30 October 2020

What about Hunter Biden?

The controversy over Hunter Biden is being downplayed in some circles and great exaggerated in others. There is something to the story. Of this there can be no doubt and yet any story released by the Murdoch-affiliated New York Post should always be taken with a grain of salt. Of all his publications and outlets, that one (even though regularly utilised by FOX) is highly dubious and its journalistic standards are sub-par at best.

It comes down to this. Did the Biden's engage in anything illegal? At this point it doesn't seem to be the case. Are Hunter Biden's business dealings ethical? Of course not. Is Hunter Biden financially benefitting from his name and connections to his father? Obviously this is the case.

Did he set up meetings between clients and his vice-presidential father? It would seem so. But since these were 'unofficial' meetings, there's no legal case to be made. It's the old game of plausible deniability.

These are dirty people. They are power-mongers and avaricious. Hunter Biden would be nothing if it wasn't for his familial connections. The same was true of George W. Bush. He was a failed businessman but his name and connections eventually got him plugged into some business deals in which he was able to accumulate some wealth and establish political backing. Was it ethical? Not in the least and yet it's common enough. The same is true with the Bidens.

The greatest irony is that of all people Donald Trump would want to harp on this issue as it is well known that his White House has actively worked to promote the interests of his children and thus his larger familial financial portfolio. Trump's disregard for protocol is brazen as Ivanka has sat in on diplomatic meetings and foreign governments know that currying business deals with her will help their dealings with her father.

Through Hunter Biden foreign states and corporations sought access and possible favour. Through Trump these states are pouring money into the hands of his children knowing that such moves can change US policy. In some respects it's the same thing but it's even more self-serving under Trump. He is a true sociopath and utterly shameless.

On the one hand the mainstream media is right to eschew Murdoch-affiliated sensationalism. The FOX-world is doing all it can to pour fuel on the fire. It's a political move.

However on the other hand the mainstream media is wrong and even derelict not to give more attention to the story. But to pursue it is to expose the corrupt nature of the US political system and it would shine a light on the mechanisms of the American Empire, how it works and how wealth is concentrated in the hands of corporate and political dynasties. Real investigative journalism on this point would expose the anti-democratic symbiotic relationship between Washington and Wall Street and how the two work in conjunction to manipulate markets, suppress true democracy and escape accountability. It's one of those stories that the mainstream avoids because a serious investigation risks compromising the system and will only foment popular anger and scepticism with regard to society's institutions – and it will certainly make both parties look bad.

There's a story with regard to Hunter Biden. He's dirty and so his father. It's only when compared to Trump that someone like Biden can seem decent and honest. This is not to defend Trump. Far from it. He's one of the most unethical and detestable men to attain office in American history and that's really saying something. Trump is truly a disgrace but he's the product of a disgraceful and evil system.

As a Christian my only true concern is with regard to the Church and I am appalled at the way in which professed Christians have chased after this evil and deceitful man. I think the Biden story needs to be pursued and elaborated upon and yet I also know the loudest voices calling for this (including the Christian ones) are not interested in truth or in eliminating corruption. Their interests are political and thus their moral outrage is deceitful.

The media is corrupt. FOX, the most watched and influential outlet is plugged into the GOP Establishment. The other networks are to varying degrees affiliated with the DNC. The media has its partisan biases but first and foremost – and this is essential to understand – they are profit-driven entertainment outlets. That's what really matters in the end.

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