21 April 2014

Newtown and Conspiracy Rules

Continuing in this recent vein it has been brought to my attention that there are some conservatives suggesting that the Obama administration was somehow behind the Newtown or Sandy Hook Massacre.

This was a False Flag operation they suggest, meant to terrorize the public in order to advance new firearm restrictions and ultimately bring down the Second Amendment.

Again, while I'm hardly a fan of the Obama Administration I find this kind of argument a little disturbing.

There have been many hints of conspiracy throughout American and certainly world history. In fact it's interesting how Americans in general are more than willing to admit conspiracy takes place in other countries, just not here in the United States.

That's changing though. After the assassinations in the 1960's and the revelations exposed by the Church Committee in the 1970's, there's been a long slow awakening. But it seems like even the conspiracy theories are subject to politicization.

When it comes to the Newtown shooting I am unaware of any evidence whatsoever that would indicate this was somehow a MKULTRA type event or that the murders were perpetrated by someone other than Adam Lanza.

An overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence can be compelling but only if it is coupled with some hard or direct evidence.

But when it comes to Sandy Hook is there any actual evidence to suggest it was something other than the official report?

For example there are people who question the official account Robert Kennedy assassination. There are people who insist there was more than one gunman, some say after Sirhan Sirhan was restrained there were still some gunshots. There were people seen running from the scene that could not be accounted for. There's at least something that 'might' suggest a version of events that differ from the official narrative.

But with Newtown I have not seen any evidence at all. It's like wishful thinking or something.

Why is it when people questioned the official 9/11 narrative and brought forth abundant evidence (both direct and circumstantial) was that denounced as ridiculous and treasonous?

Was that simply because the Bush administration was in power? That it suggested involvement on the part of some members of his administration?

Was that type of conspiracy something that struck at the existential fibres of their understanding of America...in a way Newtown does not?

In other words, it's okay to suggest an American president murdered 22 people to further a legislative agenda but it's not okay to suggest a president in some way collaborated in the murder of 3,000 in order to start a global war, enrich his friends and seize power over much of the world and its resources?

Since I've been attacking Mohler as of late I suppose I must mention him again. I recall him being nothing less than indignant that surveys suggested that many Europeans didn't believe the official 9/11 story and believed the Bush administration either had foreknowledge or somehow collaborated in the events of that day.

He blamed it on their Secularism. They just couldn't understand 'evil' and therefore were trying to blame the Bush administration. Their Secularism had driven them to desperation and their worldview could not accommodate the events of that day.

Of course it's actually Mohler who is blind to evil and also apparently blind that there's quite a bit of evidence to suggest that the official narrative ought to be questioned. It doesn't mean that the most outlandish suggestions are true, but it cannot be doubted that the 9/11 commission either did poor work, was obstructed or both.

And certainly Europe has a much greater familiarity and consciousness of evil even if they can't always philosophically justify it.

No doubt Mohler would have been a good German who actually believed it was Communists who burned the Reichstag.

Remember when it comes to these events and the suggestion of conspiracy there are always two sides to it. There's the event itself which may or may not have contained conspiratorial elements. Then, there's the cover-up. That can be motivated by many different reasons.

No doubt Bush's first choice to run the 9/11 Commission, a certain Henry Kissinger would have done better in terms of producing a report to the liking of the administration. Conspiracy is his middle name.

It doesn't seem to matter. The official report is utterly lacking, censored and ultimately a travesty... as many families of the victims have acknowledged.

I guess in the end I was just amazed when I heard about this Newtown conspiracy. There are so many things to look into that smack of cabals and conspiracies, but I guess you have to follow the rules.

So, in future please remember:

Only Democrats engage in evil conspiracies.

When Democrats are in power the suggestion of conspiracy is patriotic.

Republicans don't engage in conspiracy.

When they do, they were only doing the same thing every other president does and people are only mad because they got caught.

And, to suggest these types of conspiracies happen during Republican administrations hurts and divides the country and is ultimately treasonous.

Hope that's clear.

Of course any sane person would realize that it actually makes no difference which party is running the executive. They might have a different take on some domestic social issues, but the Empire always marches on. The fact that the majority of the public doesn't recognize America for what it is...

Now that's a conspiracy and undoubtedly one of the most successful in history.


  1. While the saying is true that one may often miss the forest for the trees, its inverse is also true. Sometimes we miss the trees for the forest. Many of these conspiracy theorists go into great depth to uncover some alleged malfeasance hidden within layers of meaning when what's true is - in some cases - what's right in front of you, staring you in the face.

    I think about the narrative in Genesis 3 wherein the serpent is conversing with Eve, promising her and Adam equal status with God if they partake of the fruit from the tree of knowledge, saying that they would not die if they did. I've actually seen Bible critics suggest he was right since they did not die at that particular moment. What they seem to overlook is that Satan merely told a bold-faced lie: Adam and Eve may have gained knowledge but they did not become like God. In fact they became less than what they were.

    In a similar vein, sometimes political conspiracies are less complex than we think. Instead of trying to uncover some hidden shade of meaning in a document, report or statement we should consider that politicians often just lie to your face.


    P.S. Personally I think one of the greatest lies or conspiracies existing today is that America always marches into battle with rifles clutched firmly in hand, affixed with the shimmering bayonets of liberty.

    1. Interesting. I had never heard that about the Serpent. Usually I've understood it as God immediately showing mercy through delay. They died but not at that moment which would have been right and proper.

      I've been doing modern history with my kids and I have utilized many a video clip from YouTube. I go through and select news clips, documentaries etc... We watch them and I pause them a lot and talk about things.

      It is rather amazing as you look back with 20/20 hindsight and you can see so many instances where people were lying and even though we weren't sure at the time, we sure found out later.

      It's a world of lies. As the years pass you start to really see it in everything people are doing. Sometimes I wonder what kind of doctrine of sin people have. There are a lot of folks who don't seem to grasp how pervasive are the effects of the Fall.

      Bayonets of liberty? The USA cares not one iota about liberty. It's only concern is power. It has constructed many elaborate narratives but they are just propaganda. The USA is more than happy to steal your liberty, stab you in the back while at the same time lecturing you about how why should thank them for it.

      On a spiritual level I'm afraid I often think of America as perhaps one of the greatest Satanic Conspiracies of all time. It's just one big lie. When it comes to America most Christians in this country are not thinking as citizens of Zion and thus they cannot see what it is they have signed on with and support...and worship.

  2. Even this morning I watched a little of Fox's morning entertainment. They had one of their pocketed, hack economists explaining the Democratic economic plan. At the end of the day, Democrats are trying to make everyone poorer, putting them on a dole, create division, buy votes, and maintain power indefinitely. Republicans? They're trying to keep America strong! And maintain unity!

    While, of course, I think almost all legislative policies are tainted, if not fully directed, towards securing power for the powers that be, this was facile. As if "vote buying" were really that important, over and against corporate interests that control who even runs in the first place?

    Even so, it was just such a simplistic, and utterly stupid explanation. And yet, people eat this stuff up. Their minds are already made up, they just want to be fed more and more slop from the trough.

    Jim: That's an interesting reading of Gen. 3, definitely worth considering.


    PS. Interesting enough, my thought is that it was indeed a communist who burned down the Reichstag. But it was in an accident of drunken stupor that it happened., not a Communist plot. What did the Neo-Cons call that, a useful crisis?


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