29 March 2020

Satan's Curriculum

The Christendom Curriculum. Its very name already reveals a very flawed if popular theology. The curriculum which purports to educate on a Biblical basis has from its very outset established a flawed foundation by embracing a glaring and serious error regarding the Kingdom.

It is an error known as Sacralism that has dominated Church History since the 4th century and that is to confuse culture and civilisation and thus by implication the state with the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
The critique of multiculturalism while at times possesses a certain validity is often and in this case clearly rooted in nationalist error. Whether Babel is being built in terms of trans-national trans-cultural union or by unifying diversity by means of humanist concepts or in the might of a tribalist nation state... they're still Babels. Putting a shiny gold cross on top of the tower doesn't change that and in fact in spiritual terms it just makes it all the more dangerous and deceptive.
The Nationalist Right certainly has its own forms of political correctness and thought-crime and yet in their delusion they often deny this. This curriculum is particularly narrow in that in expresses the assumption that Western Civilisation has reached its apex in the United States or that somehow American civilisation has a custodial role for the larger West.
Do we decry humanistic secularism? Indeed we do but our rejections and oppositions are gospel and Kingdom-based not rooted in this world and its social and political institutions. The promoters of this education programme would do well to revisit John 18.36 for they make plain that they have rejected Christ's doctrine.
I cringe when thinking of their interpretations of history and literature not to mention the Bible. On one level the presentation is laughable in that is seeks to find connection with the grand arc of Western Civilisation but at best can only seem to come up with the so-called Three R's.
It takes an ugly turn when it starts to speak of Christian Nations and the equation of the Kingdom with European empires. Older Protestants would have certainly equated the glorious epoch of Christendom with Britain or perhaps America but it's a sign of the times when a purportedly Biblical curriculum equates the Kingdom even with Catholic nations such as France and Italy as is made clear by the chalk drawings. This is probably a reference to the Middle Ages and the legacy of Roman Catholic Christendom, once again a rather telling and certainly problematic narrative.
They identify as Christian Nationalists which actually gives credence to the 'racist' charges made by their enemies and it casts the Christian Church in a very poor light indeed. Empire was and is rooted in racism. Lower people often of a different race and creed are unworthy to govern their own resources, let alone govern themselves. Dominionism which has manifested itself in various forms over the centuries asserts that the Church, the Christian Nations, tribes and civilisation has the right and even the duty to conquer these people, force them to join the Western order, 'steward' their resources and kill them and enslave them if they resist. This is the evil doctrine of the False Church, the counterfeit Kingdom, the pseudo-Zion. Christians ought to be warned because this exceedingly lame presentation is likely to gain a great deal of traction in the present ecclesiastical climate. For every voice of opposition there are a thousand, perhaps even ten thousand promoting this very sort of anti-Biblical filth.
One cannot help but laugh at the ignorance of employing 'This land is your land' in their illustrations. Maybe they were trying to be sarcastic but I think it more likely the authors are unaware of the political and social context of those words and the famous Woody Guthrie song.
Finally the video reveals what this group is really about. They're actually rather disconnected from the larger story and context of Western Civilisation and Christendom. This is a facade for their Right-wing political aspirations which despite what they think are not exactly 'conservative', meaning that while they are on the Right-side of the political spectrum they are nevertheless very removed from older conservative conceptualisations of Christian society. These people have adopted the Enlightenment-Libertarian lingo and are simply echoing the political struggles of the hour. In other words it's something of a fraud.
Feminism is rightly attacked but all too often the Right (as opposed to the Conservative) actually embraces many of the assumptions and ethical outworkings of feminism, especially in the realm of economics. These same people will often miss how the economic policies they support have in fact fostered and fueled feminism in certain respects. They oppose it in part but often in a confused and incoherent way.
There are many on today's Right that call themselves Conservative but in terms of history and certainly in terms of 'Christendom' they are in fact embracers and advocates of Enlightenment Classical Liberalism. I find Right-wing critiques of Feminism to be superficial, but I will also admit these groups often represent a mix of ideas and will sometimes express old conservative values on certain points and yet fail to grasp their own dissonance.
The targeting of 'Social Justice' and 'Cultural Marxism' reveal this curriculum to be utterly divorced from a deep understanding and penetration of Western Civilisation but instead is using the label as packaging for their Right-wing nationalist agenda. It's that simple. It's not really an education at all but rather a sort of vocational training programme, meant to create culture warriors (they admit as much) that can regurgitate talking points. In this respect it's sad as I have seen and interacted with kids that grew up in this type of homeschool environment. They might proclaim to love history and yet it quickly becomes clear they know very little about it. And it's even sadder to me that in many cases while they know the political talking points, they are often woefully ignorant of Church History and sad to say, even the Bible.
