01 October 2017

Peering into the Labyrinth: Frontline's Guns, Drugs and the CIA (1988)

I recently found this little gem, an old Frontline documentary from an era on PBS that's hard to imagine in our day. There's no way they would produce or condone a film like this anymore.

The funny part was that even though I had never seen the film I found myself nodding along at the various connections. I've read the books, watched and listened to other things. The topics and individuals involved were all familiar to me as they are to anyone who's poked around this almost unfathomable labyrinth.
I'm writing this and posting the link because for someone unfamiliar or uninitiated this Frontline episode provides a pretty solid introduction to the topic.
And yet for all that it really only hints at what is there. It allows you to stand on the tip of the iceberg and you can begin to see the massive submerged colossus beneath you. It's an introduction, nothing more.
Victor Marchetti briefly hints at the larger story concerning World War II and OSS co-operation with the Mafia. This story could fill volumes as indeed it has. It's a wonderland of Vatican Secrets, Nazi gold, paramilitaries, fascist governments and organised crime. Everything from The Godfather to The French Connection ties in with this larger tale. Marchetti mentions the Corsicans and yet the full implications of their connections with French Indochina are not explored.
The Kuomintang (KMT) is briefly mentioned.  Those familiar with Chiang Kai-Shek think of his exile to Taiwan after being defeated by Mao in 1949. But many are either unaware or have forgotten the story of the KMT in Burma and plans for an invasion of South China during the Korean War. But the KMT in Burma also played an important role in the development of the Golden Triangle and the opium trade. This story goes way back to the days of the Flying Tigers and Generals Chennault and Stilwell and OSS/CIA figures like Paul Helliwell. It's an early chapter in America's long tally of illegal and hidden wars. Funding such wars is where the turn to the black market becomes appealing and the lines between officialdom and the underworld grow fuzzy.
Figures like Ramon Rodriguez come to light. In some ways he literally embodies how the relationships work. Rotting away in a jail cell, he's willing to talk and he helps to unfold the complex relationships between drug cartels, the CIA, the Cuban expatriate community and even figures like George HW Bush. Many trails lead back to Bush, who was Vice-President at the time of this video. The former head of the CIA, Vice-President and later President he was for many years a quiet player. Mocked by Nixon and Kissinger, Bush seems to have been something of a quiet plodder. Not known for an aggressive leadership style, he nevertheless built up an impressive portfolio over the decades and is in fact a rather dark figure. He'll be dead before too long and the media will heap praises upon him for his WWII record and his leadership in the Gulf War. And yet, the truth is he's a man with a past as dark as Don Corleone and hardly someone worthy of praise or respect.
William Colby appears and almost seems bitter about it. The former CIA head puts on a masterful (if brief) performance and spins out as many lies as he can, denying everything. Seeing Colby one is reminded of the mysterious 'suicide' of Frank Nugan and the scandal surrounding his bank in Australia. Colby's business card was in his possession when he was murdered and the scandal surrounding the collapse of the Nugan-Hand Bank is yet another tale of CIA drugs, money laundering and coup d'état.
Colby himself died under very mysterious circumstances in 1996. Colby, one of the masterminds of the Phoenix Program was a man of blood and death... one who undoubtedly had many enemies. His denials are patently unconvincing. There have been some CIA heads (like John McCone for example) that never managed to control the agency and were kept in the dark about many things. Bush may have been another example of that kind of leadership in Langley. This description does not fit Colby. He knew what was happening. He is simply one who lies without a conscience.
Richard Secord makes an appearance. Iran-Contra had forced him into the spotlight and for a season he was all but compelled to give some interviews. Secord is quite literally akin to a CIA operative out of the movies. Of course when you see these people in real life they're not as impressive as their Hollywood imitators. Yet, don't be fooled. Secord is the real deal. He played a big part in the Secret War in Laos, the wars in Central America, and even after Iran-Contra he was still busy in the post-Cold War era, turning up in Azerbaijan. Everywhere he went, he left a trail of drugs and death squads.
It would seem some of his last projects were at the very least helping to set the stage for yet another chapter in the Caucasus and Central Asia. In retirement he reaped his reward and like many such figures ended up sitting on various boards, no doubt getting paid huge sums for little more than his name and his little black book.
