10 August 2014

Desks, DDT and Delusion

Some time ago I recall radio host Janet Mefferd was quite upset over some pictures that had been released of president Obama with his feet up on the desk in the Oval Office. She (like most Christian media operatives) was piggy-backing off of FOX news that was also kicking up a fuss over the issue.

These people felt that by putting his feet up on the desk he was showing a lack of respect for not only the historic nature of the desk but the dignity of the office... both the Oval office and the office of president.

Mefferd went on extensively about this. She wouldn't let it go. It really bothered her.

Of course (as I mentioned before) my thoughts immediately went to Richard Nixon and several well known photographs of him doing the same. In fact if you just do an internet search for 'presidents with feet on desk' you'll bring up pictures of Ford doing it as well.

And numerous pictures of Bush. I was reminded of this the other night as I was watching the latest Frontline episode on Iraq and they showed a picture of Bush with his feet up.

First of all.... who really cares?

I don't believe Mefferd or the folks at FOX really care either. They are sub-human opportunists on the hunt for anything they can find to generate controversy and ill will.

As a Christian I don't care about Babylon's traditions, sacred spots or holy relics. The Oval Office is intriguing because it is part of history. In reality it is a den of thieves and place where murder is plotted. It is truly a gateway to the abyss.

What I do care about is the Truth. In Christ the Truth sets us free from the bondage of sin and idolatry. It liberates us from the wickedness and slavery that Mefferd and all the 'christians' like her are still captive to.

Once again I must emphasize I do not wish to defend Obama in any way. He's a very evil man and lacks honour even by liberal standards. But these media operatives who lack all integrity and any regard for the truth have no foundation to stand on. They are blood kin to the evil they hate. They are the same and are exactly the kind of deceivers we are warned about in the Scriptures.

The Internet Age has opened up a world of possibilities for us and in many ways is both beneficial and exciting. But I am burdened over what is happening regarding communication and for the Church I am certainly mortified by what I see in terms of how people are communicating and using information for dishonest and manipulative ends. It's nothing new but the quantity and tempo has increased exponentially.

Recently I was trying to explain to a friend what I mean and why I was pulling back from the internet in many ways. I cited another example from Christian radio. I was listening to Kevin Swanson's 'Generations Radio' one day and they were talking about DDT and Sub-Saharan Africa. Of course DDT was used extensively in the United States during the 20th Century. It did a lot of harm and eventually was dropped due to concerns over what it was doing to the environment. And in some cases (such as in much of Africa) it simply wasn't effective.

Recently I've noticed some Conservatives and Libertarians calling for its return. I would encourage anyone who's curious to search for 'DDT' or Rachel Carson's 'Silent Spring' on YouTube and watch some of the old videos of trucks spraying neighbourhoods and public pools. Maybe it wouldn't bother you, but given what we now know about the pesticide industry it would make me more than a little uncomfortable. One wonders if we're not still feeling the effects of those actions today.

Anyway, Swanson in all his brilliance was suggesting that Leftist Environmentalists who have worked to block DDT use in Africa are in fact genocidal racists. Yes, they hate black people and want to see them die from malaria because they don't want DDT used in Africa.

Now, Swanson may think DDT is wonderful and that's fine. He's entitled to his opinion.

But to suggest that people who are trying to block it are genocidal racists is simply not true and no one who is honest or sane can really suggest that.

If Swanson really thinks that then I would suggest he lacks the wisdom, judgment and sobriety to be a leader in the Christian Church and should resign (or be forced out of) his pulpit. He is disqualified. He truly is as deranged as he sounds on the radio.

Now if he's just blowing off steam and trying to stir controversy then he demonstrates a considerable lack of integrity and possesses a dubious understanding of ethics. If he thinks the Kingdom of God can be built through lies, manipulation and misrepresentation then he's a dangerous false prophet who needs to be rebuked and silenced. Either way he's proven that he's little more than a rascal not worthy of any respect.

And yet he's tickling ears, telling people what they want to hear and so he's tremendously popular and seems to be growing his audience.

Swanson, Mefferd and many more are thriving right now and as I mentioned previously I have lost a great deal of respect for friends that I see posting similar materials (links on Facebook etc...) and using equivalent arguments.

This is Judgment from God on the Church. He is removing His Word and what is even scarier, it's as if He's handing people over to deranged and reprobate minds that no longer can reason or think, that are incapable of discerning the truth.

Add in a little narcissism and a terrible inability to focus on anything for more than a few seconds and we have a situation that is nothing less than dire.

What do we do when we have people who can't listen, can't read something more than a few lines long? We have 'educated' people that are completely ignorant of history or what little education they've received has been through flashy sound bite media?

Historical and theological truths cannot be reduced to Twitter feed. As Christians we are people with 'renewed' minds. There are many implications to this and yet I contend our cursed society is creating conditions that seem to make renewal almost an impossibility.

Of course with God all things are possible. But on a human level, disengaging from our culture's technological normativity and status quo may indeed become necessary.

I run into this at work. I try and talk to people on the phone and find they're not listening. They are not capable of it. They're distracted. Several years ago I switched to email for all critical communication. I liked it better because I could explain things and have a written record. But now, I've realized that anything longer than a paragraph or two is simply not read. It is skimmed. Recently I was communicating with a client regarding a painting job and specifically told them via email 'not' to get a certain type of paint.

When I showed up to the job, there they were, 3 gallons of the exact paint I said not to get. My three paragraph email was skimmed instead of being actually read and the end result was total miscommunication.

Our society is in trouble. You don't need me to tell you that. Like Rome, America is afflicted with decadence and on the road to collapse.

I don't care about the American Babylon. May it and all of its lies rot and go the way of all empires. Its fall will be an ugly catastrophe as all collapsing empires are. Read Revelation 18 if you need reminding.

Yet spiritually it often reflects another reality and there is rejoicing in heaven.

Nevertheless because on a human level it will be a catastrophe I pray for its peace, not forged through bombs and the reign of death, but peace in terms of stability.

What I do care about is the Church which is presently acculturated and apostate. We live in a time when information is abundant and yet people are blind brute beasts that can no longer discern simple truths. Much of the 'strong delusion' at work is operating through Christian leaders and Christian Media is at the forefront. Beware the leaven of these deceivers. They care nothing for truth. They are simply trying to make merchandise of you and manipulate you to serve their political ends and the masters they serve.