21 March 2020

The Intercept's Mockery of Evangelicals: Deceitful but Deserved

This video both angered and saddened me. The Intercept, a once respectable adversarial journalistic outlet has become a mouthpiece for the Left-wing of the Democratic Party and has embraced the rot of Identity Politics. Instead of opposing the system as a whole the outlet has aligned itself with a faction and now promotes its variety of decadent faux-Leftism.

The video is misleading on several fronts. It has gleaned from the fringe. It has sought out the wackiest elements within the Charismatic spectrum to mock the larger movement ignoring the fact that many Evangelical leaders have taken the virus seriously and their response is nothing like what is being seen in the video. Additionally there is not even agreement as to what defines an Evangelical and indeed many would reject the label for many of the figures utilised in the video.
That said, the movement at this point is more political than anything else and thus in many respects they are but echoing their political influencers and allies, the big money that exerts great influence over the movement and how it frames the issues. The Evangelical leadership is undoubtedly corrupt, stupid and in some cases handed over. They deserve to be called out but not by The Intercept and not in this way.
The thing is, was it just the Evangelicals that were dismissive of Coronavirus? By no means! Rush Limbaugh who is no Evangelical has consistently mocked the virus and attacked its validity. Indeed many on the Right, many who are well outside the Evangelical spectrum have painted the whole thing as a Democratic or Chinese plot. Libertarian websites such as LewRockwell.com have also expressed great scepticism with regard to the virus.
But someone at the The Intercept wanted to mock Evangelicals. They succeeded as indeed the movement is fraught with false teachers and buffoons. It was hardly a challenge.
But at the same time The Intercept also trumpeted the fact that it's no longer an outlet interested in serious reporting or journalism. Influenced by money and the desire for connections and influence The Intercept is a parable in corruption and degeneracy. It joins a growing list of Alternative Media outlets that have sold out and are no longer what they purport to be.

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