22 September 2018

Trump +610: Mueller Probe Misperceptions and Whitewater Ghosts

The media campaign is relentless. And yet who can deny, Trump has compromised himself at various points. He's corrupt and in clear violation of numerous laws and precedents. In terms of policy, his opponents make noise but then largely capitulate. There are dozens of issues that could be pursued but instead the focus is almost exclusively on the Anti-Russia campaign.

If one watches outlets like CBS or listens to NPR or BBC it almost becomes laughable. At times it seems like one out of every three stories is either something directly about the Anti-Russia narrative vis-à-vis Western politics, Anti-Russia stories about Syria (or some other geopolitical hot spot), or some other aspect of business, sports or anything else that can be thought of.
Putin may be deplorable and an enemy of Evangelical Christianity and yet Western media is simply put, a bad joke. This is literally as bad if not worse than it was during some of the worst periods of the Cold War. I don't get the impression that the Anti-Russian hysteria has overtaken popular television, at least not yet. I could be mistaken as I don't have regular television and have not really watched any mainstream programmes in a good twenty-plus years. And yet I remember the television shows of the 1970's and 1980's with great clarity and the Russians were frequently the villains. Revisiting some of those old shows is at times comical for this reason.
So I can't speak to popular television but in terms of the news....
The Mueller probe garners almost constant attention and is the focus of not only news bulletins but in-depth programmes. It has turned into a rather complicated narrative, filled with assorted fascinating and at times sordid characters and there are many opinions and narratives being imposed by the various experts and talking heads.
And yet we're still waiting for the smoking gun.
But there are indictments and people going to jail, someone will proclaim.
Right, but if you take a moment and look into these things you'll find that none of it has to do with the Russia-Trump collusion narrative. Mueller is digging around and finding all kinds of dirt and he's using it as leverage to try and break people, to try and shake out evidence that fits the narrative. He's going to keep going until something breaks, until something sticks. The indictments are disingenuous, pressure tactics to break down and threaten people with destruction... unless they talk.
Well they're talking and cutting deals, but guess what? There's still no smoking gun.
So far, despite the breathless news coverage, there's really been nothing remarkable, at least in terms of Trump-Putin collusion. And considering the probe has been ongoing for almost a year and a half – that is pretty remarkable. In fact that's probably the most profound and remarkable thing about the Mueller probe.
And anyone who has followed post-Cold War history will not be surprised.
There's actually a precedent for what is happening and it wasn't all that long ago. Just twenty years ago we watched Ken Starr spends months on end investigating the Clintons and the Whitewater deal in Arkansas.
Now what's perhaps most interesting is that there was dirt aplenty. The Clintons are highly corrupt and Whitewater was the tip of the iceberg. Starr is not an incompetent and in fact he's pretty well connected to the centres of power. So why did his investigation fail? And fail it did, for in the end it was a scoop from Linda Tripp about Monica Lewinsky that finally opened the door to impeachment. The Whitewater investigation went sideways and ended up leaving aside all the evidence of corruption, for the sensationalism of a presidential tryst in the Oval Office. Clinton was humiliated by the salacious account of the affair. I remember sitting in my recliner after work reading Time magazine's report and thinking 'yikes'. Even as someone who didn't like Clinton, the Starr Report seemed beyond the pale and ultimately destructive to the integrity of the office. Twenty years later and in light of the Trump era, it seems relatively tame.
The truth is the characters and events surrounding Clinton and his time in Arkansas were enough to bring down significant sections of the government. The dirt was there but it was not dirt the Establishment wanted to be revealed. Following the Clinton money trail (in sincerity) would have exposed massive corruption and criminality within the executive branch, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, banking and so much more.
Whitewater was actually an existential threat to the US system. Why was it allowed to continue? It was a gun pointed at Clinton's head, and make no mistake he had his enemies. The Establishment is not monolithic and yet it maintains a unity when it comes to certain core issues and principles.  
But beyond that core, it's all love and war, intrigue and betrayals. Clinton barely survived and was forever tarnished by it. The investigations can be used as revenge, for personal vendettas, for blackmail and for cleaning house and that's what the Mueller probe is (I contend) all about.
It's a gun pointed at the Executive and a means to keep some kind of control over the White House. Additionally the probe itself is a tool of a larger social agenda geared toward censorship and restriction as well as a new post-2011 foreign policy paradigm. It's brilliant really and it will be interesting to see how it ends.
Just remember when it comes to 'investigations' the Establishment relies on men like Starr and Mueller. They expose what's needed to serve the immediate political goals and yet at the same time they are orchestrating and facilitating the cover-up. They are protecting the system, functioning more as fixers than investigators.
In the meantime there's a lot of drama but the real drama is ignored. Manafort is certainly a corrupt character. Donald Trump learned the ropes from Roy Cohn. Do you think he's going to associate with wholesome people? He's a criminal and a deeply immoral person but for all the noise the media is making... they're pretty much giving him a pass on about 95% of his misdeeds and even many of his policies. What happened to the immigration scandal, the children being locked up? Trump 'caved' or so it was said. And yet the issue hasn't gone away, not by a long shot, and yet the news has largely dropped the coverage and congress isn't interested. That's just one of at least a dozen issues that could be pursued. The alternative media has shed some light on these issues and the democrats that are willing to comment seem to suggest that if they can just get control of congress, they'll pursue these issues in earnest.
But will they? It's hard not to be cynical about their motives. It seems like it's all politics in the end. While I have no regard for Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh, it's hard to deny this attempt to revive the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill episode is little more than a political stunt.
We know that Manafort was working for Victor Yanukovich, the president ousted by the US backed coup in 2014. Yanukovich is usually portrayed as the pro-Russian politician, Putin's proxy and yet the evidence suggests that Manafort was actually helping to steer Yanukovich and Ukraine toward the West. What does this reveal? It tells us that many of the figures, many of the allies and satraps of the greater powers are not always loyal and are often trying to triangulate and keep their options open. US satellites do it and yet if they get too far out of line, Washington will turn against them.
Remember everyone is scheming against everyone. No one trusts anybody and well they shouldn't. It's literally dog-eat-dog but in terms of the American spectacle, Mueller is a corrupt joke as are his Establishment media allies. Those that defend Trump, such as the various harlots also known as the Evangelical leadership... they too are a disgrace.
It seems difficult for some to grasp but the reality is this....
Putin is evil and anti-Christian and yet he's no more evil than the US presidents that oppose him. Some chafe at such moral equivalence but I am happy to engage them on that point. They either don't know their own history or have chosen to ignore it. Putin is if anything logical and his policy is largely an expression not of aggression but of measured and yet increasingly escalatory response.
Trump is evil and also anti-Christian. Like Putin he's corrupt and criminal and he literally has closets full of skeletons. And yet Trump's 2016 victory has not been explained by our media. The truth of it terrifies the Establishment and this is why they are desperate to re-shape the narrative. As a Christian I find him deplorable and yet what's most shocking to me, are not so much his policies but the obscene, unpolished and undignified manner in which he conducts himself. Will he harm the US dominated global order? Yes and no and yet also as a Christian I am not terribly saddened by the possibility.
But to me the greatest villains are the people that are supposed to be the truth tellers. The media and America's Evangelical leaders in many ways bear the greatest amount of guilt in this travesty, in this absurd spectacle.
And it's not over.

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