06 August 2024

The Pentagon, Vaccines, and Geopolitical Games that Kill People


This story reminded me of how America is a moral beacon to the world. Because the United States didn't want China to make money and earn standing they pushed a disinformation campaign - the sort of campaigns that we're daily told are being conducted by the likes of China and Russia.

If you point out that the United States does this too - then you're either dismissed as a crazy conspiracist, an America hater, or you're guilty of moral equivalence. I always think of wise Christian leaders like Albert Mohler pushing this last example which is little more than a type of moral degeneracy. Basically if America does it - it's right and if nations like Russia and China do the same thing, then it's wrong. This vomit gets passed on to the people in the pews as representative of 'Christian Worldview'.

Why is this? Because America is good and moral, or maybe because it's supposedly democratic or something to that effect. These arguments are divorced from reality and lack moral discernment and clarity. They are rooted in a warped epistemology and the ethics of idolatry.

This story is but one of too many to count that reveals this fact. The US often just plays dirty and the Washington Mandarins and other plotters don't care if thousands of people die as a result. It's worth it - they might even dare to say. In fact they do.

It should also be noted that the discrediting of Chinese vaccines opened markets for US and other Western pharmaceuticals - and thus helped bolster profits. It was US tax money at work and so I guess the investor class benefited from this campaign. No wonder they fly their flags from their front porches and want to support the troops - as represented by the Pentagon. Their actions have nothing to do with defending freedom but rather promoting the system, opening markets, and generating profit - and threatening and killing anyone who dares to resist or stand in the way.

Undoubtedly there were many involved who knew this was immoral but the consequentialist ethic rules the day - the end justifies the means. It's worth it if the Philippines retains a negative view of China. It's worth it if American companies can then sell their wares in the island nation - in order to foster friendship between Washington and Manila.

And how many people in the US that have mutual funds and the like are invested in General Dynamics and other like companies? The answer is simple - virtually all of them and they profited from this disgusting and destructive programme.

See also:


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