To some within the system Secord and others like Oliver North are great patriots, unsung heroes. In reality these men are little better than mafiosi, thugs and killers, monsters hiding behind uniforms, medals and social trappings.
Secord attempted to stop the Cockburn's who exposed some of his dark deeds but the judge shut him down. He had no case. One wonders if the judge was ordered to shut down the case as further agitation would only draw more attention?
He didn't need to worry. Within a matter of a few years his name was largely forgotten and today no one cares. His legacy is quite safe.
USAID is connected to the story. This organisation which often appears in news articles and in television reports has a long track record of CIA contacts and infiltration. Many believe it is not only heavily infiltrated but is effectively an arm of Langley. I have shaken my head in amazement on numerous occasions when a country will talk of expelling USAID and then when this is reported in our media... the connection is never made. Why does leader X want them out? He's crazy and unreasonable. He's authoritarian.
No, he knows what they are what they're doing. They're an agency of infiltration, a cover and a means of moving contraband and money in and out of his country. In recent years the US Deep State has expanded this function to a host of NGO's. It's as if the people that are ostensibly there to help, contain within them the cancer cells that are there to foment trouble.
Air America is mentioned. I remember when the Mel Gibson movie came out and some people scoffed at what was being presented to them. The truth is the movie was gentle in its treatment, flawed in that it presented the issue in comedic terms. Of course it didn't matter, the critics for the Establishment media lambasted it and attacked it on every front.
The Air America story was tied to drugs from the beginning and it was hardly the only CIA airline. I have related elsewhere a few of my own observations and stories connected with Southern Air Transport which was basically a parallel outfit. Officially defunct, it simply had its name changed and was rolled into something else. The game goes on.
The Hmong leader Vang Pao is given a large segment and yet he is perhaps best known because his character appears in the Mel Gibson film. Pao, a general and a drug dealer extraordinaire was the lynchpin to the Secret War and ended his life an exile in the United States. And yet it is unclear as to whether or not he continued acting in some capacity as a US agent. He certainly kept his finger on the pulse of Laotian politics.
Of course the Hmong themselves continue to deal with the fallout of the Indochina Wars. Decades after the Americans have moved on the Hmong are still facing persecution and difficulty due to their previous alliance with America.
The story of Thailand also comes to mind though it is mentioned only in passing. The US has relied for a very long time on Bangkok and Thailand has served as both a buffer and base. In a role reminiscent of Panama in Latin America, Thailand is the place where the dirty business is plotted and hidden. It's the place where people hide and things are smuggled. Its frontiers are a haunt of drug runners and paramilitaries. Some are in alliance with the United States and some aren't. Part of the Golden Triangle, Thailand has played no small part in the drug trade and all that goes with it. Though it's beyond the scope of the Frontline story, one must also consider the US relationship with Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, the story of Cambodia and the Thailand frontier.
We have mentions of Colonel Kurtz-like figures, old agents still functioning in the hinterland, stories of dirty connections to the successive corrupt governments of South Vietnam... another US imperial project riddled with corruption and murder.
The story shifts to Latin America as the documentary rightly picks up on the fact that Latin America in the 1980s was essentially a repeat or sequel to the CIA's projects in Indochina.  
Once again it's a tale of counterinsurgency, drugs, weapons, paramilitaries and death squads. The PBS film could barely scratch the surface. They've switched continents and languages but the war is the same and many of the same players reappear. This time the Cubans play a significant role. The expatriate community is often thought of in terms of their Anti-Castro posture and their involvement in the Bay of Pigs. That's just an early chapter of a larger story. The Cubans in South Florida have played a tremendous role in the American Empire project and in particular as assets of the CIA.
Familiar names like William Casey and Noriega appear but in 1988 they're connected. After Bush 'flipped' on Noriega and invaded Panama the following year, the story was changed and when Noriega died in the spring of 2017, these old connections were all but forgotten.
Some of the players hint of the same deeds going on in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Indeed when the Indochina theatre all but collapsed in the mid-1970s new options were explored. Latin America and Afghanistan became new hubs of the drug-funded wars. Latin America was about cocaine and crack and yet the opium trade was now funneled from Afghanistan through NATO ally Turkey and into Europe. The French Connection became the Turkish connection.