Whether or not the creators of the curriculum are actual Reconstructionist Postmillennialists they nevertheless express and promote the ethos of that system. Many do without understanding its roots and assumption. Homeschooling for them has nothing to do with separatism or antithesis, it's a tactical move that's part of a larger war. The goal is to take over the world. Satan's offer made to Christ in the wilderness is accepted. They don't realise they're functionally bowing to him by embracing his categories and ethics. If you put on Saul's armour you will certainly become Saul... who is actually an anti-Christ figure. He professed to rule and serve Jehovah even while he murdered, manipulated, twisted the Word and worship of God, turned to sorcery and persecuted the remnant true Church. It's an old and oft repeated tale.
They think they're conquering this world's ruler, but in fact they are collaborating with him and all their labours only result in a Babel or Pseudo-Zion. Their kingdom is built with power, money, violence and in the theft and exploitation of others. These are the realities and fruits of the systems they represent and promote. They claim to represent Christ but in fact they hate Him and His message.
Once again the cross-bearing self-denial and mortification we're called to is unknown to these people and they are to be pitied. For they are lost.
Are they proud of their Western heritage? Are they proud to be Americans? I'll play their game and I bet I can out-do and out boast most of them. My mother's family landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. In that same line are found Puritans of Massachusetts Bay. My people fought in King Philip's War, helped settled Connecticut and migrated with the Erie Canal from New England to Pennsylvania. In this mix were Palatine Germans who had fled the ravages of the Thirty Years War. There were also German Baptists in Pennsylvania and Anabaptists who fled Switzerland. They moved west and intermarried with English, Ulster-Scots and among my ancestors are found both soldiers of the Union and the Confederacy. My mother's people settled California in the days subsequent to the Mexican-American War, in the days of the Gold Rush. They settled among the Redwoods and in the waters of Puget Sound. There were cowboys (one was killed on a cattle drive) and loggers who worked the northern forests of the Great Lakes. They fought in the World Wars. On my father's side there were Ulster-Scots and Tidewater Cavaliers, and even Quakers from Wales and Ireland. They fought in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. They settled Arkansas within a decade after the Louisiana Purchase and scratch farmed the Ozarks until the Great Depression, claiming to pick up a few Cherokee genes along the way. Like the Joads they followed Route 66 out to the Central Valley of California and farmed, some later migrating to the areas around San Francisco Bay. That same line was joined by Volga Germans who had fled the ravages of the Seven Years War and settled on the Asian side of the Volga River in the 18th century. Lutherans and Calvinists, they left Russia after some of them were forced to serve in the Tsar's wars against the Turks in the late 1800's. They came through Ellis Island and made their way to California and farm there to this day.
What's the point in all this? By all accounts I am an American of the Americans. I can claim the full spectrum of the American experience in my ancestry. My people have been here four hundred years. The family was added to every century. From the earliest days of colonial settlement to the Ellis Island experience, my family has known it all. My people are the people of Northern Europe. They lived its history, indeed every aspect of it and the various struggles and groups of Church History are represented in my pedigree. I guess should be brimming with pride and a fierce devotion to this heritage. I should be a Christian Nationalist. By the reckonings of some I have great reason to be proud and should be motivated to fight for and defend this heritage.
And yet like Paul when referencing his pedigree I count it all as but dung, as worse than nothing. In fact the history is not glorious and while I don't doubt there were wicked folk in my family as well as those who were good and sincere in their service toward God, the truth is there is nothing to glory in and much to regret. In most cases people were caught up on tides and currents. They wanted to survive and when land was available and opportunities presented themselves they took them, often giving little thought to what they were part of and whether they had a right to this or that or what the consequences of their actions were. It was much like today. But it's nothing to glory in. Much of the West's history is wicked and expresses an ethic that is anything but Christian. America is a land of wickedness and shame, a land of thieves, liars and murderers. While there have been nations that have been worse and more evil, America is nevertheless more wicked than most. Only a lost person would glory in it and believe in and promote its myths and lies. I have no doubt many within my family were false believers, deceived by the lies of Christendom, the very lies promoted by this satanic curriculum. Others I know to be Christians and yet they often had failed to truly think out the implications of their faith and apply the Bible's teaching. Some did and I do rejoice in that.
At the end of the day, the nations these pseudo-educators, myth-makers and propagandists celebrate will burn in the fires of Judgment. They are of this world as are all the 'great' cathedrals and monuments to pride, avarice and power. They will all burn because in the end they are works of men and have nothing to do with the Kingdom preached by Christ, the Kingdom so poignantly presented in His sermons and parables and in the doctrines of the apostles as given to us in the New Testament.
My family, my heritage is that of heaven. My brethren live in America but they also live in India, China and Africa. My citizenship is heaven. I will not kill for America. I will not defend its flag and those of my family who are in fact in heaven would not rejoice at the thought that their descendant would fight, maim and kill for the sake of lands and houses that pass away. Nationalism is the spawn of hell and yet to acknowledge that and reject it is not to embrace multi-culturalism. We are pilgrims here, something these 'Christian educators' seem to have missed. Truly they know nothing of Christ and His Kingdom. God help them.

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