johnson, the Evangelical Speaker of the House


With so much happening in the news, stories like this have almost slipped under the radar. Four months into his tenure as Speaker, some refer to Johnson as a moderate and when compared with some of the Trumpites in Congress he seems rather tame, and yet this misleading.

His style is more subdued and restrained but the policies he supports are in line with the extremists. The story of Mike Johnson is connected to the larger (but mostly ignored) scandal of those in congress who facilitated the January 6 coup attempt. Johnson has been at the forefront of efforts to subvert the 2020 election, has ties to the coup plotters, and has played a role in damage control.

It is truly astonishing to see how this treacherous and anti-constitutional faction has maneuvered itself into power and in the post January 6 environment not only have they avoided punishment, they're all but calling the shots. These are the people who impeded Kevin McCarthy and eventually ousted him and these are the people behind Johnson – he's one of them too, but to what degree is less clear.

Some have already started to turn against him. This only demonstrates the self-destructive nature of the camp – it can be in opposition, but clearly they cannot govern.

The Evangelical community has been ebullient over Johnson's ascent to the Speaker position and believe that he's a key player in their larger delusion about 'turning the nation around' – a plan that involves an alliance with a fascistic criminal, rapist, adulterer, and liar.

For such a time as this – the refrain from Esther is always whipped out in moments of frenzy even while they practically reject Paul's declaration that the powers that be are ordained by God. They only seem to accept this when the powers that be are ones they are in agreement with.

To paint Johnson as some kind of saviour figure is not only absurd, it's offensive.

As far as Dutch Sheets the 'pastor' mentioned in the article, he's a false prophet (and would-be magician) infected with the worst forms of Dominionist Theology – imported into the Charismatic movement by Theonomic elements within the larger Reformed-Calvinist sphere.

It seems clear enough that Johnson is also drinking from these polluted wells. And that fact that he rushed to the Hannity show to give his first interview as Speaker reveals the nature of his Christian profession – one that has little if nothing to do with the religion of the New Testament.

Rather he (like so many within his movement) is given over to idolatry, mammonism, and host of beliefs and ethics outside the boundaries of New Testament Christianity. Pray for him by all means but not that he succeeds. Rather pray for his soul.

The fact that he opposes sodomite marriage and some issues along those lines is nothing to celebrate. His faith is flawed and as such I'm as excited about his morality as I would be a Roman Catholic or Muslim. There's nothing to celebrate when it comes to Mike Johnson. In fact the end can only be negative. The article rightly mentioned Tom DeLay who I've been thinking of as of late and in connection with Johnson. DeLay was supposed to be a Christian witness within Congress. Like so many others he went down in shame, overtaken by his corruption.

One wonders if Mike Johnson won't eventually end up on Dancing with the Stars like DeLay – a pathetic burnout (and sellout).

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