15 April 2014

Some Consideration and Perspective on American News Coverage of Ukraine and Christian Attitudes Regarding This and Similar Events

While I think everyone would agree the Russian government is involved in the Eastern Ukrainian secession movement I think it's a bit much when I hear John Kerry speak of Russian operators and provocateurs.

He accuses Putin of trying to foment chaos and destabilize the region.

American media has been completely biased toward the US government position. They give none of the background and have done nothing to place any of it in context. If they did, they would know America has been involved in Ukrainian politics for more than a decade.

Our supposed 'liberal' media operates completely within the confines of the Corporate Establishment which owns the media and most of the political forces within this country.

If our media was really anti-American why aren't they focusing on the reports of Blackwater agents at work within Ukraine? Only a few of the major outlets started to pick up on this and just a few days ago at that. The story has been around for over a month.

Is it because Blackwater has gotten a bad rap in the media? Has it been mischaracterized and misunderstood?

I'll grant some on the far Left, like Scahill and Amy Goodman have mischaracterized Blackwater as being some kind of Christian Mercenary army. That's not quite accurate but not completely wrong either.

Blackwater is certainly not comprised of a majority of men professing Christ. But in terms of its overall vision and the goals of its founder, it certainly is that. Erik Prince represents the worst and most evil forms of Christian Nationalism and it should be Christians speaking out and denouncing this man, his organization and his ideas.

They should at least be aware of what this quasi-governmental company is doing and what's been happening in terms of JSOC, CIA and the Executive since 9/11.

But that can't happen if most Americans are watching the mainstream news coverage. Apparently only 1 in 6 Americans can even find Ukraine on the map!

Everyone is ignorantly and wrongly spouting off about Obama being Putin's lapdog, but I would wager the majority of these people can't tell me a thing about Ukraine, its recent history or what has been happening in Eastern Europe since 1991.

Why isn't our media reporting that DCI John Brennan was in Kiev this weekend? Isn't that newsworthy? The closest thing to mainstream media coverage of this event was in USA Today. Otherwise I had to turn to international news. I did find the Huffington Post covered it and NPR briefly mentioned it. But yes, I know those are 'liberal' news agencies. They can't be trusted.

But we can trust FOX right?

I don't doubt Putin is making trouble. I don't doubt he is an evil man. But the American narrative is ridiculous and as I've often said the thing about the United States that just drives the rest of the world insane... is the hypocrisy. It's truly incredible. It so defies imagination that one is left having to admit truth is stranger than fiction.

It's so absurd to think back to 2004 when Kerry was being attacked. His patriotism was in question because of his actions criticizing the Vietnam War. Good night, the man is nothing less than an Imperialist or one of the biggest sell outs of all time. His beef was with the Johnson and Nixon administrations and their deceptions regarding Southeast Asia. Like Joseph Wilson in 2003, he was outraged over the lies and considered it his patriotic duty to speak out. To suggest Kerry is anti-American is nonsense. He's a true believer as much as member of the Christian Right and equally disgusting.

Nation will rise against nation. This is something characteristic of this entire age. The problem is when we as Christians start thinking God is on the side of one or the other or that somehow one side is good and another evil.

They're all evil. No one attains these political offices without being evil. Governments aren't concerned with doing good, they seek power and prestige.

 We are surrounded by fools who think Putin and Obama are evil but these same deceived folks can't see the same evil when it comes to George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. They're all lying scoundrels, murderers and liars.

Even though their motives are evil, they want stability in order to make their money and build their power. We live in the shadow of that stability. It is provided for us by Providence. In no way does it suggest Providence endorses these men or their projects. The 'good' we get from it, is the stability. The goodness of the state is not rooted in some kind of moral mandate or concern. If you break the stability they want, they'll kill you.

They are 'ministers' like Cyrus of Persia or even Assyria. They are pawns on God's chessboard even as they play geo-political chess and murder millions through their wars, economic schemes, thefts and deceptions.

We want them to leave us alone, keep society relatively peaceful and stable and let us go about our work... building the Spiritual Kingdom of God.

We acknowledge God's Providence and we obey the laws and pay our taxes and show due respect. We reject their ideas of 'citizenship' and 'service' and certainly their notions of Patriotism and the propagandized readings of history that go with it.

We are good citizens but only in a minimalist sense. We can never sign on with them or 'join in' on their Babel projects, let alone trying a plant a cross on top of the thing! We're not interested in fighting their wars, enforcing their laws, nor do we look for their justice.

The answer isn't to create news with a Christian Worldview. By this most mean... Christian Propaganda. It results in something like:

"We're right and so here's how we're going to read and interpret the news."

No, we are interested in the truth. We don't care what side looks good or bad. We're not trying to score a political point or win an election. We don't care about things like national prestige or the US dollar. We seek the truth, we expose lies, we shine light into darkness.

And the world will hates us, reckon us as fools and seek our destruction.

They will slaughter as sheep and yet we are the conquerors.

They don't even understand the nature of the battle or what is really at stake. The lost chase after paper castles that will burn in the fires of Judgment.

And those Christians who have made idols of their kingdoms and worship the creations of their hands will hate us most of all. This is an old and oft repeated tale.

But like our mainstream news, you won't find it in the mainstream histories either.


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