26 June 2021

Condemned by Her Own Words


Lauded by the broader American Christian community, Kayleigh McEnany continually demonstrates that she is both a serial liar and a person in the severest grip of self-deception. She continues to stand by Donald Trump, a person that essentially wears his reprobation on his sleeve and McEnany seems to equate her Trumpian fidelity with Christian virtues and ethics – demonstrating only just how lost she is.

Even worse, she ties her claims of her being absolutely truthful to the fact that she is a 'woman of faith' and in doing so she condemns herself. In reality she is calling down a curse on herself along the lines of Ananias and Sapphira. She is lying to God even while claiming her actions are done in faithfulness and to His honour.

She perpetuated Trump's lies (and not just misinformation but disinformation) about everything from the virus to his private conduct. She covered for him because despite her claims McEnany knows nothing of Christian ethics. She lives by the world's ethos of the end justifies the means. She thinks she can do evil that good may come.

In fact her own record regarding Trump condemns her. She once condemned him until he became her meal ticket to influence and money – something she now has in abundance. For mammon is her true god.

A patently immoral woman, her elevation and esteem by the Christian community is but another case of judgment upon it. God is clearly handing over mainstream Christian circles to the same reprobate mind. They have sold themselves out to do evil and so their ability to discern between what is good and evil, what is God's will and what isn't – that ability is progressively being taken away. This isn't new nor did it originate with the likes of Trump, McEnany or even the appearance and popularity of the FOX channel. These are but signs and symptoms of forces that have been at work within American Christianity for decades. It is the same spirit of deception sent as judgment upon the likes of Saul and Ahab – False Church/Antichrist figures and close cousins to American Christianity.

As I've stated before, all presidents and politicians lie. But they lie in different ways. Sometimes it's through omission and obfuscation. They deflect, pivot, spin, distract or more often than not frame issues in a dishonest way. Sometimes they out and out lie and deliberately spread disinformation. But Trump was unique. He is a serial bald-faced liar of the highest order. He lies with abandon. There is literally no truth in him. He lives by the lie. It defines his very character. While I don't believe any American presidents have been Christians, Trump is one figure that you can say is not and you can say this without qualification, doubt, or apology.

That Christians have hitched their wagons to this man and many reckon him among the brethren, is simply judgment and that the likes McEnany have whored themselves out to his name and cause only demonstrates what they are – and it's not Christian.

Does McEnany really believe her own claims? Does she really think she's a truth-teller and that her life, character, career and the like reflect Christian values? It might be. In which case she can be simply labeled as a deceived deceiver and she is to be pitied because she's one of the people we read about in Matthew 7.

The Guardian article is also replete with errors and false information. It is not my intention to give such outlets a pass. All news must be read and studied carefully. But the difference is this. The Guardian is patently un-Christian and materialist in its worldview and ethics. It has its set of values it promotes and thus its reporting is also of limited value. I find some interesting stories there but I don't 'sign on' to the vision or values of any news outlet. I can't say the same with FOX which is simply a vehicle for deception and manipulation. Additionally FOX has hitched its wagon to the Christian Right in many instances and thus I evaluate it on a different level. The Guardian has nothing to do with Christianity. It stands condemned but not in the same way FOX does. FOX's lies and those of its entertainer-propagandists are (from a Christian perspective) far more deceitful and dangerous.

The enemy has set up shop in the midst of the Christian community and he is having his way with them – and because he tickles their ears and feeds their appetites, they love to have it so.

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