13 September 2020

Real Christians Won't Listen to John MacArthur

One is little surprised that Richard Land's rag 'The Christian Post' picked up this story. Land has long been one of the chief voices of Evangelical evil – a hater of Christ and a supporter of sin. Land hates Jesus Christ and has given himself over to deceiving the people of God, strengthening the hand of the evildoer and seducing the flock to do the same. Sadly, John MacArthur has fallen into this same trap.
Real Christians will vote for Donald Trump – so says John MacArthur. The issues of abortion and the larger spectrum of sodomite issues are enough that Christians have no choice – they'll vote for the Trump ticket.
Such declarations demonstrate MacArthur's continued slide into compromise. His worldliness and mammon worship continue to pull him into convoluted and corrupted thinking.

He is unable to see that both political parties are evil. Both parties are morally corrupt. Both parties support the Beast system that is the United States Empire. Does the DNC support feminism? So does the RNC, albeit in a different and tangential form. MacArthur seems to have lost his discernment on this point even as jumps at every opportunity to appear on the FOX channel – a very hive of deception, corruption and yes, feminism.
While the RNC eschews overt support for sodomy it stands for many other evils including the veneration of guns, militarism, mammon, usury, and the crushing and exploitation of others under the guise of libertarian ethics – and it is this decadence that (Biblically speaking) leads to the feminism and sodomy that reigns in this culture. As I've repeatedly urged people to do, read Ezekiel 16 and understand that wealth and self-obsession set the stage for the decadence that ultimately leads to sodomy. Evangelical and Confessional leaders have completely missed this and give themselves over to labours that are ultimately self-destructive for both the society they idolise and the Church they purport to serve. You cannot serve God and mammon.
And yes, the underlying assumptions that govern the Republican Party on certain issues such as immigration and the judiciary are in fact racist. All empires (political, financial or both) are built on that premise. And on a profound level the RNC has given itself over to lies – a dangerous and often heretical myth-narrative regarding what the United States is and what it stands for. This in particular is why the RNC is in many respects a greater danger to the Church than is the DNC. No serious Christian is fooled into thinking the DNC is Christian but millions think the RNC is effectively the Christian Party – and that's not just heretical it's absolutely dangerous and even deadly.
Again, both parties are evil. The DNC is neither socialist let alone communist but it does make many morally evil stands. Far from being socialist it is in fact a party of Wall Street and empire. More than ever over the past decade it has thrown in with the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies – as in many respects the RNC's shift to the far right has imperiled the standing of these institutions and alarmed their leadership. In terms of economics and empire both parties continue to shift toward the Right.
Contrary to MacArthur, real Christians will follow the dictates of the New Testament and avoid entangling themselves in the affairs of this life. They will avoid being unequally yoked with unbelievers in a political alliance. They will obey Christ and live out the statement that His Kingdom is not of this world. They will avoid allying with evil and attempting to use the sword of the Beast to fight our battles.
Those that do so will die by the sword just as if they personally were using it. Proxy use is no justification and it provides no ethical loophole.
Paul contrasts the Church and its ethics with those of the state and its purposes in passages such as 1 Corinthians 5-6 and Romans 12-13. The Evangelical and Confessional wings of Protestantism will not have it. They have categorically rejected the apostolic teaching on this point. Money and power call them, woo them, seduce them and ultimately slay them.
The multi-millionaire John MacArthur is deeply invested in this world and in particular the American system – and he is trapped by it. It owns him and he is sold out to it. It governs his corrupt and criminal ecclesiology. It even governs his thought so that he has become convinced that a corrupt system ostensibly constructed around the concepts of Classical Liberalism has a hold over us. Guided by such compromised thinking, we are compelled to vote and even worse we're trapped by the corrupt and frankly stupid binary system that has developed – a deep flaw in the constitutional architecture. Though not intended by the Founders, with hindsight we can see that under such a defective structure it was bound to develop. And yet, according to the likes of MacArthur we are to bow to this system and embrace and endorse one of the evil binary choices that are presented to us. What folly. Rape or murder, vomit or diarrhea – you must choose! No, I will not and I resent those who attempt in Christian terms to force such a choice upon me. And by the way I do not view my examples as exaggerations. Crude yes, but accurate enough.
As a mammon servant, MacArthur cannot not be involved. He has entangled himself, and due to his investment and now troubles with his political opponents, he is ensnared and as such he is quickly losing his discernment – leading to this recent statement, one certainly worthy of a blind guide.
Trumpism continues to be theologised and in that capacity is a grave heresy. The words and actions of MacArthur only facilitate this. Is he a contemporary stalwart? On the contrary in his twilight years we are seeing the rotten harvest of a field planted with weeds, a race run by cheating. It's time to quit listening to John MacArthur. He has nothing to say to those who are guided by the authority of the New Testament.
Real Christians will refuse to be taken in and they will maintain their prophetic integrity by refusing to ally with or endorse the system and all its violence and evil. As with all world systems the American empire is structured around the sword and the coin – the two things we are to eschew. We pay our taxes and understand that the state (even a bad and corrupt state such as Neronic Rome) is better than no state. Those who deny this have succumbed to the heresy of libertarianism and its Bible-rejecting anthropology. The will be wars and rumours of wars. The state will use the sword. We don't endorse this but we understand that it's a system run by lost people for lost people under the aegis of god of this world. It's the hallmark of this present evil age.
Generally speaking if we lead the quiet lives we're exhorted to pursue, the state will not bother us. We neither want its endorsement or its censure. We want to be left alone. But that's not good enough for the Magisterial Protestant tradition. It seeks to appropriate the state and in every case is corrupted by it. MacArthur is but the latest iteration of this long and unfortunate tradition.
Real Christians will not be taken in. They will not support either of the parties. They will maintain a position of discernment and integrity and they will remain absolutely devoted to the Zionic Kingdom of Christ.
To John MacArthur we simply say – repent. Repent that you have been brought to the point that you're telling your flock to support a person such as Donald Trump – a living, breathing display of reprobation. His every impulse and proclivity is rooted in sin and its glorification. Hubris is all he knows and it's all he is. Lacking conscience he has fallen under the judgment of Romans 1 and his impulses are in many cases less than fully human or rather unworthy of that name. He is a satanic figure that is given over to lies, deception and every sort of evil. But Christians like John MacArthur have lost their discernment. And as a false shepherd he is one of the many that have misled their flocks and blinded them to the truth.
Biden and Harris represent another kind of evil but in terms of the Christian Church – the evil of Trump and the ethos of Trumpism are the far greater threat. It's one thing to sit back and watch the system break and laugh at the absurdity of it all. But it's another to swim in the filth of Trumpism, to drink deep of its poison and to become its servant. And for MacArthur to suggest that voting for Trump is a mark of orthodoxy – a sine qua non of the Gospel demonstrates that it is MacArthur who has become confused about what a real Christian is. Just because I refuse to vote for Trump (or vote at all) it does not follow that I am therefore a supporter of Biden or that my Christian profession should come into question.
Real Christians won't listen to John MacArthur nor support him.

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