The larger story of the banks and money laundering is not touched on and yet it's a story that lives on today. Every once in awhile a bank is caught laundering drug money and makes it into the news. The story generates some buzz and then fades away. The magnitude of this phenomenon is not even remotely grasped. Various interviewees hint at the monetary discrepancies and budgetary shortfalls and suggest these vast gaps are filled with illicit funds.
The CIA also plays the role of venture capitalist through In-Q-Tel. Look at the numbers. They're staggering. Is all this money part of the official budget? Are they receiving returns on these investments? How is that money accounted for? What's happening with the money? Is In-Q-Tel the only firm they operate? The money trail is complex beyond comprehension. Truly the CIA is wed to Wall Street and both rely heavily upon drug money. The money is laundered and when the banks are caught they receive but a slap on the wrist. The Drug racket (and its multi-billion dollar phony war apparatus) is too big to fail.
It's not an anomaly. It's systemic. It's at the very heart of the US Empire and has been for decades. The Drug War is a farce. In addition to being a charade for the public it is in itself a huge bureaucracy, job creator and a means of further profit for the hosts of contractors and manufacturers of military equipment. It's all a big scam and yet it's so big that apparently many don't see it. Those that do, either keep their heads down and take a nice paycheck, or they get out and end up bitter and isolated. Or they talk... and put their lives at risk.
By the end of the video the viewer is overwhelmed as connections are made to Israeli intelligence agents and weapons being smuggled out of the Eastern Bloc.
The story is actually very basic. It's about money and power and what men will do to get it. As Christians we believe human nature is corrupted by sin and our world is the province of dark angelic activity, the machinations of demons and the dominion of Satan. This does not mean that God is not in control but how many Christians fail to grasp this and not only turn a blind eye but instead join the world in this mad and evil quest. Convincing themselves they are building the kingdom they join with thieves and murderers and seek to conquer the world.
Or they join with the masses and stupidly sit in front of the television digesting sports and endless episodes of worthless television. There are movies they could watch that would challenge them to think but they decry these as liberal and subversive. The public library is filled with books that would open new worlds to them and open their eyes to the evil of this world but they're really not interested, especially if it might drive them to challenge the system they live in and prosper under. The implications of such knowledge are too terrible to consider and so they don't. Those that discover a hint of the corruption and evil comfort themselves with sweet lies, doing all they can to believe that it's just a few bad apples and that the bulk of the people who have status in the system are in fact good hard working folks.
Ward Churchill faced death threats when he said the people who died in the World Trade Centers were 'little Eichmann's'. In other words though they killed no one personally they were part of the death machine and thus culpable in the sins of the American Empire. It generated outrage and admittedly was probably a less than prudent statement, especially given the climate in the days following the attacks.
But he was right. I thought of his statement a few months ago when I was walking around Lower Manhattan and taking in the power resident among those skyscrapers. For a moment I wondered, where is the capital of the US Empire? Yes, it's in Washington but in many ways Manhattan wields just as much power. It is just as much at the centre of the Empire and the projection of its power. Gazing up at the new Trade Center, I thought about the power of the banks, what they do, what they're involved in and the role US business plays in the way the Empire governs the world.
All the figures in the Frontline documentary would not be where they were if it were not for the influences and interests flowing from the island metropolis at the mouth of the Hudson. This does not excuse what the hijackers did in 2001. Don't misunderstand me.
But there's a reason why that target was selected and it wasn't just symbolic. While I cannot condone their ideology, methods or deeds I will agree with them on one thing... the system represented so powerfully in the skyscrapers of New York is an evil one and has blanketed the earth in darkness and death. It feeds on the life-force of others... they die so the US populace can live and flourish and revel in its decadence.
And yet what is perhaps most offensive is that those who feed parasitically and Matrix-like on the flesh of others proclaim themselves and their system to be moral and upright, godly and righteous. Few of them will face the reality and acknowledge the monsters their system creates in order to make it function. Others know that the monsters must exist and are necessary. They justify these men and their deeds. They give them medals and I know of one Christian couple who literally offer God daily thanks that our country has such men... men who haunt the shadows and do dark deeds so that they can drive their SUV's and remodel their kitchens in splendour.
God help them. They have their reward.
For further reading:

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